You cannot judge an avatar by its "sex"?! topic
Jeepers, I am avatar-less. I grew up in an avatar-less age. Never used the word until I joined WP on Dec 19. The profile page asked me what sort of avatar I would like and I did not know what this was. I did not ask my teens; I went to the internet. At the time I could not decide because my interests are not represented symbolically with an avatar. Perhaps part of my signature is, but I used this on line name before I knew the meaning of "avatar." I just cannot see posting a picture of Jean-Paul Sartre. I prefer Wittgenstein but I am not going to change my name yet. I joked a little while back and said I was going to change my on line name to Mary Sue; hence Hello, Mary Sue, Goodbye Sartre! (pronounced as "Sart" en francais). Sort of ironic humour. {The Mary Sue thing has to do with a literary character that is a cheesy imitation of the author and is read as "too good to be true." It is a no-no in characterization for any serious, budding author.}
I know I look at avatars. Some are quite funny, colourful, whimsical, cute, serious, realistic, sad, wild, imaginative, dull, unreal, animated, distracting. You name it. If I need to identify the gender I will check someone's profile. I have rarely seen the same symbol twice. It is safer, I suppose, for some to not use a photograph. I am a woman and comfortable with being one. At my age, I would hope so, but this is just me.
I am fairly ordinary looking. I doubt I will ever post a photo of the real me.I have never been too comfortable with having my photo taken unless I was in a sort of manic mood. which, I think, is not going to happen again.
Enough. I have yapped too much all ready.
Radiant Aspergian
Awe-Tistic Whirlwind
Phuture Phounder of the Philosophy Phactory
NOT a believer of Mystic Woo-Woo