[/quote]Blathering is okay. And just to get technical, John Nash came up with the Nash Equilibrium which plays a huge role in game theory, which is a great deal more to do with math than anything else. It was applied to economics to help explain human behavior, which is why he won for Economics, but he didn't come up with a Theory of Economics...But I love Game Theory and my economics professors hate Game Theory since it is so math heavy. They prefer curves and arguing over opportunity costs and internalizing externalities... That scene in A Beautiful Mind is my favorite, too. (And he's actually Schizophrenic.)[/quote]
Yes, definitely Schizophrenic, but I still think he shares a lot with asperger people. Like when he loses the chess game and gets really annoyed because he felt he'd done everything right and that there was NO WAY the other person should have won. Or the fact that his teachers at school when he was a kid felt he was all brain and no people skills. I guess schizophrenia can do that, but can't they be "co-morbid"?
I'm clueless about what's economic theory and what isn't, I guess. I like the way game theory is applied to economics to explain human behavior, though. It was a fun moment in the movie the way they used the situation of getting dates to illustrate the theory. The fact that people do what might be best for the group because it is also best for them is a neat idea. It's kind of an odd way to think about moral behavior too. We're good to other people because we need the group for survival and what benefits the group ultimately leads to the best situation for ourselves. Anyway, that's a whole different topic.
What a neat group of people we have here.