As a cartoonist I developed a very neat, small capitals script. I once wrote a story that was told through the medium of someone typing the dialogue and narration on a typewriter, and so I wrote in what I thought looked like Courier, but actually was just a printing style with both upper and lower case letters (and I never could decide which style of "g" they wrote).
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Mavis Crow, pictured above comes from "Cloud Cuckoo Land", my UK political soap opera - she was my alter-ego at first but then I started putting my human self into them, and I both killed her off and resurrected her at the request of my boyfriend who always used to look forward to reading about her next adventures in the messed-up world of British politics...
I actually wrote school essays in this script for a while but was told off for doing it and also told that on the exam I'd have to write in proper joined up (I was at A-level, our UK school leaving exams). I found it quicker to write in caps and had to train myself by copying newspaper articles into a scrapbook. (I did this primarily because they were gossip about politics, but after sticking in the actual articles I found it much easier to copy them out in longhand, to train my hand for the exams and to keep a record of them without cutting up the school newspapers!)
As for joined-up...I'd say it was pretty good, though I suppose I have always been a bit of a chameleon, and always changing my styles when I was at school (once half-way through an essay which we were supposed to be putting up for parents' evening!! !!). This is my adult script, I tend to put flourishes on script capitals, particularly "N" and "L".
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