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01 Feb 2012, 4:36 pm

Hello, i am Jonathan and this is just a test.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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01 Feb 2012, 11:35 pm

Hey Everyone!

What is your first name? Chris

Age: 21

Location: Newton, Massachusetts, USA

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, running (I did Cross-Country and Track in high school and am part of the Running Club team at my college), hiking, any sort of outdoor/adventurous activity, the environment, government, traveling, seeing the world, some videogames

Why are you here? I've been pretty detached from the autistic community for a long time and I realized recently that needs to change - I figured it would be really nice to get to know more of my own kind

When you were diagnosed? I was diagnosed with high-functioning autism when I was three years old - now however my diagnosis is probably closer to Aspergers or something of the sort

Favorite Subject: History, anything having to do with Politics/other Social Sciences, Biology, Foreign languages

Year/Grade: Junior in College

Favorite Music: Dispatch, Red Hot Chili Peppers, State Radio, Sublime, Pearl Jam, Green Day, Muse, Foo Fighters, System of a Down, Kanye West, Nas, The Roots, Common, Bob Marley... a little bit of everything

Books: 1984, the Harry Potter Series, The Da Vinci Code, Ender's Game, The Grapes of Wrath, The Jungle

TV Shows: Don't really watch TV that much but I really like-
Family Guy, The West Wing, South Park, House M.D., and The Simpsons

Movies: The Shawshank Redemption, The Dark Knight, any of the Lord of the Rings movies, Star Wars, Alien (1+2), The Terminator (1+2), Fight Club, Jurassic Park... WAYYY too many to list

Instrument: Don't play an instument

Do you like Sports? YES.
American football, Olympic Running, Hockey, Basketball, Baseball, a little bit of Soccer too

Family: My parents, two younger brothers, and one big extended family

Clothing: Anything that's comfortable, I guess... a t-shirt with jeans is usually fine for me

How did you find this website? I interned at the EEOC last summer and I stumbled across this site while doing some research for a big project - I remembered this site again a few days ago and so yeah that's how I got here

Job: Right now I'm a student, so I don't have a job yet

Plans for the Future: When I graduate, hopefully land a job at some sort of (governmental or non-governmental) agency that does international political/social work - I need to take some time off first and do something with the JVC or something of the sort, though

Any Additional Comments? Excited to meet y'all!

Blue Jay
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03 Feb 2012, 11:49 am

What is your first name? Sarah

Age: 20

Location: New England, USA

Hobbies and Interests: Genetic Illness, Chromosomal Disorders

Why are you here? To have a place where I belong. To be able to speak freely. To be able to communicate with people who understand my struggles, as they have been there themselves.

When were you diagnosed? Age 17

Favorite subjects: Biology

Year/Grade: College Freshman

Favorite music: The Breeders, The Who, Sonic Youth

Books: Pretty much anything on music, genes, and child development.

TV shows/Movies: The X Files

Instrument: The Bass Guitar

Do you like sports? No.

Family: My mother and my cockatoo.

Clothing: Jeans, flannel, sundresses, sweatshirts, belly-shirts

How did you find this website? Dumb luck.

Job: Volunteer at the local library.

Plans for the future? Get my driver's license, graduate from college, become a cytogenetic technologist, get married, and make babies.

Sarah - Age 20 - Clinically Diagnosed

"Misery's fun, I'm kissing everyone... I gotta hold my tongue." - The Breeders

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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03 Feb 2012, 7:51 pm

Hey Everyone!

What is your first name? David

Age: 37

Location: Suburbs of Philadelphia, PA

Hobbies and Interests: Fantasy Sports (anything using statistical analysis), Magic (ccg), Computing, Films

Why are you here? I am 37 years old and just completed testing for Aspergers a couple of months ago. The testing said "yes" on that question, so now I am trying to learn more about how I tick and become involved in the community of others with Aspergers.

When you were diagnosed? See above

Favorite Music: The Roots, Public Enemy, Radiohead, NIN, Rage Against The Machine, Nirvana. Fairly eclectic taste.

Books: Mostly trivia (like Uncle Johns Bathroom Reader), Computer magazines, Sports articles

TV Shows: Not a lot of programs I watch, but I do enjoy Arrested Development, Seinfeld, Portlandia

Movies: The Shawshank Redemption, Fight Club, Band of Brothers, Step-Brothers. I could go on and on. I am a big fan of films and have seen/enjoyed a ton.

Do you like Sports? Yes, Football and Basketball the most

Family: Mother, brother, sister, bunch of cousins and extended family

Clothing: Jeans or Cargo Pants, T-shirts or sweaters.

How did you find this website? Google-ing about

Job: Office Manager / Bookkeeper

Plans for the Future: Good question. I am recently separated and taking a lot of life change in with the diagnosis. In an odd manner I am excited though. I have an opportunity to change things in my life and head in whatever direction I want. Just not sure where that will be yet.

Anyway, that's me

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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03 Feb 2012, 10:49 pm

What is your first name? Carson

Age: 15

Location: Wichita, Kansas

Hobbies and Interests: Minecraft, video games, programming

Why are you here? I want to know what it is really like to have AS

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 5 years old(I didn't know I was an Aspie until 10)

Favorite subjects: Math and History

Year/Grade: 9th

Favorite music: Whatever sounds good to me

Books: Non-fiction

TV shows/Movies: South Park, other than that, I don't watch many TV shows or films

Instrument: Saxophone

Do you like sports? No

Family: Mom and Dad, 18 year old brother

Clothing: shorts or jeans and t shirts

How did you find this website? Don't remember

Job: Student

Plans for the future? Get a degree in Engineering

Any comments? I'm happy to be here.


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04 Feb 2012, 12:27 am

Name: Jim

Age: 47

Location: Wisconsin

Hobbies and Interests: Wargaming, model railroading, military history, law, theology

Why are you here? Support and camaraderie

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 1/10/12

Favorite subjects: See above

Year/Grade: Finished ist Year Law School

Favorite music: Handel, Bach, Corelli, the Beach Boys, Chuck Berry, Mannheim Steamroller, Boston, Doobie Bros., Fleetwood Mac, others.

Books: Non-fiction military

TV shows/Movies: Star Trek TOS, Hogan's Heroes, John Wayne, Clint Eastwood

Instrument: Trombone

Do you like sports? I can take or leave them.

Family: Wife, 2 daughters, 2 grandkids

Clothing: BDU's are preferred.

How did you find this website? Dumb luck

Job: Unemployed in real world. Air reservist part time. Rank: Major

Plans for the future? Yeah - finish my law degree, retire as a lieutenant colonel and chase my wife and soulmate for the next 1,000,000,000,000 years!


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04 Feb 2012, 12:03 pm

What is your first name? Quentin.

Age: 18.

Location: Western Europe, in very general terms.

Hobbies and Interests: Geofiction, micronationalism, reading about history and politics, discussing politics, writing absurd introductions to stories that never get beyond page three, polishing my argumentation by arguing for things I disagree with, playing the occasional video game that allows for some creativity.

Why are you here? Mostly, it's because I'm interested in what other people, especially those who differ from consensus, think. I know a lot of people who are, in some way, autistic, but I'd enjoy reading about your actual thoughts rather than socially-influenced thoughts often talked to me about.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Some random point in the 1990s, perhaps. I don't remember the year, but I do remember some of the conversations and tests. Some people at a local institute talked to me, had me take an IQ test and decided I had Asperger's syndrome.

Favorite subjects: English, history, social science, information technology.

Year/Grade: Final year of secondary school after a ridiculous detour I was forced to take.

Favorite music: Classic rock, psychedelic rock, ambient, some country, some classical music and some electronic music. In more solid terms: I like bands like The Doors and Led Zeppelin, singers like Johnny Cash and Leonard Cohen, and artists like Vangelis.

Books: Nineteen Eighty-Four is a book I really enjoyed. Additionally, I enjoyed a Dutch book called De Joodse Messias (The Jewish Messiah), which was written by Arnon Grunberg. For all the gruesome violence and sexual content it contains, it has an absurd and sometimes slightly cynical sense of humour that appeals to me.

TV shows/Movies: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It has interesting storylines, semi-hidden messages for fans, well-researched characters and references, and it's aesthetically pleasing to watch due to the unique drawing style. I even have some merchandise.

As for movies, I place emphasis on the world or universe they're set in. That might be due to my own hobby of geofiction, which involves imagining or producing your own imaginary city, country, continent or anything up to universe. Those are basically my reasons for showing any interest in Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, and additional reasons for showing interest in older movies, as they portray the view of the world their creators had.

Instrument: None.

Do you like sports? You're asking someone who is often too lazy to walk to the kitchen to eat something unless it's absolutely necessary, and who thinks driving a car is exhausting. I play some sports at school, but they're limited to finding out the best method to have others do things for me while I'm yelling at them randomly. The only real way of getting me to do anything sports-related is to make a friendly competition out of it that still involves some violence.

Family: Mother, father, sister.

Clothing: Worn-out or eccentric – went to school with some military headgear once to make a teacher angry.

How did you find this website? To be honest, I don't quite remember. Must have been one of those late-night searches I generally don't remember the day after.

Job: Full-time student.

Plans for the future? I'd like to study law, then become a lawyer, a jurist or a judge, or whatever crosses my path instead. Additionally, I'd like to win some writing competitions to show those thirteen-year-olds who think they have a god-given talent (there seem to be thousands of them on the internet on a population of approximately seventeen million) what real writing is.

Any comments? Furthermore, I think Carthage must be destroyed.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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05 Feb 2012, 12:27 am

What is your first name? Tom

Age: 50

Location: Glasgow, Scotland

Hobbies and Interests: A range of arty things - film making, comic strips, photography.

Why are you here? To find out more about adult aspie diagnosis / make contacts to chat to.

When were you diagnosed?: in the last few weeks. Although I have known for quite some years.

Favourite subjects: practicing artistic type so most of my time is taken up doing, scrounging or planning.

Year/Grade: lost in the post - post grad

Favourite music: Tom Waits, punk inspired, Ry Cooder, vintage jazz and anything with integrity.

Books: Sherlock Holmes, Orwell, Spy genre, Vonnegut...

TV shows/Movies: Lubitch, Kapra, Tati, Michael Powell, Sturges.
Shop around the corner, Solyaris, M, loads more

Instrument: Editing suite

Do you like sports? Not in the slightest either as spectator or competitor.

Family: Nest of vipers.

Clothing: whatever is not in the wash - and sometimes even that. 1 dark suit that is used if required.

How did you find this website? Google

Job: I run a small charity

Plans for the future? Make lots of films.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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07 Feb 2012, 4:54 pm

Hello :)

What is your first name? Susan

Age: 23

Location: Denmark

Hobbies and Interests: Singing, reading, writing, theater

Why are you here? To get to know more Aspies and just get other opinions on the diagnosis

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): September 2005 (15 years old)

Favorite subjects: English


Favorite music: Musical- and Disney

Books: The genre fantasy but others will do too

TV shows/Movies:
TV shows: Charmed (all-time favorite), NCIS, How I Met Your Mother, Friends and some Danish shows as well
Movies: To many to mention - I love movies

Instrument: I sing

Do you like sports? Not really... But I work out at a gym

Family: Mother and father (divorced), big sister, nephew - this is my closest family

Clothing: Mostly jeans and some kind of shirt - but I have a soft spot for punk/gothic clothes

How did you find this website? By Alex himself - heard a presentation here in Denmark

Job: None - full-time student

Plans for the future? Hopefully getting to study English at the University and some day spend some time in the States either studying or working

Any comments? No, not really...

***Susan aka Sue***

"If you can dream it, you can do it!" - Walt Disney


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08 Feb 2012, 3:48 am

Meh, why not :P

also, @sue: OMG you like NCIS? I love shows like that xD Even though some episodes REALLY mess with your head

What is your first name? Ali (Alethea)

Age: 20 years 2 months 4 days

Location: Sunshine Coast of QLD Australia

Hobbies and Interests: I'm a photographer, artist, writer. I write stories, music, and poetry, so I guess kinda a musician too. I play guitar and ukulele, and am actually planning to do a surprise ukulele song video for my boyfriend's Valentine's gift :3

I'm obsessed with cats and pokemon, love fiction, am a hopeless romantic who also loves comedy. My favorite colors are purple and blue (his is a specific shade of blue).

Why are you here? I'm here because I wanted to connect with people who fully and truly understand what I'm going through.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I was unofficially diagnosed on January 30th/31st (depending on your timezone) by my boyfriend, his mother, and his aunt xD

Favorite subjects: Art, music, anything in humanities. I'm also fascinated by biology.

Year/Grade: Dropped out of College (first year) to fly to Aus last year, but if I was still in canada I'd be in "year 14" more or less; 2nd year college, semester 2 started a few weeks ago

Favorite music: I used to love top 40, now not so much. I'm obsessed with Evanescence, Nevershoutnever (Chris <3), and Backstreet Boys

Books: Memory Keeper's Daughter (in 1964, a doctor delivers his own twins in an unexpected blizzard. One is perfect, the other has downs syndrome, so he gives his daughter up to be institutionalized -- and then his nurse raises her instead). Warriors series (warrior cats -- my current fanship is Bumblestripe x Dovewing and Lionblaze x Cinderheart <3)

TV shows/Movies: The Lake House (favorite romance), Cheaper by the dozen (favorite comedy), Oliver and company, Aristocats. I'm also addicted to Doctor Who.

Instrument: Guitar / Ukulele

Do you like sports? I'm not a sports person, but I like running

Family: I have a brother who is 13 months 2 weeks and 1 day younger than me (give or take a few hours), dad is a probable Aspie, and mum is a bubble child

Clothing: Whatever looks good and feels good is cool to me. I like jeans and having a billion pockets, but I'm not crazy about patterned stuff.

How did you find this website? random google search when I found out I have AS

Job: Formerly everything except cook at KFC, but now steadily unemployed on the other end of the planet.

Plans for the future? Partner visa with my Aussie boyfriend, and hopefully be married in the next few years (: I wanna go to university and take some courses on drafting, maybe a bit in writing too. I wish to publish a novel or two and work on children's literature. I love children, so I wish to go into Childcare and possibly early childhood education.

Any comments? I either have too much to say or nothing at all, am quick to make friends, and just as quick to get hurt by those same "friends". I am Naive and generous to a fault (I have lost hundreds of dollars to this Naivette), but I like who I am and nobody is going to change that. I found my soulmate when I was 18, and am happily living with him and his family with high hopes for our future.

Absolutely and truly in love <33
~ - intro to me (: ~

Your Aspie score: 158 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 56 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie


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08 Feb 2012, 7:50 pm

What is your first name? Trev

Age: 19

Location: Nebraska

Hobbies and Interests: Fishing, hunting, working on cars, carpentry, football

Why are you here? Might as well :)

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 13-ish

Favorite subjects: Physics, history

Year/Grade: Graduated highschool in 2010

Favorite music: Heavy metal, country

Books: Lord of the Flies, Splinter Cell series

TV shows/Movies: 30 Rock, Seinfeld, Beerfest

Instrument: Powersaws ;)

Do you like sports? Yea

Family: A big one

Clothing: Jeans, a cut-off shirt, and a camouflage hat

How did you find this website? Google

Job: Warehouse

Plans for the future? Hopefully graduating college

Any comments? Naw


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11 Feb 2012, 6:53 am

I answered this one before, but I try to be back so answer it again.

What is your first name? Astrid

Age: 25

Location: Netherlands

Hobbies and Interests: writing, surfing th eInternet, reading non-fiction.

Why are you here? because I have Asperger's.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2007.

Favorite subjects: I'm not in school if thaat's what you mean. My pet peeves are psychology, feminism, phislophy, politics and medicine.

Year/Grade: none.

Favorite music: Tom Lehrer, the Dubliners, the Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel.

Books: autobiographies and non-fiction.

TV shows/Movies: don't know.

Instrument: guitar but I don't play it.

Do you like sports? no.

Family: I don't live wiht them anymore, but I have two parents who are still together and a sister.

Clothing: I like wearing all black.

How did you find this website? I don't remember, but just now via Google.

Job: none.

Plans for the future? move out of the institution, live with my husband.

Any comments? nope.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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12 Feb 2012, 8:59 pm

Humm, I like questions. They're easy to handle.

What is your first name?
Umm, yeah, lets just skip that since it's got non-English letters in it. Everybody just call me Ingz, all the time.



Hobbies and Interests:
Most favorite is: Pets, Cars and Motorcycles. After that comes human behavior. After that comes everything else except for Economics and Politics.

Why are you here?
To figure out how to deal with living with my Aspergers, and possibly get some answers.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
It's a long story, which I explained in my introductory post.

Favorite subjects:
Pretty much everything except for economics and politics.

The system isn't like that in my school. I've been studying Auto-Mechanics for a while. I've finished about half of it.

Favorite music:
All kinds of Rock, but I like everything else too.

Don't really read a lot, due to my Dyslexia and ADHD, but I sometimes read thrillers.

TV shows/Movies:
Mostly crime drama's and various documentaries from Discovery Channel.

None, but I like drums and electric guitars.

Do you like sports?
Boxing and Rally


Kind of arty and punk, and more mixed in with it.

How did you find this website?
Happy to find it. Haven't really been around long enough to form an opinion on it, though.


Plans for the future?

Any comments?
Don't know.


I see weird things every day... It's called Normal.

The Broad Autism Phenotype Test: Autistic/BAP. You scored 106 aloof, 129 rigid and 115 pragmatic.
The AQ Test: Score: 41
The EQ Test: 13, The SQ Test: 99... Extreme Systemizing


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13 Feb 2012, 10:38 am

Welcome, new members!

Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!

Now proficient in ChatGPT!

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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13 Feb 2012, 11:21 pm

What is your first name? D S

Age: 48

Location: St Louis, MO

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, writing, computer, traveling

Why are you here? Seeking more info about people like me

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2010

Favorite subjects: Spanish, Gym


Favorite music: None

Books: Too many! Seriously - I read all the time.

TV shows/Movies: Star Wars, Face Off; Con Air, Kill Bill;

Instrument: Used to play clarinet. Goof off on drums and piano

Do you like sports? Yes

Family: Yes

Clothing: either gym clothes or dressed suit and tie

How did you find this website? Weblink

Job: Tumbling Director

Plans for the future? Adapt to my new area of where I live, try to make more positive adjustments in living with Aspergers.

Any comments?

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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14 Feb 2012, 5:28 pm

Hi Everybody

First Name: Craig

Age: 18

Location: Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Why I'm here: Meet people like me

When was I diagnosed: My Paedatric Doctor unofficialy diagnosed me 2010

Fave subjects: Sciences, Animals

Year: 15

Fave music: Anything that takes my fancy

Books: anything Sci-fi related

TV shows/films: Dr Who (Classic and new), Family Guy, NCIS and anything else i find interesting

Sports: I avoid organised sports, Im an Outdoorsy, Explorer type

Family: Me and Mum, thats all

Clothing: Style of the tenth doctor, David Tennant. I own a Coat like his and it is my most prized possession!

How I found WP: googling Aspergers, and found a link

Job: Full Time Protector of Planet Earth!! lol

Plans for the Future: Veterinary School, Doctorate and becoming a Zoo vet!

Extra Comments: I'm slightly mad......... but who isn't!! !

Proudly marching to the beat of a different accordian since 1993!!

Your Aspie score: 160 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 40 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie