thanks to a nifty update to the wp software about which i still have mixed feelings on, i can now have a 'nickname' woot. mine is "tavierai" and is pronounced like
ta-vEE-rai. or [ˈtaviɾaɪ].
ReticentJaeger wrote:
Okay, I'm not sure how to pronounce that. Google isn't helping.
d͡ʒ = the hard sound in
jamboree or
æ = the vowel in l
and (in my dialect of american english, anyway
and when i'd say "Reticent", by itself i'd pronounce the final 't' like a 't', but here where it's been followed by 'jaeger' i've been dropping the final 't'.
"Reticin". like "medicine".
in retrospect, my pronunciation sounds stupid! i like
yay-gur better now.
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