Laspie wrote:
My roommate has 3 small dog's and they're 'senior dog's" and I also have a German Shepherd at work (guard dog) whose 7 and a handful to say the least.
I'm buying a condo and would like to get am English Bulldog, however, they're rather expensive to maintain ( health issues) and I'd want to adopt a rescue and the process seems daunting. I still miss my old dog's from my married day's.
Hey, thanks for your answer
At least you are surrounded by dogs, and that's great!
And you have a job, which is even better
I like Bulldogs very much. Strange thing, my Bill, Standard Schnauzer, is very picky about other males, especially dominant ones, but he is always very friendly with Bulldog boys and happy to play with them.
What is your favorite subject for photography?
I'm personally useless with camera in my hands, but Photoshop is one of my main work tools, since v2.5