Unknown wrote:
What the heck are you talking about???
Dive-bombed by the reality squadron?
Well, it's like this....
Some days you wake up and the sun is shining and the birds are singing and your breakfast is just perfect and your cat thinks you are great and the neighbours say hello in a cheery way and the jogger you secretly fancy bounces past and gives you the biggest smile ever and the roads look empty and everything is just fantastic.
And then you find that someone has stolen your car.
THAT FEELING IN YOUR STOMACH is caused by the cold, sleek, grey jet planes of the Reality Squadron, who drop bombs of hard luck whenever things are going just a little too well. Luckily they are balanced out by the Love Squadron who fly flower-power biplanes. They skirmish daily above our heads to maintain an even balance of airborne karma.
This idea isn't mine, btw, it belongs to a cartoonist called Jo Burt. But I like it.
The Sociable Hermit says: