Krelliott4 wrote:
I didn't expect to wake up to all I those replies. And thank you for your thoughts and experienecs..
I do want you to ask yourself why would someone choose to work with indivuals on the spectrum but not only that but want to work specifically with those who have SIBs or HMBs? If my science and theories I choose to study and all are flawed or "wrong" ? Why would I choose to be in a field like that if it was all bad and not good?
You want us to try to interpret your thoughts? Isn't that just asking to get all offended when we get it wrong?
...reading this again.... the phrase "I want you to ask yourself..." That's how an instructor speaks to their students. You're thinking that WE'RE all wrong. And that if we think about it, we will change our minds and see it your way?
That's an interesting way to come at a new community.
My personal take on your behavior, I think I stated this before: Because of my own experience as a special educator, I assume that you have a lot in common with me. That you want to do well and you want to do right by your kids, but that you have been educated in ways that aren't really productive. Your head is full of "facts" about behavior challenged kids and "facts" about what works that aren't really true. I'm assuming that your coming here was because you actually do care. But you did come in "like a bull in a china shop."
You came in identifying yourself as an ABA practitioner before we knew anything else about you. I think this means that you assumed that we would LOVE a new ABA practitioner in our midst? That we would be, well... damaged somehow and that it would be OK to speak to us like you know and we don't. Like when you say things like "I want you to think [about what you've done.]" It implies that we're all up for being taught. When the reality is that most of us are here to teach. We're here to teach people like you, who are interested in being real with autistic people. And people like our younger selves, who haven't discovered the strength of who they are yet.