The Dino-Aspie Ex-Café (for Those 40+... or feeling creaky)

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11 Sep 2007, 11:02 am

blessedmom wrote:
Nan wrote:
depends on which dr. who we are discussing.
some of them were easier on the eyes than others.

Don't they all seem to attract some pretty nasty demons and whatnot? I don't care how good he looks, if he's got demons following him around I don't think so.

oh yeah. there is that. worse than vindictive ex-wives. (but only barely)

hmmm, lemme think on this for a while.


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11 Sep 2007, 11:06 am

cosmiccat wrote:
Godwit just accused me of child abuse when I showed him this humourously re-edited clip from Doctor Who: Human Nature. I want a second opinion, people.

I found it ugly, disturbing and sadistic. I don't understand how it's child abuse, though. It looks more like abuse of a green faced woman. Who re-edited it? Perhaps it wouldn't be so "sicko" if wasn't ripped out of context. Dr. Who may be a tasteful and brilliant program, but ripping something from the program and re-editing it, would remove the sanction and prestige at the same time.

i have no sound here on my computer at work, but being the snoop that i am once i saw cc's post i had to view the clip.

the visuals are ugly. someone being ... i can't find the word. and someone crying and in pain as a result. don't need to hear it. it's certainly not entertainment. unless the viewer is ... troubled. i would not voluntarily associate with the person who created this. and i would load the shotgun if they appeared anywhere near my kid. :(


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11 Sep 2007, 11:10 am

I haven't watched it and I don't plan on it. There is enough ugliness in the world as it is, without watching someone elses version of it. No thankyou!!


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11 Sep 2007, 11:12 am

blessedmom wrote:
NAN! YUCK! EEEEEEEWWWWWWWW! GROSS!! !! Now I'm going to have to go clean something just because.......! ((((shiver))))

don't forget the lysol. :lol: :wink: :twisted:


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11 Sep 2007, 11:20 am

blessedmom wrote:
Nan wrote:
depends on which dr. who we are discussing.
some of them were easier on the eyes than others.

Don't they all seem to attract some pretty nasty demons and whatnot? I don't care how good he looks, if he's got demons following him around I don't think so.

They don't exactly follow him around, most of them. He more sort of stumbles over them and finds himself obliged to do something about the situation. He does stumble a fair bit. And there is a little following, too.

All right, I take your point. The Doctor would not be an orderly janitor. You want order, not disorder. Someone competent, not easily distracted. Marvin? I mean the Marvin with a brain the size of a planet, companion to Zaphod Beeblebrox, not Marvin from Sin City. I don't think that Marvin would bring order into the cafe.


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11 Sep 2007, 11:33 am

I have to get some work done today so I'll leave you with one of my favourite Celtic songs (and I have many, many, many) :D
Green Grow the Rushes


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11 Sep 2007, 12:00 pm

Nan wrote:
cosmiccat wrote:
Godwit just accused me of child abuse when I showed him this humourously re-edited clip from Doctor Who: Human Nature. I want a second opinion, people.

I found it ugly, disturbing and sadistic. I don't understand how it's child abuse, though. It looks more like abuse of a green faced woman. Who re-edited it? Perhaps it wouldn't be so "sicko" if wasn't ripped out of context. Dr. Who may be a tasteful and brilliant program, but ripping something from the program and re-editing it, would remove the sanction and prestige at the same time.

i have no sound here on my computer at work, but being the snoop that i am once i saw cc's post i had to view the clip.

the visuals are ugly. someone being ... i can't find the word. and someone crying and in pain as a result. don't need to hear it. it's certainly not entertainment. unless the viewer is ... troubled. i would not voluntarily associate with the person who created this. and i would load the shotgun if they appeared anywhere near my kid. :(


The clip is no more than a slight amplification of a intentional point being made in the episode. The character doing all the shouting is evil. The character receiving the abuse is not a child. The scene (and the whole episode) in the original is very dark (not as in lighting, but as in dealing with unacceptable morality). The clip, by augmenting the violence of the exchange, in fact succeeds in muting the original effect. It turns a menacing, emotionally laden moment into one that is vaguely ludicrous.

In amongst its flaws, in all its history, Doctor Who has never shied away from portraying aliens as friendly and compassionate (at times) and humans (or things masquerading as humans) as the deepest and most immoral evil (also, at times).

Pretending that evil does not occur, and "looking the other way" is not much of a survival technique.

So maybe there is an element of truth in there... that you should find it disturbing.


Oh. And Godwit, so far as I can see, the Latin for "To Serve and to Protect" would be the somewhat tautologous "UT SERVO QUOD SERVO". "FABRICATI DIEM, PUNC" is, as I'm sure you know, pig Latin suggesting "Make my day, punk", or, more likely, "PUNC" would be the abbreviation of a Roman name, such as "Punctillius", who would be being asked to be on time, today, and we're back into tautology again.


Oh. And I've being ranting again. I don't do "soft". Long day. My brain hurts. My phpBB2 site works (just).

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11 Sep 2007, 12:14 pm

lau wrote:
The clip, by augmenting the violence of the exchange, in fact succeeds in muting the original effect. It turns a menacing, emotionally laden moment into one that is vaguely ludicrous.

I dunno, Lau. I found nothing even remotely ludicrous, humorous, or even a little amusing in it. I just saw pain, and the longer the clip ran, the worse it was. Nothing muted, just malignantly growing to the point that my back teeth almost started hurting. :(

But then, I don't usually watch people's faces - I'm listening to the sound of their voices. It's kind of an interesting experiment, watching the faces without the sound on youtube. IRL when that's the case I get the messages they're sending wrong more often than I get an accurate reading. At least, that's what I'm told - they could well be BS'ing me.

Talented actors.


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11 Sep 2007, 12:18 pm

Gromit wrote:
All right, I take your point. The Doctor would not be an orderly janitor. You want order, not disorder. Someone competent, not easily distracted. Marvin? I mean the Marvin with a brain the size of a planet, companion to Zaphod Beeblebrox, not Marvin from Sin City. I don't think that Marvin would bring order into the cafe.

but he's so tremendously lighthearted... what a comic relief he'd bring. especially sounding like alan rickman. :wink:


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11 Sep 2007, 12:23 pm

I think some of the things that appeal to kids/teens,that adults find "harsh" serve a few functions....

Stimulation in a world that is filled with mundane,(sitting still behind a desk for hours and rote memorizing.)

For the "hyper-sensitive" it can be a desensitising process to help deal with a world filled with noise.

For a child living in an uncertain world filled with news about global warming,Durfar and war news,gangsta violence and sexuality,a consumer society trying to create the "perfect buyer" must be tempting to get lost in fantasy violence,where you are in control(similiar to the charactor in the Harry Potter books.)

and in conclussion...I'm to tired to think anymore(love your sig postie)

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11 Sep 2007, 2:11 pm


Last edited by Godwit on 11 Sep 2007, 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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11 Sep 2007, 3:35 pm

Now I find that kind of cosmic. I don't think it was meant for me, but then that damn song by Carley Simone makes me nuts too. *shrug* I was researching a bit of ol Victor last night, trying to see if his philosophies put Rodin into a certian mind set in his art expression. It did I believe, to an extent, but can't tie it in with another that should have been about the same time. Still working on it. So I find it kind of cosmic that you used a Victor Hugo quote from Les Miserables. Interesting fellow, going to take a longer peek at him, got some more to think about trying to tie some things in. His exile in Germany and his thoughts have me more then a little interested. I wouldn't have guessed this one about him.

He is attributed to having done the shortest message exchange when on vacation. When Les Miserables was done, he knew he had a big one on his hands and was in it for the profit this time. The book publisher even did a marketing campiagn for it, which was a new concept. He was on vacation and the book, which was huge in size for its type, was a bit of a problem. He didn't know the status of it's progress in reaching publication, so he sent this telegram to his publisher. "?" The reply. "!"

Damn triva, I can't help it.

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11 Sep 2007, 3:40 pm

I think the worst that could be said was the vid was dark humor. I laughed my butt off in the movie Natural Born Killers. Did feel odd I seemed to be the only one in the theater doing it, but you have to know the area I live in to understand that one. I thought the vid was funny and I identifed with the lady's confusion and I was into how the guy did the vid. It was make believe. I just heard a freakin helicopter, now that freaks me out, put's me in a panic mode. It's like I am on 24/7 listening and I hear them long before anyone else and I can tell if they're military or civilan with out seeing them, which doesn't matter which for the set up. But to others, that sound is a huge comfort. I grin and bare it or hide and bare it. Such is life. I have horrible images dancing through my head at the moment. This too, shall pass. (I also remember where I put the valium :wink: )

If I had any sense of time I'd probably watch Doc Who. I might try to figure out if we get the current ones or if we're behind the times. Seems to be a difference in who see's which Who. Wonder if that's what The Wife is talking about when she says those words who who. I think she means owl talk though, pretty sure that's it, she's pretty wise.

I don't usually come up with movie lists, ones I really want to watch. For some reason I have 3, that's a high number for me. Started to watch The Aviator, which is supposed to be somewhat accurate of Howard Hughes, had a huge amount of house commotion so I just stopped watching before it got ruined. Some interesting tics, other then the ones I knew about. I want to find Camille Claudel, which should be a tramatic watch, depends, her life was certianly tragic. And, thanks to our dear CosmicCat I need to find The Meaning of Life, I don't know how I missed that one, probably was work related, I tend to get wrapped up in that stuff, good and bad.

Helicopter all gone and images all gone and nerves coming back from hyper drive. It really does pass, go figure.

Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.


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11 Sep 2007, 3:52 pm

postpaleo wrote:
I want to find Camille Claudel, which should be a tramatic watch, depends, her life was certianly tragic.

Good movie, very sad though.


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11 Sep 2007, 3:58 pm

Gromit wrote:
I see Quatermass now uses Latin signatures. Then he can probably also confirm that the Latin for "To Serve and to Protect" is FABRICATI DIEM, PUNC. Not many people know that.

Not many people know that? Bet those Latin's do, I mean they speak it, right? :roll: *wave at Gromit*

Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.


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11 Sep 2007, 4:04 pm

Nan wrote:
postpaleo wrote:
I want to find Camille Claudel, which should be a tramatic watch, depends, her life was certianly tragic.

Good movie, very sad though.

Figured it might be, couldn't really see how it could be otherwise. Haven't seen it, so don't know my take on it yet. A shame she destroyed so much of her work, in some ways I like her's better then Rodin's.


Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.