Nan wrote:
Yeah, that was strange, trying to log in this early and having the site be down. Even checked to see where the server was - thought it might be out here on the coast and have melted from the heat or something. But it looks like it's over on the East Coast.
Morning, all.
Alex mentioned where it is to me one time. Downstate Pennsylvania, thinking inbetween Harrisburg and Phillie, but forgot the name, Lancaster maybe. But yeah, it's pretty bad. I'm not getting my email notices for a lot of things I reply to. It has was discussed else where about the ad's on WP, that when we're not doing anything important, click on them, it generates the money to keep WP going. This isn't free to someone and I assume Alex. I have thought some on the money angle and I think it might be kind of a rock and a hard place, that if there was a way to donate (poor word) to keeping WP at tip top, people might get the bright idea of accusing Alex of making money off of it. Well, I'm thankful for what is here anyway. About the only time I really get angry is when I'm in a spot where time is important for the communication that is ongoing and that has only been a very few times. What we do here doesn't fit the bill for what I'm speaking of. More in lines with the Haven. I don't do that probably as much as I should, but I have to have my head screwed on at least semi correctly when I post anything in there. It can be very draining as well, so I have to pace myself. This site is truly a blessing.
Send the damn heat this way, I'm tired of being cold. The temp hit 36 F two nights ago. A record and I know it was a few degrees colder here at the house.
PS I think if you hit the home page it will show how many members are on vs how many lurking.
PPS Godwit are you up New England way? Not asking for a town if you don't want, just a guess on my part.
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.