Hey I'm new!
I've had some success in the learning NT myself of course I've been working on it since I was 12. Long before I knew about AS I was trying to learn "Normal" and failing miserably. What finally did it for me was the idea that if I couldn't pull off "normal" maybe I could convince people that I was just odd instead of crazy. I dressed and spoke differently and tried to keep my statements vague and eventually they just sort of expected me to be odd. What bothers most of them is not knowing why you are different so if you give them a really obvious and fairly ordinary answer to that question they will never think to ask. I'm just better traveled and read than most of the people around here (Utah) and have picked up a few oddities in my travels. I work hard to upkeep that image and most people don't bother with me.If you can't be normal be an odd they can understand.
Somewhat mad, slightly maligned, sensibly mathematical.