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17 Jun 2005, 2:08 pm

What is your first name? Elizabeth, but I usually go by Namiko

Age: 17

Location: West Coast USofA

Hobbies and Interests: writing, calligraphy, Lord of the Rings, internet, drawing, chatting online

Why are you here? I have Asperger's.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): sometime early elementary school

Favorite subjects: history or science (like chemistry!)

Year/Grade: 12th grade in the fall

Favorite music: mostly Christian. Mark Schultz, Larry Norman, PotC and LotR soundtracks, etc.

Books: Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, Three Musketteers/Count of Monte Cristo, Shakespeare, Pride and Prejudice (mostly classics)

TV shows/Movies: Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Jeopardy, Seventh Heaven (old ones!), Lord of the Rings (movies), BBC world news

Instrument: I used to teach myself how to play the piano but then I gave up.

Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: Sort of. I swim competitively, but I want to quit because of my coach.

Family: Mom, Dad, three younger siblings at home. All annoying.

Clothing: Jeans, turtlenecks, flip-flops (sandals) and trenchcoat. Need I say more?

How did you find this website? I was looking for information on Asperger's and autism.

Job: I lifeguard and teach swim lessons during the summer, if that counts.

Plans for the future? probably work for the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and be a writer and advocate for autism and Asperger's in my spare time. (What spare time?)

Any comments? It's really amazing that there's a place on the web that we can all come to chat or debate or rant about things. Most other people just stare at me as if I'm an idiot or something. (Wait...maybe I am!)

Welcome, hell_grey! It's great to know that NT people want to know more. Hopefully, you'll be able to provide an NT point of view around here. ;)

Itaque incipet.
All that glitters is not gold but at least it contains free electrons.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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18 Jun 2005, 7:30 pm

What is your first name? Kirsty but everyone calls me foggi.

Age: 30

Dorset, UK

Hobbies and Interests: Computers, reading (alone and with my children), music, family bike treks, arts & crafts, archaeology and history.

Why are you here? I have ADHD with possible AS, and my two children (eldest ODD, youngest ADHD) show signs of possible AS too.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Diagnosed ADHD officially last week, though psychiatrist said it was probable at first about 4 months ago. I braved suggesting AS at my last appointment and he says no, but I'm not sure he understood me or perhaps I didn't explain sufficiently my reasons for my thinking this. Either way he has referred me to a psychologist for assessment so will see how that goes.

Favorite subjects: Science, archaeology, history, all factual information.

Favorite music: All music (though most often listen to Dido and Nina Simone) current favorite song: Robbie Williams - Misunderstood.

Books: 'Emma' by Jane Austen and many others whose titles escape me for the moment.

TV shows/Movies: Time Team, Dr Who, The Pretender, Dead Like Me, All movies starring Jim Carey make me laugh (Bruce Almighty sends my youngest son and I into fits of laughter, especially during the news report lol), I enjoy programmes about archaeology, architecture, science, history and other factual information.

Instrument: Keyboard (though only with my right hand, just can't seem to get the hang of the left hand at all?)

Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: I go bike rides with my family (hubby, children, sister and brother in law), intend to start swimming again soon, often go for long walks along the sea shore (several miles at a time, it calms me when stressed).

Family: Hubby, two sons and two cats.

Clothing: Whatever is comfortable. My sister tries to keep me fashionable.

How did you find this website? It was either NAS or Aspergian Island. I visited Wrong Planet, added it to my favorites to look at later, and before I was able to do so I had to have a major operation and was away from the computer for a few weeks so hard to remember exactly but it was definetely one of those previously mentioned.

Job: None at moment (apart from the hardest one in the world, that of a parent).

Plans for the future? I am planning to start college in the fall, onto a Diploma course in Advanced Computing.

Any comments? This is a great site. I don't know wether I have AS or not but I can totally relate to a lot of the people within this site. Otherwise just, "Hello". :P

Take Care x

Foggi x

~Sea my calm~

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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18 Jun 2005, 10:59 pm

yessssssssss props to all the pianists :lol:


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19 Jun 2005, 4:42 pm

What is your first name? Jennifer

Age: 28

Location: Missouri, USA

Hobbies and Interests: Syntax/transformational grammar, North American dialects, psychological/cognitive "individual differences," mountain biking, 1970s-'80s soul/R&B music, perfume, hair/skin care, rats

Why are you here? Support from AS community

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): About a year ago--was misdiagnosed first (many years ago) with MDD/GAD and OCD, then diagnosed with comorbid AD/HD Inattentive Type (I also have Dyscalculia, a mathematical learning disability.)

Favorite subjects: Syntax, Sociolinguistics (dialects), Biological Psychology

Year/Grade: Finishing MA in Library and Information Science

Favorite music: 1970s-'80s soul/R&B, 1970s Latin/experimental jazz, 1970s film soundtracks

Books: Villette (Charlotte Bronte), From Man to Man (Olive Schreiner), Summer/The Children (Edith Wharton)

Instrument: Flute

Do you like sports? Not really
If so, which ones?: I am passionate about mountain biking, but it doesn't really feel like a sport to me

Family: Mother, father, brother, sister

Clothing: Slightly offbeat, fashionable without being trendy, mostly comfortable

How did you find this website? A link someplace

Job: Not this summer :D

Plans for the future? Archivist and romance novelist :D

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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21 Jun 2005, 8:59 am

What is your first name? Daniella

Age: 18

Location: london, UK

Hobbies and Interests: listening to music, playing music. circus skills. literature

Why are you here? PDD-NOS and dyslexia. also compulsive tendencies, but i'm still finding out where that's at.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): provisional diagnosis 6 months ago

Favorite subjects: chemistry, physics

Year/Grade: final year of school

Favorite music: ska, jazz, blues, acoustic guitar

Books: mornings in mexico, miss smilla's feeling for snow, metamorphosis

TV shows/Movies: black and white films, old japanese cinema

Instrument: drums, singing

Do you like sports? not at all

Family: mum, dad, younger brother, all neurotypical

Clothing: left of centre, i like to think. i am an indie kid, if i must be classified. jeans, shirt, converse.

How did you find this website? scouting around for asperger's articles

Job: i teach the drums to kids.

Plans for the future? university studying biochemistry. after that, some postgrad study and then...who knows?

Any comments? Yes

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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21 Jun 2005, 10:51 am

What is your first name? Chelsea

Age: 13 (14 on september 21)

Location: Ohio

Hobbies and Interests: Color Guard, Boys,internet

Why are you here? I have Aspergers

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Febuary, 2005

Favorite subjects: Math

Year/Grade: 8th grade in fall of 2005

Favorite music: Top Hits,Some country

Books: i like books that are a letter format

TV shows/Movies: I luv TV and Movies

Instrument: i played the Violine,trombone,and trumpet

Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: Color guard

Family: I live with my mom and little brother(11)I dont get along with my dad AT ALL

Clothing: What ever we have the money for

How did you find this website? My mom looked up sites for me and this was one of them

Job: going to school, and chores around the house

Plans for the future?i want to be a nurse that works with babies

Any comments?i have yahoo messanger and AIM My favorite color is blue



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21 Jun 2005, 10:18 pm

What is your first name? Jack

Age: 46

Location: Massachusetts

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, writing, pens, collecting, uncollecting - the list changes all the time...

Why are you here? I have Aspergers

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Age 46

Favorite subjects: Psychology, Urban fantasy, cartoons and comics (these are things I'm teaching myself)

Year/Grade: PhD in psychology - no more school unless I think of something else to take : (

Favorite music: Everything except rap, cacaphony posers

Books: Anything by Charles de Lint, Neil Gaiman or Tony Hillerman (Mysteries, urban fantasy and magic. Current favorite book is American Gods by Gaiman.

TV shows/Movies: Fairly Odd Parents, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Invader Zim. Fav Movies Labyrinth, War Games and Spirited Away

Instrument: Still hoping to learn violin

Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: Running, weight lifting. I used to run marathons.

Family: mother, father and two sisters. My nephew is diagnosed with Asperger's.

Clothing: Cotton and loose. Want to commit the perfect murder? Wrap me in microfiber and leave me in a closet.

How did you find this website? Doing research on asperger's

Job: I do psychiatric crisis evaluations.

Plans for the future? I want to have a job where people don't include social skills as a factor in my job performance (my therapist is encouraging me to write a book).

Any comments? I have quite the paranoid streak so I am wondering if this point system is a plot to get me to be more social.... I'm glad the emoticons have descriptive filenames. Did you know that the same smile can mean different things depending? Glad I found this place.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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22 Jun 2005, 5:12 pm

delladum, you said one of yoru fav books was Metamorphosis. Do you mean the one by Kafka? Cause I absolutely looooove that book! I recommend it to EVERYONE whenever a reasonable opportunity to do so arises... hehe :P

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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22 Jun 2005, 9:18 pm

What is your first name? Kelly

Age: 40

Location: Colorado

Hobbies and Interests: Books, music

Why are you here? As I read library books to try to understand my son, I realize that the books are describing ... uh, me.

When were you diagnosed? Never. Why bother? Maybe I'll change my mind later. I don't want anyone (doctor, hubby) to think I'm really this odd. I keep it all inside as much as I can.

Favorite subjects: Computer science, science (chemistry), music, starting to enjoy history which I couldn't stand 20+ years ago.

Year/Grade: MS Computer Science 1991

Favorite music: Baroque music

Books: I really enjoyed Fast Food Nation and especially Radioactive Boy Scout.

TV shows/Movies: Jeopardy, Weather Channel, History Channel, Fear Factor, Jay Leno when they do the weekly Headlines segment.

Instrument: Flute, bassoon, and learning violin with the kiddos.

Do you like sports? Not really. I guess hiking, biking, swimming are fine.

Family: Two older brothers, one who is strange and brilliant and socially gets along fine. Married 17 years, 4 children. I think my son has AS.

Clothing: Plain (jeans and a plain tee shirt) most of the time. Stuff from the thrift store. I try not to call attention to myself with clothes. Boring stuff.

How did you find this website? Can't rightfully remember.

Job: Homeschooling mom. Is that nuts?

Plans for the future? Homeschooling mom. Is that nuts? Would love to move out to the country with my family. After the kids are grown, would like to travel, which I've never really done.

Any comments? Not really.


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23 Jun 2005, 11:09 am

This is a model of how you should answer your questions. All questions are optional. I thought this would be a good icebreaker for everyone.

What is your first name? Brendan, but I've always been called Shawn


Location: SC

Hobbies and Interests: Computers, Information, Writing, Music, Strong Coffee

Why are you here? Preliminary Testing indicates that I may be on the spectrum

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I was not diagnosed, I dislike Psychiatrists, and find that the thought of being Psychiatrically labled deeply disturbing due to constraints it may place upon me.

Favorite music: Mostly

Books: Pulp Science Fiction, and various non fiction.

TV shows/Movies: History Channel, National Geographic Channel

Instrument:Electric guitar, Bass, drums, and some piano

Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: Don't particularly like sports, but I will suppport the Boston Red Sox

Family: Divorced Parents, one Half Brother

Clothing: Casual Work Clothes

How did you find this website? Followed a link from an AS Site, can't recall which one.

Job: Various

Plans for the future? Go Back to school

Any comments? Like the site, like the 'community', it's giving me some insight into into who I am.


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23 Jun 2005, 11:17 am

Music: mostly underground alternative, "Space Rock", Some Jazz, Some electronic, Reggae, anything repetative and not commercially accessable


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23 Jun 2005, 3:52 pm

What is your first name? Bobbie

Age: 53

Location: Idaho

Hobbies and Interests: Internet, reading, sewing

Why are you here? I work as a speech-language pathologist. I'm supposed to know about autism spectrum disorders, so I guess I'd better learn. 8O

When were you diagnosed? I was diagnosed with a non-autism spectrum disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), almost 20 years ago. Now I just have PTSD.

Favorite subjects: Whatever I feel like, gosh!

Year/Grade: Already Graduated :D

Favorite music: John Prine, Lyle Lovett

Books: good fiction, true crime and psychobiography

TV shows/Movies: I don't have a favorite one

Instrument: none

Do you like sports? nope :nerdy:

Family: Married, one grown-up daughter, 2 dogs, one cat.

Clothing: Mostly casual. Jeans or shorts and barefoot all summer long.

How did you find this website?
I took a wrong turn on the information highway. :wink:

Job: Elementary School Speech-language therapist.

Plans for the future? Staying alive, physically and mentally.

Any comments? I like it here. I wonder sometimes whether I am hyperlexic. I celebrated when B.F. Skinner died.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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23 Jun 2005, 4:32 pm

hey hell grey.
i did mean kafka yeah! metamorphosis is a great book. i really got into philosophical literature a while ago. Sartre also caught my interest.

you like bright eyes? you like tom waits? awesome, i also like those two. music is a big thing for me. almost a perseveration, maybe.
do you know Modest Mouse? good band. a little pixies, a little bright eyes, very nice.


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23 Jun 2005, 6:41 pm

I used to live in Central London W1. Still feels like home sometimes...

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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27 Jun 2005, 2:20 am

london is good at feeling like home.
it never really lets you go


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27 Jun 2005, 10:08 am

First name: (removed name so it wouldnt pop up on search engine)

Age: 14

Location: England

Hobbies and Interests: Computers, cars, playstation games, watching TV

Why I am here: I have Aspergers Syndrome

Date of Diagnosis: Im not sure but I think it was in year four at school

Favorite Subject: Design technology

School Year: 9, almost 10

Favorite music: Anything that sounds good

Favorite Books: Harry Potter, Alex Rider, Artemis Foul and The Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy

TV shows/Movies: Star Wars, The Simpsons

Instrument: None

Favorite sport: None, I hate sports

Family: My mum and dad and my 10 year old brother

How I found this website: A google search

Last edited by SOK on 04 Sep 2005, 4:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.