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21 Jan 2009, 9:38 am

Welcome to WP!

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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23 Jan 2009, 1:48 am


Last edited by odd on 25 Jan 2009, 10:46 am, edited 1 time in total.


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23 Jan 2009, 8:49 am

Welcome to WP!


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23 Jan 2009, 9:15 am

the_enigma wrote:
This is a model of how you should answer your questions. All questions are optional. I thought this would be a good icebreaker for everyone.

This is a model of how you should answer your questions. All questions are optional. I thought this would be a good icebreaker for everyone.

What is your first name?

the same name i still have and it is "mark"




sydney australia

Hobbies and Interests:

mathematical doodlings and patterns, and musical and animated contrivances i calculate to be pertinent to them

Why are you here?

because i can never be anywhere else. everyone refers to their location as "here"

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):


Favorite subjects:

mathematics, physics

12 (i had insufficient communication ability to progress beyond that level much because i could not learn from other peoples descriptions)

Favorite music:
frank zappa. some of his stuff is tongue in cheek but a lot of it is mozartesque in it's polyrhythmic entity.


TV shows/Movies:

TV= house. columbo. the adventures of sherlock holmes (jeremy brett as sherlock)
brittas empire....can not think of many.
MOVIES: who's afraid of virginia woolfe. wolf creek.

scalpel or piano.

Do you like sports?


cotton shorts (it is hot) and a tee shirt.

How did you find this website?
i have it bookmarked so it is easy.

computer programmer/system designer.

Plans for the future?
none. i can not make plans for the future because the future is just like today. i have no plans for today either.


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23 Jan 2009, 6:51 pm

What is your first name? It's a secret :wink:

Age: 33

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hobbies and Interests: Music (listening, playing, singing), Scrapbooking, Reading, Theatre

Why are you here? Mum to an Aspie and quite proud of it

Favorite subjects: Musical Theatre, Pop culture

Favorite music: This is a long list for me but a couple of highlights are Joshua Radin, Indigo Girls, The Cliks, Po' Girl, Black Crowes, Tragically Hip, Finger Eleven, Eva Cassidy, Sarah Slean, Sarah Harmer, Bon Jovi, Led Zepplin, Shawn Mullins, Kris Kristofferson, U2, Blue Rodeo

Books: I will read just about anything I can get my hands on whether it's Fiction on Non-Fiction. I just read all of Stephanie Meyer's books in 10 days. I'm addicted. :wink:

TV shows/Movies: TV ~ The Big Bang Theory, Extreme Home Makeover, House, CSI, Lockdown. Movies ~ Resevoir Dogs, Girl Interrupted, Walk The Line, LOTR, Anything with Adam Sandler

Instrument: Piano

Do you like sports? I like watching, not playing.

Family: 2 kids, 2 cats, 2 rabbits

Clothing: I live in jeans and t-shirts

How did you find this website? I've been here a few years and I don't remember how I stumbled upon it

Job: Domestic Goddess (ha), homeschool my son, and I mentor other families who have a child on the spectrum to help them become proactive and accepting. I feel incredibly sad when I read stories of people on here who don't have the love/support/understanding from their family. It's my mission to change that in my little corner of the world.

Plans for the future? I'm a live in the moment kind of girl. That's where my focus is at the moment


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23 Jan 2009, 6:52 pm

Welcome to WP!

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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24 Jan 2009, 12:44 am

What is your first name?

Age: 18

Location: Live in CT, go to school (and dorm) at Fordham in the Bronx

Hobbies and Interests: Watching/following the Yankees, Watching TV, playing video games (mostily baseball games)

Why are you here? Why not? :D

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Self-Diagnosed

Favorite subjects: Math, Economics

Year/Grade: Freshman in college

Favorite music: Mostily rap and hip-hop like t-pain and lil wayne but I like pretty much everything

Books: not a big reader

TV shows/Movies: Seinfeld, Family Guy, The Office

Instrument: Trombone

Do you like sports? Yeah. I'm a huge Yankee fan. I also like the Jets, Cowboys, Knicks, and Nascar

Family: I'm an only child. I'm currently living at college.

Clothing: IDK... nothing unusual... lol

How did you find this website? I just kinda stumbled upon it.

Job: full-yime student

Plans for the future? Probobly something is economics

Any comments? Haha. Of course not. I wouldn't be here if I had any. :wink:


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24 Jan 2009, 1:10 am

Welcome to WP!

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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24 Jan 2009, 12:24 pm

Nice to meet you...

What is your first name? Jenna

Age: 26

Location: Virgina Beach, VA

Hobbies and Interests: skating, skiing, computers, penpals, movies, music, writing, drawing

Why are you here? Meet and converse with those similar to me... hang out with "my crowd" if you would...

When were you diagnosed? I was misdiagnosed twice when I was younger. I researched it myself and found I meet all criteria for NLD.

Favorite subjects: I excel at technical subjects (computers, cars, engineering, etc), but enjoy soft sciences and arts more (psychology, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, fashion, art, music)

Favorite music: Popular music, and R&B. When I get bored of local music, I also enjoy downloading international pop, and irish & nordic folk music.

TV shows/Movies: the Office, How I Met Your Mom, Smart People, Jackie Chan's Drunken Master 2

Instrument: used to play concert piano, years ago

Do you like sports? I like knetic activities (running, swiming, skating, etc), but I find team sports too difficult

Family: mother, father, and sister (10 years older)

Clothing: skirt & blouse

How did you find this website? wikipedia

Job: network technician

Plans for the future? network admin =)

Any comments? If any of you are interested in a penpal or a friend to talk to, please feel free to message me. I love meeting new people =)


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24 Jan 2009, 2:18 pm

Welcome to WP!

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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25 Jan 2009, 11:17 am

Howdy, y'all!

What is your first name? Jennifer

Age: 36

Location: Houston suburbs

Hobbies and Interests: classic automobile restoration, music, German language

Why are you here? To learn more about AS and join a community of other parents of children with AS.

When were you diagnosed? My fourteen year old son was diagnosed about two weeks ago with AS.

Favorite subjects: Texas history, my 1962 AMC Rambler, reading, and now, AS

Favorite music: Almost every genre, but most of the time I listen to either Country/Western or Classic Rock.

TV shows/Movies: Two and a Half Men, CSI

Instrument: Guitar

Do you like sports? No, not my thing.

Family: Husband, 14 year old son with AS, 3 year old daughter without AS, three dogs

Clothing: Tank top, cut-offs, and flip flops.

How did you find this website? AS literature.

Job: Registered Nurse

Plans for the future? Raise my kids and help them be the happiest they can.

Any comments? Not yet. :)

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.


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25 Jan 2009, 11:18 am

Welcome to WP from a native Houstonian!

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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25 Jan 2009, 11:26 am

Thank you, Tim Tex! Happy to be here!

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.


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26 Jan 2009, 8:50 pm

What is your first name? Austin

Age: 14

Location: Houston Texas/Tejas/etc for whatever language you speak. xP

Hobbies and Interests: Advanced Star Wars, Sims 2, X-Box 360, Computers, etc...

Why are you here? Mother introduced me to these forums.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Roughly two weeks ago

Favorite subjects: Depends. School? I love science.

Year/Grade: 8th Grade

Favorite music: Oldies Rock

Books: Maximum Ride Series, any great Star Wars book, epic novels, etc

TV shows/Movies: Star Wars, National Geographic channel

Instrument: Trombone

Do you like sports? No. Zilch, zip, zippo desire for competitive sports. I'm somewhat surprised though that I'm pretty lean.

Family: Jennifer T. S. (Mother ; Her username is RamblerGirl)
Kent R. T (Father ; Has no username on this site.)
Olivia S. (Sister ; Don't ask)

Clothing: Varies depending on season. I always wear jeans in school though because someone hinted that it would slightly help me by not having a high visibility rate.

How did you find this website? Mother introduced me to it.

Job: Lol. Child labor is outlawed in North America.... Or is it?

Plans for the future? Airforce Pilot/ Biology Scientist/ Author

Any comments? Bonjour fellow comrades! xP

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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27 Jan 2009, 3:22 pm

What is your first name? Renny (short for Irena (Ih-Ren-A)

Age: 17

Location: London

Hobbies and Interests: Piano, listening to music, Physics and Maths, Reading, Cinema, Photography, Medicine.

Why are you here? I thought it would be interesting to meet similar people to me, as I myself know no fellow Aspies. :)

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I'm not sure, because my parents did not tell me for a long time after I was diagnosed (fairly irritating).

Favorite subjects: Physics, Maths, Chemistry, French, English.

Year/Grade: 7th form.

Favorite music: Romantic, Powerpop, Emo, Screamo. :)

Books: Northern Lights trilogy, Poison, Harry Potter, Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac.. There are millions really :)

TV shows/Movies: Paris Je T'aime, Grizzlyman, The Breakfast Club, Ratatouille, The Notebook, Say Anything, The Pianist... It really goes on in much the same manner...

Instrument: Piano

Do you like sports? I am incapable of playing them without seriously injuring myself.

Family: I'm unsure what this question is asking.

Clothing: I like my skinny jeans.

How did you find this website? Wikipedia

Job: Student

Plans for the future? Degree from Imperial hopefully!

Any comments? None


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27 Jan 2009, 9:45 pm

first name? - chris

Age: - 26

Location: - leeds, uk

Hobbies and Interests: - writing music, travel

Why are you here? - why not?

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): - approx 8 years old (aspie)

Favorite subjects: - music/history/transport/

Year/Grade: - ??

Favorite music: - alternative / metal / dance etc

Books: - jeremy clarkson (:oops: )

TV shows/Movies: - what is this 'TV' they speak of?

Instrument: - guitar

Do you like sports? - indeed

Family: - ?? i have one

Clothing: - the first thing that falls out of the wardrobe

How did you find this website? - through reading articles on AS etc

Job: - providing the hungry with hot fresh pizza

Plans for the future? - a plan has not been devised yet

Any comments? - i like roads :oops: