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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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08 May 2010, 1:51 pm

What is your first name? Alaina

Age: 19

Location: NY

Hobbies and Interests: I use the internet a lot. I'm learning Chinese.

Why are you here?: I thought I might find someone to talk to.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I've never gotten an official diagnosis. I was once diagnosed with OCD, which was incorrect.

Favorite subjects: Law and Government classes.

Year/Grade: Freshman, college

Favorite music: electronic


TV shows/Movies:


Do you like sports?: no

Family: yes

Clothing: I like to wear sweaters and prefer long skirts to pants.

How did you find this website?: Google.


Plans for the future?: I don't think I have a plan because there is nothing guaranteed and I'm not sure I'm even on the path to do what I think I would like to do.

Any comments?

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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09 May 2010, 2:08 am

What is your first name? Colleen

Age: 48

Location: Currently Hudson Valley, NY

Hobbies and Interests: ghost hunting, hiking, kayaking

Why are you here? I have a significant other I suspect may have AS undiagnosed

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):

Favorite subjects: Science


Favorite music: alternative rock

Books: many...usually textbook type

TV shows/Movies: ghost hunters, lost, greys anatomy (but currently do not have cable)

Instrument: none

Do you like sports? watching

Family: three girls/2 granddaughters

Clothing: jeans & nice blouse

How did you find this website? researching ASD

Job: RN

Plans for the future? I live in the NOW...Ekhart Tolle

Any comments? I am here for assistance in helping my loved one. I appreciate any input. Nothing is too small. Feel free to say anything.

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09 May 2010, 9:53 am

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

Life! Liberty!...and Perseveration!!.....
Weiner's Law of Libraries: There are no answers, only cross references.....
My Blog:


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16 May 2010, 3:29 pm

Welcome to WrongPlanet. :)

The Family Enigma


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17 May 2010, 7:11 pm

I can't remember if I already filled this out :lol:

What is your first name? Regina

Age: 42, about to turn 43 on 31 May.

Location: Maryland, USA

Hobbies and Interests: sustainable farming, smallholding, Catholicism, monasticism, hermits, good food.

Why are you here? Ran into aspies on ADD forums and hermits' forums, seemed to have a lot in common. Not sure I actually have an ASD, or if I just relate to you all so well because I have a very high IQ and because I'm anything but typical.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Not diagnosed with an ASD, not even sure I have one. Diagnosed ADD ~age 30, more or less ignored it, re-diagnosed last year and can't ignore it any more. Also major depression since age 9, PMDD, and something else unspecified. Some kind of personality disorder, maybe schizoid? Or just anxiety? Dunno.

Favorite subjects: Languages. Religion, especially early Christianity, especially the unorthodox variants, especially dualist/Manichaean-type strands. Ancient and medieval history. Food.

Year/Grade: Finished all the coursework for a MA, then had a midlife crisis and dropped it without doing the thesis.

Favorite music: Argentine rock. "World music" (the kind of stuff Putumayo records puts out). Singer-songwriter type stuff and great female vocalists to sing along with at the top of my lungs in the car: Bonnie Raitt, Joan Armatrading, Emmylou Harris, you know the type.

Books: theology, ancient & medieval church history, ancient stuff that didn't make it into the Bible. Everything by Wendell Berry. Umberto Eco. The Roman breviary & the Bible.

TV shows/Movies: No TV. Fave movies: the Fifth Element; Benny & Joon; Chocolat; The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai; Strictly Ballroom. I like offbeat :)

Instrument: Voice, I sing. Played flute in grade school.

Do you like sports? I like soccer/football. I used to volunteer with D.C. United their first 2 or 3 seasons. No other sport has ever really grabbed me. I like pool (billiards), which a lot of players tend to call a sport, but I think that's silly -- to me it's a "game", not a "sport". But anyway, I like it.

Family: Both parents on 2nd marriages for decades now. They're all great friends now. Lots of siblings, step-siblings, siblings-in-law, nieces & nephews, cousins. Family is big in my family, and we all love each other lots. I was married once, for 8 months and 1 week, but that was many years ago. No kids.

Clothing: I have 6 black v-neck t-shirts and 3 pairs of men's black cargo pants, 1 pair of men's black cargo shorts. :) comfy, good pockets. I can't stand to carry a purse. I kind of enjoy playing dress-up on rare special occasions, though, and I DO know how to walk in high heels.

How did you find this website? I can't remember...........

Job: Chef for a monastery, part-time.

Plans for the future? I'll rather say hopes for the future: a quiet, peaceful, secluded little house (little except for the kitchen, which should be huge), not too many hours from at least some members of my family. Getting more comfortable with and knowledgeable about my own neuro-atypicality.

Any comments? Nice thread (it's still going after 6 years! wow!). Thanks, Ashley.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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17 May 2010, 7:28 pm

Welcome to the Wrong Planet Regina (Ashley).

I am new here too, I'll just say that I was relieved to find people who behave like they ought to. I have suffered bouts of depression my entire life, you might enjoy reading the "You might be an Aspie if" thread. It is the spoon full of sugar that I needed.


Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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18 May 2010, 9:34 pm

What is your first name?

Prefer to keep it to myself

Age: 21

Location: Midwest

Hobbies and Interests: language (emphasis on spanish and phonetics), Lord of the Rings, Lost

Why are you here? Being evaluated for AS soon so looking for people like me

Favorite subjects: spanish, phonetics, speech pathology, Lord of the rings, educational systems and processes

Year/Grade: college senior

Favorite music: coldplay

Books: lord of the rings

TV shows/Movies: lost

Family: divorced parents, live with mom and 2 of my 3 siblings, the oldest lives alone, all Nt

Clothing: sweatshirts and jeans

How did you find this website? searched for "aspie forum"

Job: none, communication disorders student

Plans for the future?

go to grad school in speech pathology or occupational therapy working with kids with developmental disorders (autism, intellectual disability, etc)


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18 May 2010, 11:39 pm

Welcome to WrongPlanet. :)

The Family Enigma

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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19 May 2010, 4:36 am

What is your first name? Ray

Age: 28

Location: Cleveland

Hobbies and Interests: Painting, drawing, robotics / electronics, creating music via synths & computer, guitar, science in general, kinetic wind sculptures, arborsculpture, creating computer game mods (primarily zdoom port for Doom2 now), making wine.

Why are you here? To meet like-minded people.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): (Un)officially this month. My therapist says I have it so I guess it´s official.

Favorite subjects: See interests.

Year/Grade: EET junior until I became depressed and dropped out.

Favorite music: Metal. I also like industrial and ambient

Books: The Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan

TV shows/Movies: Cosmos

Instrument: Guitar

Do you like sports? No!

Family: I´m the black sheep. Parents divorced long ago. I have a brother and sister, both ignore me along with my father but I just ignore them back. My mother loves me though.

Clothing: Blacks, greys, and earth tones. Nothing to flashy and noticable

How did you find this website? Google search for aspergers

Job: Electronic tech

Plans for the future? Try to become an artist.

Any comments? Not at the moment.


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19 May 2010, 5:06 am

What is your first name? private

Age: 38

Location: UK

Hobbies and Interests: Chess, Languages, Music, Sci Fi, Literature, History (currently English Civil War, and the development of the church.)

Why are you here? Originally came for support when my son was diagnosed.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Diagnosed auty as a child, but my father didn't tell me until my son was diagnosed. Then he confided it, but is still in denial. Have also been diagnosed bipolar, earlier this year.

Favorite subjects: English Literature, Languages, History, Classical Guitar.

Year/Grade: Private

Favorite music: Fairly eclectic... chamber music, classical piano/guitar, flamenco, blues, opera, Bach, Mozart, Liszt, blue grass, British traditional forms, Blues, and among singers various classical librettists, Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, particularly Dylan are among my top favourites.

Books: Pre twentieth century English literature, 19th century Russian literature, Irish literature in general, the American "road" genre, historical crime and biography fiction, as well as well researched history books. And I have to mention the Bible, even though I class it as a completely different entity from your average "book."

TV shows/Movies: House, Jeeves and Worcester, Sherlock Holmes (Jermey Brett, of course) Bones, Frasier, Mash, Randall and Hopkirk (deceased), Scrubs, though it really annoys me, and isn't even as good as it used to be when it first annoyed me. I find myself watching it out of an urge for completism, rather than because I really find it funny anymore. Also, the Swedish language version of Wallander, which is simply brilliant.

Instrument: Classical Guitar, piano, church organ, tin whistle, autoharp.

Do you like sports? Sometimes.

Family: Me and my son. Rest of the family hundreds of miles away.

Clothing: Scruffy.

How did you find this website? Desperately googling for help.

Job: Lost it.

Plans for the future? Hoping to stabilise on my meds, take stock of my life, and figure out what I can do that won't trigger a bipolar spiral, or aspie shut down.

Any comments? Filling this in made me realise how isolated and vulnerable I am... I'd like to point out I'm not as useless as all the above would suggest, and I do manage to keep a roof over my little family's heads, and make sure my son is well clothed, fed, and schooled.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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19 May 2010, 5:15 am

Ray, and Mgran, welcome to the wrongplanet.


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19 May 2010, 9:36 am

ha a few more people of my age ! welcome to WP

nice avatar rays_1981, i see one of your hobbies is painting, did you make it yourself?
(i'm a painter too and love seeing other people's work)

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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19 May 2010, 3:54 pm

What is your first name? Dan

Age: 31

Location: South West England

Hobbies and Interests: Gadgets, audio equipment, computers, Leeds United, NT behaviour, AS behaviour, hiking & music festivals.

Why are you here? To read possibly every single page & see who is out there

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): On the path to diagnosis.
On the way to working out why I had melt downs I have unofficially diagnosed my father with AS and my mother with Bipolar. At which point my father confided in me that he that he thought he had AS when he was 20 but then decided he had recovered from it. He is in complete denial about his behaviour but he did then stop trying to control my own behaviour with respect to his obsessive interests. The family history on that side officially includes one case of dyspraxia and a large number of observed AS traits. My mother hasn't verbally attacked me or gone off on a deluded rant at me since since, but I can still spot when her behaviour isn't quite down to earth. Members of her side of the family have since been officially diagnosed with Bipolar. I have allot of respect for their relationship. Their abilities complement each other well. I have little respect for them as parents. I do fear ever developing Bipolar traits myself.

Favorite subjects: Maths, Science, Computing, Design & Art (but I have poor motor control)

Year/Grade: Bsc Computing & Mathematical Sciences 2:1

Favorite music: Indie and alternative guitar based music

Books: Any random book I hear others talk about as I must have my own opinion on it

TV shows/Movies: Family Guy, House

Instrument: Guitar

Do you like sports? Yes but I am rubbish at them & I like to watch Leeds United. I used to hate sports

Family: Parents & brother but no children or partner

Clothing: Cotton loose and thin, jeans & t shirt. After consciously buying something other than black most of my clothes became blue. After consciously buying a range of colours most of my clothes became the same few items repeated in different colours. I am now putting allot of effort into buying individual items that are different and in different colours but they are all loose cotton.

How did you find this website? Google has all the answers

Job: Carer

Plans for the future? Work out what job suits someone who gets overwhelmed by increasing numbers of people & struggles to write but is at ease with anything technical & work out if it isn't too late to get into it.

Any comments? That is a bit of an open question. I don't understand why my area has zero AS specialists for adults. It allows the health care system to act like Autistic traits don't exist, act in an insulting manner and provide incorrect treatment for common side effects such as increased anxiety. It doesn't seem fair.


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19 May 2010, 5:58 pm

Welcome to WrongPlanet. :)

The Family Enigma

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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20 May 2010, 2:17 am

What is your first name? Jon

Age: 16

Location: California

Hobbies and Interests: math, legos, music, watching the stars, being with animals

Why are you here? i have aspergers and i would like to meet others that have it too

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): when i was 3 years old

Favorite subjects:

Year/Grade: 11th

Favorite music: pop

Books: the 5 people you meet in heaven

TV shows/Movies: jeopardy!, all the Shrek movies

Instrument: piano

Do you like sports? im not good at them

Family: my mom, dad, brother, and sister

Clothing: i perfer to wear my jeans and a t-shirt. sometimes sweat jackets when its cold. my favorite color to wear is red

How did you find this website? my mom found it

Job: i sometimes work at the animal shelter with my mom

Plans for the future? i want to graduate high school and maybe start programs in public schools that are especially for special education students. we need more opportunities like sports and performing arts.

Any comments? everyone here is very special :)

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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20 May 2010, 5:42 am

lemon wrote:
ha a few more people of my age ! welcome to WP

nice avatar rays_1981, i see one of your hobbies is painting, did you make it yourself?
(i'm a painter too and love seeing other people's work)

Yes, I made that one. I'll post some in the art section of the forums at some point, I don't have much of a problem showing people my creations online. It's only in person that I start to feel weird about it.

I looked at your paintings and I like them, very imaginative. What medium are they in? I am using acrylics but will eventually try oils as well.