What is your first name? My first name, being rare, has a high information content and I'd like to remain anonymous.
Age: 26
Location: Paris
Hobbies and Interests: I have lots of things I gain and lose interest in, but recurring themes revolve around electronics/electromagnetics, nutritional health/orthomolecular medicine and conspiracy theories. And yes, computers, computer science, etc.
Why are you here? The reasonable part of my brain says "you dimwit, can't you see you have AS !?", to what the other part replies "I can't, I have AS".
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I've had quite a few tests as I volunteered for a fMRI scan for scientific research purposes, but I still haven't been told in plain language if I will be put in the "controls" group or in the "AS" category.
Favorite subjects: Erm... you mean at school ?
Year/Grade: Finishing my PhD (I should be writing it just right now)
Favorite music: Alternative, punk, indie and "emo" rock ; symphonic music ; some experimental electronic music.
Books: I don't read much. But I like Norman Spinrad and Georges Perec. It seems that I have difficulties understanding books with high arity, that is, books where the number of protagonists per page is high.
TV shows/Movies: The Pythons, SP, The Simpsons, Futurama.
Instrument: Of a higher extraterrestrial intelligence. I am on earth to observe the human species and to save it from destruction. Unfortunately I have to survive first, so this might take some time.
Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: No I don't.
Family: I have two biological parents of the opposite sex, but I can't decide if they are neurotypical or not. Besides, I don't like them. I don't know if my grandmother is still alive. I have a half-sister I have met only once.
Clothing: As I finally managed to gain some weight, and as the 10-year old clothes my mother bought me disintegrate, I was forced to buy some new clothes. I have been told by co-workers that I look fashionable but upon reflection I have serious doubts about it... they might have been joking.
How did you find this website? Followed links on Google("Asperger").
Job: Research assistant, will have a software engineer position in two months.
Plans for the future? I'd like to get married with some NT who loves me.
Any comments? /* Take vitamins. Linus Pauling rules ! */
Last edited by gulonolactone on 16 Jul 2005, 7:09 am, edited 1 time in total.