Jellybean wrote:
That's good you got a diagnosis at your age. Most people don't. As a 19 year old who was diagnosed two weeks ago, I think I am particularly lucky. I am a fellow Brit and I LOOOOVE Doctor who but not as much as sugar... Hello anyway...
Hey There new person!
Congratulations on getting your diagnosis as everyones been saying, I've noticed theres lots of UK type persons with AS. I mean ALOT lol. At least if this board is any indication.
Jellybean, you may be wondering why I'm quoteing you. Well its actually because I love your Avatar. House is one of my favourite shows <3
*sigh* I know its impossible but one of my many dreams is to fall ill and be treated by Dr. House and subsequently verbally abused with his scatheing sarcasm....
Do you happen to know when season 3 comes out on DVD?