Hi Mona,
thanks for the answer. To make it short: web design/ illustration and photography. So to say visual arts.
The topic is more or less resolved from my point of view. It is an ongoing process, this question and the answers were part of the process. I try to explain, even if that is a bit complicated in writing:
Basically, I tried the last years to overcome my state of being (slightly) neurodiverse by trying to act like a neurotypical. That might work (I am, so to say, not in an extreme place of the spectrum). But it is not good for me and the results are more or less poor.
So I decided to turn the so-called disadvantage into an advantage by speaking more freely about it. (To be honest: If you are an artist that is easier than if you work in a factory.) Part of that process was this question here in the forum, which is no longer important. Nevertheless, your answers helped me.
Which decisions I will take, I do not know yet exactly, for the moment it is a work in progress.