gwenevyn wrote:
Generally the clincher is whether or not you naturally know and carry out the social expectations in everyday human interaction. Do you know where to put your gaze? Your arms? When to interject comments at a party?
If the key word is "naturally", then I'm not so sure. I really don't know if it's something I've simply learned to do over the years. It certainly appears to come naturally to me now, but I don't think that was the case ten years ago.
Until recently, I rarely met the gaze of people I had a conversation with. Instead, I looked at their noses, close to their eyes, thinking they wouldn't notice the difference. Until an aspie I know asked me why I only look at the nose... Apparently, she picked that up easily, so I suppose that most everyone else did too. Since then, I've started looking into the eyes instead, and that feels completely natural to me now.
Never had a problem with my arms, or comments.