BazzaMcKenzie wrote:
G'day beer (Hannes) and welcome to WP.
So you would
not be a Roinek? I didn't think there were any whitemen left in Suid Afrika (them all moving to Perth, Sydney & Melbourne)
My uncle lived in Durban and married a Rhodesian (her brother is still on a farm there).
My story sounds much like yours (but I would guess my motor skills are better and I didn't get speech therapy that I needed).
Do you have any kids?
My 2 boys play Rugby Union (both No.8 - big kids). We are not a rugby State (Aussie Rules is the main game) but their school is a rugby school. Quite a few Sth African kids and teachers/coaches at the school.
No, I am not a rooinek, my home lanuage is Afrikaans. Although there has been (and still is) quite an exodus to Australia, there are still quite a few of us left here.
I do not have any kids f my own, but have four stepchildren, and quite a few stepgrandchildren.
I played some rugby during my highschool years, but had to stop after a back injury.
Once again, I am so glad to have joined this site. It makes one feel so much better talking to people who understand you!