I am very lazy in the "fun" things, travelling, hanging out to have certain activities, sports or whatever. But occasionally I become workaholic and perform outstanding results. Yet, 99% of the time I just lack motivation to do anything. All the time I am browsing webs... swtich on TV...switch off...
I am trying to force myself to do something, something meaningful. E.g. volunteer works. But if someone ask me why I join volunteer work, i think i will can hardly explain...
Laziness is like a boring basin trapped by surrounding mountain, occasionally I get bored, I try to climb mountain, but eventually I find another boring basin... I am scared...
My NT score: 35%
You are sort of neurotypical but shows signs of autism. You probably enjoy intellectual activities more than socializing or maybe you enjoy socializing, but you aren't genius at it. You could be autistic, but may not be.