maldoror wrote:
ahayes wrote:
Star, are those Kaballistic ornaments you have hanging on your wall?
Well, some of them are. I have a couple of Hamshas that is the hand, the handpalm, which is thought to be the hand of Fatima and its significant both to Muslims and to Jews. It is called Hamsha (or five = as of five fingers that make the handpalm).
The others are plates from Turkey displaying Arabic Calligraphy and the very common geometric forms that are used in Islamic art. The mirror is from Marocco, and I have a few of the 'blue eyes' (a traditional amulet in countries of middle east and Greece, Turkey and other against the evil eye) from Greece and Egypt.
My Hallway is the middle east part of my house. The kitchen is in western European/Scandinavian style, very light colored and simple and functional in design together with the dinning area.
The living room is very far east, India, Japan. Japan are also the courtains that remind one of the rice paper walls of Japanese houses. I have always loved to travel and have made my house a representation of the different parts and styles of the world. To unite and to combine all the parts and styles, and to 'move' the guest from area to area in a subtle way, I used the color red.
That is my home
Autism is a reality that seems to the neurotypicals like a bad dream, while it is their reality that is the true nightmare...