Lola8088 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
Lola8088 wrote:
Hello to Everyone!! This is great! Thank you! : )

mebbe this here WP can be a new form of BBS for you?
I'd like that. : ) I'm kinda shy, but the postings are so polite and kind. It will probably be easy. So far, so good. I'm all about the happy times. Dog knows how much time we spend in the unhappy times, and nobody needs more of that.
Is there anything a noob should know about?
there are trollish sorts here just as on just about any web forum, you will learn who they are. just so you are not unpleasantly surprised. the sub-forum called "Random" is the friendliest next to Games. Love and Dating, and Politics/Philosophy/Religion, and News are the most contentious, try them at your own risk. explore and enjoy

Excellent! I shall navigate accordingly.
I peered into love and dating already, it seemed a bit... scandalous! LOL