Right now I'm eating a bowl of sweet corn (it was the only thing we had that sounded even remotely tasty) before going to bed. As I sleep, I'll be listening for the phone, as I expect at least two phone calls today, one about a house we're negotiating price on, one from the folks at the place I picked as most likely to be helpful about getting tested for AS for me and my son. Then when I wake up fully, I'll call my OB to find out what time my appointment is on Tuesday, then pack up a couple of sample vials of perfume that I sold and take them to the post office on my way to do grocery shopping with my husband and son.
Then I'll likely come home, waste a few hours while my husband uses the computer, and jump back on here again. Then again, it's a Monday, so who knows? (My husband has Tuesdays and Wednesdays off, so Monday is like Friday to him.)