aspiartist wrote:
I wasn't in any way responding your post asplanet. I'm only speaking for myself, which is all I can do.
Thats all we can only do and to be honest guess I am still trying to figure if in fact I myself have affected others, guess we all do... but relationship wise is never easy for anyone on or off the autism spectrum, and I can not help but wonder if its really the autism bit or the break down in the relationship anyway.
I of course realize many of us have suffered from lack of understanding ourselves, but often when we enter relationships we know what the person is like, its when we try and change get them to conform into what they are not the problems start... or of course if they chnage and become more confidence within themselves, all I can say with understanding and change myself my own relationship is 110% better as now able to explain reasons for things I could not before. Our relationship suffered before because my husband was intolerable of my differences by not understanding them, but I am still the same person he first met....
I believe all relationships go through growth and change, and its how willing we are to grow with the other person... we all need support at times, but do feel we should not blame it on our partners differences, if anything with awareness like my relationship its strengthen it, but then maybe there was a good solid base in the first place....
But I guess we all have to take our own journeys and do whats right for us at the time...
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