Dan_Undiagnosed wrote:
Hey everybody,
As my personal info and nick suggest I am a noob and so far undiagnosed. I have wondered about AS for several years in the back of my mind and after several catalysts more recently I have decided to eventually get tested. My comicbook shop guy, who I pinned for being likely AS the first time I met him, dropped a clue as to possibly being just that and I get along well with people like him. So I hope to enjoy chatting with you guys and maybe learning some stuff I didn't already know and sharing my personal experience and journey towards finding out for sure if I'm on the spectrum.
I've never blogged before but I think it might be high time I gave it a go. I have so little meaningful conversation with the people around me it might feel good to vent some stuff now and then, lol.
P.S I'm near Sydney.
Cheers, Dan.
Hiya Dan,
I'm Danielle,
We have similar names
Have fun on wrong planet
I'm diagnosed and if you want to know anything you can ask/talk/PM me...
That is absolutley wicked you have a comicbook shop near you, I can't find any around where I live... I'm still looking for a Batman T-shirt
Hope we can become friends
From a diagnosed aspie, Danielle