krex wrote:
Thanks Merle,I hope to be seeing some of your writing in the mag....sort of a prelude to your book.(I hear aspie like dark humor,sure now I do).
krex wrote:
A far as the "tearing myself apart" do you think I managed to avoid the majority of bullying in school.I learned that "trick" in 3rd grade.I can insult myself better thatn most people and then they had nothing left to say and I got the laughs.Self depriciation,ask the Jews,they taught me everything I know about it.What people didnt realize(and perhaps you dont?),is that I like myself even if I do know a lot of reasons I it a gift.It is the same gift that allows me to like people inspite of their faults.There actually arent many people I dislike,(though I admit many bore me,a flaw I do dislike in myself).The only people I really dislike are mean people and I am nieve enough not to see it 90% of the time.
yeah, thought you had it down to a fine art!
krex wrote:
Anywhoooo,I hope you will visit the writing forum.
oh yes! did I miss a link on your post??
you know, Postie once said to me on msn chat, "I saw your post and I just yelled 'you GO girl, that's my Woodstock Sister! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, that ROCKS!! woo hoo! what a great post!" and then didn't post anyting about it because he had already ah. . .shot his bolt, so to speak on his verbal appreciation.
So sometimes we don't get everything we need posted back to us because YOU ARE POSTING TO ASPIES that live in their heads. It's a bummer but there it is.
B y the way. . I have the Google toolbar on my Microsoft Internet Explorer browser page and it has a nifty little spell checker that I would be far too embarrassed to post without. If you don't have it you can download it from Google and I can show you how if you wanna. . .
it works great!
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon