Questions about you
What is your first name? Landon
Age: 28
Location: Houston, Tx
Hobbies and interests: Collecting movies and CDs; photography; digital art; researching conspiracy theory, paranormal phenomona, esoteric philosophy, alternative history, 2012, quantum physics, astro-theology, etc.
Favorite subjects: See above.
Why are you here? To meet others in the AS spectrum.
Year/grade: 1999 Alumni. I'm wondering if I should attend my 10 year reunion. :/
When were you diagnosed? I have no official diagnosis, but it's been pointed out to me several times by peers and parents with kids who have AS, and I've researched it quite a bit. So, yeah.
Favorite music: progressive rock/metal, doom/stoner, trip-hop, electronica, classical piano, jazz, singer-songwriter, etc. What I don't like is rap, country, standards, and just about anything you hear on the radio with few exceptions.
-Atlantis: Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation -Michael Tsarion
-2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl -Daniel Pinchbeck
-I Am Me, I Am Free -David Icke
-Infinite Love Is The Only Truth, Everything Else Is Illusion -David Icke
-The Kybalion -The Three Initiates
-The Secret Doctrine -H.P. Blavatsky
-The Holographic Universe -Michael Talbot
-His Dark Materials -Philip Pullman
-everything by Clive Barker
TV shows: Doctor Who, Torchwood, Stargate (SG-1/Atlantis), The 4400, The Outer Limits, John Doe, Sanctuary, Eureka, The Dresden Files
Movies: Dark City, The Fifth Element, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Knowing, Watchmen, Hellboy I and II, American Beauty, Juno, anything by David Lynch, Darren Aronofsky, and M. Night Shyalaman.
Instrument: Primarily keyboards, but also guitar. When it comes to music I'm a jack of all trades.
Do you like sports? No.
Family: Anyone who has stuck around and been there for me, relative or friend.
Clothing: One recurring wardrobe - jeans, black shirt, jacket, Sketchers.
How did you find this website? I was searching for an AS community. Found it!
Job: I freelance, but I'm not doing so well at it.
Plans for the future? I think I'm moving to San Francisco next year.
Any comments? I'm enjoying this community.
"Occultism is the science of life; the art of living." - H.P. Blavatsky
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 15 Aug 2009
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Posts: 64
Location: Alexandria, Virginia
What is your first name? Sara
Age: 22
Location: Alexandria, Virginia
Hobbies and interests: Reading, writing, 1960s bands and music, comedy (especially sketch comedy), theatre, teaching, animals.
Favorite subjects: English and theatre... and music.
Why are you here? To meet people with AS. I feel as though you might find a great, understanding friend in me.
Year/grade: I just graduated college in May of 2009.
When were you diagnosed? I haven't been, but several of my family members and friends have told me that they think I might have AS. I know I have several symptoms (and I don't mean the stereotypical "internet loner" kind... although I'm kind of that way, too. )
Favorite music: Rock and roll, generally from the 1960s through 1980s. A few current artists that I love are Flight of the Conchords, Garfunkel & Oates and Barenaked Ladies.
Books: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland; Through The Looking Glass; Oliver Twist; The Never-ending Story; Harry Potter series and Lord of the Rings. I haven't read The Hobbit yet... I can't get used to Frodo not being there!
TV shows: Flight of the Conchords; The Office; 30 Rock; Saturday Night Live; anything involving baking fancy cakes
Movies: Disney's (ANIMATED) Alice in Wonderland; Oliver!; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Little Miss Sunshine; Edward Scissorhands
Instrument: I can play the ukulele, but I'm still very much in the learning stage. I can play anything as long as I've got the chords in front of me and they're easy chords...
Do you like sports? No.
Family: I have a mom and a dad, and an older sister who is seven years older than me (I live with her and I often wonder why )
Clothing: Jeans, funny t-shirts (at least to me), Converse All-Star shoes in different colors
How did you find this website? I searched on Google for an AS community so I could make some friends.
Job: I just got hired as a hostess at a restaurant in my area. I'm already getting so antsy-nervous about it that I'm thinking "what if I find a better job?" before I've even worked a day. Heh.
Plans for the future? I want to write funny books for children.
Any comments? I look forward to chatting with you all!
"There's not a word yet for old friends who've just met." ~ Gonzo, 'The Muppet Movie' = my vlog
Snowy Owl

Joined: 17 Aug 2009
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 129
Location: stationary village,scotland
What is your first name?
Age: 16
Location:near glasgow, scotland
Hobbies and Interests: music,writing,reading,philosphy,psychology,sociology,history,mythology,language,dancing like a tit,singing,indie and weird music,learning instruments,drawing,watching films/tv
Why are you here?
to chat with other aspies
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
about 11 with dyspraxia then about 12 with aspergers
Favorite subjects:
Year/Grade:5th year from this monday so my second last year at high school/college
Favorite music:
stuff like post punk or brit pop.
my favourite bands are Joy division,the smiths and pulp.
the picture of dorian gray,the virgin suicides,the idiot,crash,empire fo the sun,wide sargasso sea, touching from a distance, a taste of honey,the perks of being a wallflower, the bell jar, the wrong boy,curious incident of the dog in the nightime,lolita, nausea, the little friend,harold and maude,kestrel for a knave,all quiet on the western front,jane eyre,wuthering heights,through the looking glass and what alice found there,oranges are not the only fruit,never let me go,norwegian wood & tess of d' urbervilles.
TV shows:
life on mars,ashes to ashes,red riding,black books,the mighty boosh,it crowd,garth marenghi,nathan barley,dexter,true blood,six feet under,alan partridge,peep show,shooting stars,father ted,charlie brookers screen/newswipe,mock the week,have I got news for you,qi,a bit of fry and laurie,blackadder,nmtb,brass eye,the day today,south park,the simpsons.
stroszek, goodbye lenin,pans labarinyth,rushmore,sleepy hallow,marie Antoinette, lost in translation, alphaville, en femme est en femme, Clockwork Orange ,eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, one flew over the cuckoo nest ,pretty in pink, control ,heima ,ferius brulliers day off ,the breakfast club ,amelie, the royal tenenbaums, Girl Interrupted ,stranger than fiction, Edward Scissorhands ,leon, betty blue ,withnail and I, the loneliness of the long distance runner american beauty saturday night and sunday morning taste of honey picnic at hanging rock If requiem for a dream Brick, Donnie darko, 24 hour party people, wristcutters:a love story, science of sleep, kes, Les Quatre cents coups, Masculin féminin,vivre sa vie, Ben X somers town this is england la vie en rose
my voice mostly but learning keyboard and guitar.
Do you like sports?
dear god no.
a mother and father and a little brother with aspergers too.
stuff mostly I find in charity shops,vintage second hand places.I dress like a weird grannie.
How did you find this website?
heard about it
Plans for the future?
become a musician,artist or writer in some shape or form,learn as many languages as I can,go to a good uni and travel.
Any comments?
nice to (virtually) meet all of you!
What is your first name? Mike
Age: 23
Location: MD
Hobbies and Interests: Movies, psychology, astronomy, trance/electro music, mma
Why are you here? To let off steam, ask and answer questions, and maybe if i get lucky enough, find someone like me
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): self diagnosed about 6 months ago, officialy diagnosed with ADHD
Favorite subjects: Astronomy, Psychology, Oceanography
Year/Grade: Soph in college
Favorite music: Trance
Books: Harry Potter and anything by Michael Crichton
TV shows/Movies: True Blood, Lost, Theres way too many movies to list them here
Instrument: none
Do you like sports? mixed martial arts and soccer
Family: two parents (one with same symptoms as me), one NT brother
Clothing: whatever, something clean, currently fight shirts
How did you find this website? browsing
Job: server/host (i hate it though)
Plans for the future? get my degree in abnormal psychology and help others/do research
Any comments? pm me!
Age: 19
Location: Sweden
Hobbies and Interests: Astronomy, science, reading, Internet, philanthropy, my pets
Why are you here? Talk to other aspies
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 16
Favorite music:
Books: Jane Eyre, The giver, Kite runner, Sci-fi, short stories
TV shows/Movies: Lost, I like all kinds of movies.
Instrument: No
Do you like sports? No
Family: Divorced parents, younger brother
Clothing: Jeans and T-shirt.
How did you find this website? Link at a different forum
Job: Nope
Plans for the future? Get my own apartment
Any comments?
What is your first name? Mark
Age: 14
Location: Ohio
Hobbies and Interests: Music
Why are you here? I thought I'd like it
When were you diagnosed? When I was 12, I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, and when I was 13 I was diagnosed with OCD, and I have had tics for a long time, though I was never officially diagnosed it's really obvious.
Favorite subjects: MUSIC, religion, science, literature
Year/Grade: 8th
Favorite music: Death metal
Books: any kind
TV shows/Movies: King of the Hill and Monk
Instrument: Guitar
Do you like sports? eww no
Family: I don't get this question
Clothing: Shirt, pants, socks, shoes
How did you find this website? Internet
Job: Student
Plans for the future?I want to be a teacher
Any comments? No
What is your first name? Stuart
Age: 43
Location: Birmingham, England
Hobbies and Interests: writing music, canals, ethical alternatives to banking
Why are you here? As with all tricky philosophical questions, the answer's 42
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2003
Favorite music: Jethro Tull, Chumbawamba, my own music
Books: Fashionable Nonsense/Intellectual Impostures (Sokal and Bricmont); Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid (Hofstadter)
TV shows/Movies: Trading Places
Instrument: Korg music workstations
Do you like sports? No
Family: Single, no kids, no parents alive, siblings all older than me
Clothing: I hate buying clothing so usually wear old clothes
How did you find this website? Searched for "asperger musicians" on Google
Job: Eclectic mixture of music and financial consultancy
Plans for the future? to complete the musical I'm writing
Any comments? my music can be found on MySpace under alternativechoices
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 22 Aug 2009
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 41
Location: Portland Oregon
What is your first name? Catherine
Age: 13
Location: Portland, Oregon
Hobbies and Interests: i enjoy drawing people, listening to music
Why are you here? to talk to people that actually understand me
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2000
Favorite music: Pixies, Radiohead
Books: dont enjoy reading very much, I'm dyslexic, but ive learned to work around it
TV shows/Movies: Family Guy, Austin Powers, Juno
Instrument: Guitar
Do you like sports? ew no
Family: divorced parents, stepdad, one half-sister, real dad has Asperger's (undiagnosed)
Clothing: vintage fashions
How did you find this website? my mom told me about it.
Job: i go to middle school, i'm in 8th grade
Plans for the future? take calculus before i hit college (i love math, I'm taking geometry this year, 10th grade math)
Any comments? I can make a mean macaroni and cheese.
what other kind of shenanigans can i get into?
What is your first name? Jodi
Age: 24
Location: Alabama, USA
Hobbies and Interests: Drawing people, still lifes and animals.
Why are you here? I am different. I'm just hoping to find more people like me so I don't feel so alone in this strange world.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome in 2006.
Favorite subjects: Science, Art, English
Year/Grade: College Senior
Favorite music: Pop, Rock and pretty much anything that isn't country music.
Books: Lord of the Rings Trilogy
TV shows/Movies: Dexter, Venture Bros., LOTR, Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Instrument: Flute
Do you like sports? Nope.
Family: It's just me, my mom, and my brother. My dad is a bit odd and reclusive.
Clothing: Preppy, stylish
How did you find this website? I was looking for a place where people like me connect, and found this website.
Job: Professional Portrait Artist / Student
Plans for the future? College Professor, hopefully.
Any comments? This is the first time I have tried reaching out in a forum like this. There are so few Aspies, this must be the only way to find each other.
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