Thanks! I know I keep saying that, but I haven't been this happy to be somewhere in particular online since I don't know when.
BTW, I wanted to mention how I came up with my nick. The night before I joined, I had this incredibly wonderful dream. It was snowing, and a curious hail rained down from the heavy cloud cover. I picked up the odd shaped hailstones and realized they looked like clear pieces from a 3-D Tetris game. They formed themselves into this beautiful sphere, in my hands, that was not cold like ice, but was instead was made of a pure quartz crystal. It was like a multi-faceted crystal ball. So, that image being fresh in my mind, I decided on Tetraquartz. (I started with Tetrisquartz, but it sounded awkward.)
Never assume you know what I'm thinking, just ask for clarification.
"Not everything that steps out of line, and thus 'abnormal', must necessarily be 'inferior'. " -- Hans Asperger (1938)