I had a lot of friends when I was younger but I didn't know who I was then and I masked heavily with them all. I've grown and changed as a person, learned who I really am and made many changes to my life. I live in a remote area and have only one friend, a good, close friend who I appreciate a lot and is also autistic. We spend a lot of time together, which is nice. Other friends who I may still have liked to have in my life have moved out of this area and I've lost contact with them. I live in quite an isolated area and plan to move from here myself within the next couple years. I don't need or want lots of friends and acquaintances but I am a social person and I would love to meet and get to know more autistic people. That will become really important when I move and find myself totally alone in a new area. But it's so hard as an autistic person. As much as I do find it very overwhelming, I do actually love getting to know new people and finding common ground with them, forming deep connections. But it just seems so difficult to find people to connect with in real life (i.e. not online). I'd like to have more "real life" friends. Friends to share interests and activities with, or just to hang out and chat. There seems to be so little resources for anything like that. Autistic Facebook groups are often full of members but nobody posts, and places like WrongPlanet are populated by anonymous people spread all over the planet.
I'm cutting myself off there because this reply is getting too long
I hope you can find some good new friends!