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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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06 Sep 2005, 2:18 pm

What is your first name? Samantha

Age: 15

Location: Florida

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, writing, watching movies, listening to music, pondering

Why are you here? I have AS

When were you diagnosed? I think when I was about 2-ish

Favorite subjects: Science, English, Social Science, Film Production

Year/Grade: 9th Grade

Favorite music: Anything rock (Ex. The Smashing Pumpkins, Marilyn Manson, Korn, AC/DC, System of a Down, Metallica, Rob Zombie, Disturbed, etc.) I also love to listen to movie scores (composed by Danny Elfman, Hans Zimmer, Robert Rodriquez, etc.)

Books: Anything by Hunter S. Thompson! Also Jurassic Park, The Lost World, The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy, Raptor Red, The Revolt of the Cockroach People, Tim Burton: A Child's Garden of Nightmmares, The Strange and Terrible Saga of Hunter S. Thompson, Long Hard Road Out of Hell. (Basically biographies, sci-fi, and politics, and the occasional horror)

TV shows/Movies: As far as movies go, there are waaay too many to count. In a nut shell, I like the Jurassic Park trilogy, Tim Burton's masterpieces, sci-fi's, mob movies, comedies (preferably by Mel Brooks), mystery, horror/slasher :twisted:

TV shows, eh? Well, there's Monk, Seinfeld, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Curb Yr. Enthusiasm, Survivor, The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart, South Park, Reno 911. There's probably more, but I just can't think of them right now.

Instrument: I like to Listen to many instruments, but I can't really play anything.

Do you like sports?: If Texas Hold 'Em Poker counts as a sport, then yes.

Family: My parents, my little sister, my 5 guinea pigs and my iguana who lives in our guest bathroom tub.

Clothing: Tees and jeans. Nothing special (sometimes I like to put on stripey socks, acapulco shirts and bermuda shorts, but that's only on special occasions)

How did you find this website? My mom sent it to me.

Job: eBay, baby!

Plans for the future? I hope to become either a film director/actress, or a film critic. But whatever comes my way is fine w/ me...

*Walk down the right back alley in Sin City and you can find anything...*


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10 Sep 2005, 7:42 pm

<b>What is your first name?</b> Katherine

<b>Age:</b> 19

<b>Location:</b> Utica, NY; Durham, PA; Stockholm, Sweden (it depends on the time of year for me)

<b>Hobbies and Interests:</b> occult things like astrology and tarot, languages, literature, listening to and playing music, amateur photography, anime, computers/artificial intelligence/the internet, caves

<b>Why are you here?</b> i'm trying to figure out whether or not i have AS.

<b>When were you diagnosed?</b> i was never diagnosed, as i had never even heard of AS until about three years ago.

<b>Favorite subjects:</b> history, Russian, philosophy, English

<b>Year/Grade:</b> sophomore in college

<b>Favorite music:</b> anything! i have a special fondness for classic rock/oldies, broadway standards, and big band, but i also enjoy modern mainstream type stuff, ska, techno/trance/house, and really bad pop (i love Abba). i also enjoy classical, celtic and movie soundtracks (Howard Shore is my current favourite).

<b>Books:</b> <i>Catcher in the Rye</i> (J. D. Salinger), <i>All the King's Men</i> (Robert Penn Warren), <i>Crime and Punishment</i> (Fyodor Dostoyevsky), <i>Walden</i> (Henry David Thoreau), <i>How to be Alone</i> (Jonathan Franzen), <i>The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy</i> (Douglas Adams), <i>The Chronicles of Narnia</i> (C. S. Lewis), <i>The Dark is Rising</i> (Susan Cooper)...i know i'm missing some, still!

<b>TV shows/Movies:</b> Mystery Science Theater 3000, What Not to Wear, Changing Rooms, Sliders, Stargate SG-1, .hack//SIGN; Pulp Fiction, Kevin Smith's Jersey "trilogy," Napoleon Dynamite, The Matrix, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Finding Neverland, Singin' in the Rain, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Godfather, Army of Darkness, Star Wars, and anything with Vincent Price.

<b>Instrument:</b> i border on virtuoso on piano (or i used to, i'm rather out of practice). i can also play clarinet, sax, violin, and i know a smattering of some other instruments as well.

<b>Do you like sports?:</b> i like bocce ball and i like to bowl. that's about it.

<b>Family:</b> a moderately geeky family of two electrical engineer parents and a maths-enthusiast brother. i strongly suspect that my dad has AS, but i'm not entirely sure.

<b>Clothing:</b> i'm migrating from jeans to soft, flowy skirts. i generally wear tee shirts or tank tops with a light long sleeved workshirt on top (so i can have pockets!)

<b>How did you find this website?</b> my boyfriend's mentioned wrongplanet a couple of times, and i've also seen links on the asperger LJ community.

<b>Job:</b> student, but i'm actually a tour guide in a cave during the summer. i guess it's kind of an unusual job for an aspie-type to hold, but it's like getting paid to talk about something you love.

<b>Plans for the future?</b> right now graduation with a B.A. in Creative Writing is my top priority. i'd love to be able to be a professional tarot reader/consultant someday, but that's really just a pipe dream. i also need to learn Swedish.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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10 Sep 2005, 9:47 pm

What is your first name? Grey

Age: 25+

Location: Just the other side of reality

Hobbies and Interests: Sf, word puzzles, scrapbooking, knitting

Why are you here? I'm an Aspie

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): well, when I was 2, the docs told my parents to just put me in a home b/c I was autistic, when I was 5, I was labeled "high-functioning", at 24 I was labeled an Aspie

Favorite subjects: History, Biology, Chemistry

Year/Grade: Seriously???

Favorite music: Anything by The Rat Pack

Books: The Hithchiker's Guide to the Galaxy

TV shows/Movies: Tv show: Star Trek Movie: The Wizard of Oz

Instrument: I played the piano, trumpet, and violin once upon a very long time ago

Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: I like to watch football (no, not American football--football) and hockey

Family: A darling husband, two sons (one of which is entirely too much like his mother)

Clothing: Jeans and t-shirts mostly

How did you find this website? I was looking for people like me

Job: Mother

Plans for the future? Let life come

Any comments? Not so much

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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11 Sep 2005, 12:46 am

What is your first name? - Dell

Age: 32

Location: Los Altos, California

Hobbies and Interests: Music, Kantian philosophy, streets and highways (and maps thereof), history, law, blogs, Wikipedia

Why are you here? - trying to find out whether I have Asperger's and, if so, what that will mean for me as a person.

When were you diagnosed? - I haven't been, though my therapist (who sees a lot of AS people) seems pretty sure I'm on the spectrum someplace.

Favorite subjects: Philosophy, history

Year/Grade: Bachelor's degrees in History and Electrical Engineering, the latter in 2001. Haven't been back to school since.

Favorite music: I like a few pieces from each of many different styles. I think it takes a special person to really love the Grateful Dead album Terrapin Station, and I think I am that person. My taste is really undeveloped, though.

Books: Too many to name; Asimov's original Foundation trilogy is an approximate center of gravity.

TV Shows/Movies: I generally prefer movies; I don't know why I usually find TV tiresome, I just do. Dobie Gillis is one of the few shows I've ever really loved (RIP Bob Denver). The Avengers is another. Favorite movies include Casablanca, Bringing Up Baby, Lawrence of Arabia, Star Wars, Star Trek, The Matrix, The Lord of the Rings, The Big Lebowski, that kind of thing.

Instrument: Voice. But I've always wanted to play piano well, too.

Do you like sports? If so, which ones? - No. I'm starting to enjoy watching soccer, though.

Family: Now scattered, though in contact. Mom and Dad probably both have AS too, bless 'em.

Clothing: Various and often mismatched. Whatever's cleanest and has the fewest holes.

How did you find this website? - From the Wikipedia article on AS.

Job: I work in a call center, God help me. I've been doing it for a year now. The job doesn't suit me, but I've never found one that really did. - But see below!

Plans for the future: If I have Asperger's, it's what's behind the thing I've been fighting all my life - the temptation to specialize in a few things and forget about the rest of the world. Now I wonder if that might be the best way I could contribute, after all. In that case, the main problem for me will be choosing my ground wisely. For example, metaphysics (in Kant's style) is going to be part of what I end up doing: but there's got to be some other part that makes money enough to live on. Maybe I'll take up programming; I've just taken a couple of classes now and then, but like music, it's something I enjoy so much that it scares me.


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15 Sep 2005, 11:50 am

What is your first name? Charlotte

Age: 16

Location: Tingrith - an almost-hamlet in Bedfordshire, the East of England.

Hobbies and Interests: Music (all aspects of), hearing / deafness, tinnitus, APD, people, German, learning random facts.

Why are you here? I was given a link to a topic on here (about not mentioning people's names) and have been wondering if I have Asperger's since I was given links to questionnaires (designed by people with Asperger's) and found that I scored highly. I think I have lots of the traits and it would explain a lot about me.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I haven't, and I doubt I'd mention anything about it to any of my friends to be honest. I doubt they'd believe me in all honesty.

Favorite subjects: music, German, chemistry (although handling glass equipment is scary!)

Year/Grade: 6th form - year 12.

Favorite music: Baroque, classical, romantic, some jazz. Also Irish folk :)

Books: Fantasy.

TV shows/Movies: Holby City, Casualty (medical dramas)

Instrument: violin, viola, clarinet (Bb soprano and bass especially.) Beginning piano and self-teaching oboe and cello.

Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: Watching snooker :oops:

Family: Mum, Dad, 8-yr old sister and 10-yr old brother.

Clothing: Casual although I like looking smart sometimes!

Job: Currently looking to teach beginner violinists / violists but nothing promising as such.

What are you planning to do when you get older? Do a degree in music, then teach violin / viola peripatetically (or 'very pathetically' for students who can't say it! :wink:

Spectrumite ... somewhere.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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15 Sep 2005, 4:06 pm

What is your first name ? Ian

Age: 15

Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia

Hobbies and Interests: Photography, and Meteorology

Why are you here ? I have Asperger's

When were you diagnosed ? - Going to be formally diagnosed Sept. 26

Favorite music: Celtic and East Coast music

Favorite Sports- Soccer, Hockey, Curling

How did you find this website ?- A lot of searching on the web

Job: Grade-9 Student


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15 Sep 2005, 6:14 pm

Musical_Lottie wrote:
Hobbies and Interests: Music (all aspects of), hearing / deafness, tinnitus, APD, people, German, learning random facts.

Ooh, interesting hobbies! Music and deafness eh? Why deafness?

...though fire may burn & flames envelop me, I will arise from the ashes...

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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16 Sep 2005, 7:49 pm

Ok, so I've read and posted for a while so perhaps I should put something here:

What is your first name? Mark

Age: 38

Location: Cambridge

Hobbies and Interests: Computing, electronics, electronic music synthesis, cycling (with weird bikes)

Why are you here? Trying to make sense of who I am and how to work around the things that make it hard to interact with other people.

When were you diagnosed? Not diagnosed, and not really sure how/if to diagnose at my age!

Favorite subjects: Astrophysics, Computing (especially if it allows you to make interesting and unique sounds and visuals)

Year/Grade: MSc in Astronomy

Favorite music: Anything minimalist (eg John Adams); anything without vocals(!)

Books: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; Most things by Arthur C Clarke from before 1980; New Scientist Magazine (ok, but if you put enough of them together they look like a book...)

TV shows/Movies: (What's a TV?) Movies: Star Trek I; 2001; anything to do with Danger Mouse; Brazil

Instrument: piano, electronic saxophone, LeCroy serial analyser

Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: chess (oh, and cycling of course, though does it count as a sport if you do it on your own???)

Family: yes

Clothing: sandals, T-shirt and jeans (regardless of the occasion). I've been known to turn up to formal business dinners with a backpack, sandals, T-shirt and jeans...

Job: Chief techie for a company I helped start (to Do Things Right, which is probably impossible even though I think it is still work trying to make this a reality). For once, being seen as eccentric is an advantage...

What are you planning to do when you get older? figure out ways to stay younger...


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16 Sep 2005, 10:51 pm

(BTW, sorry if I'm obscenely late in doing this...)

What is your first name? Matt

Age: 25

Location: Cleveland OH

Hobbies and Interests: drum&bass/jungle, hip-hop, cars, computers, movies, videogames, and a big one lately - career.

Why are you here? AS, OCD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, most of the comorbids I've worked my way arround though

When were you diagnosed? Yes - 1991, double verified and in 2002 it was tested (by me) and verified again

Favorite subjects: Philosophy, science, math, psychology, and accounting

Year/Grade: College senior - 3 classes left in the spring, Bachelors of Business Administration, majoring in Accounting.

Favorite music: dark jungle, tech-step jungle, jump-up jungle, hip-hop (mostly dark, grimey, NYC type stuff with some articulate slit-slang), acid/minimal techno, some darker-edged progressive trance, the few metal and industrial bands that have the right dark/intelligent flair.

Books: Dalai Lama: The Art of Happiness, Sun Tzu - Art of War, as for fiction it's been a while.

TV shows/Movies: Chapelle, Robot Chicken, a lot of stuff on Discovery, National Geographic, TLC, and of course the news.

Instrument: Played guitar for about 11 years, gave it up (change in tastes), and have been producing techno and drum&bass. Kind of on a break from all that right now though...

Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: I'll watch a game with my friends but I've never gotten into any of it on my own.

Family: Mom, dad, 3 dogs, a cat, 2 fish.

Clothing: Mostly Phatfarm, Rocawear, Ecko, South Pole, Enyce, and O'Niel.

How did you find this website? Gave it a websearch

Job: Right now I'm just bussing tables at a pretty busy Italian restaurant.

Plans for the future? In the near future there's a local accounting firm I'd like to have an internship or at least a 1 year job with. As for September of next year though I really hope to be with the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General as an auditor - I've got an interview with them as well as the other firms and I have my fingers crossed that I'll get in. IF that happens though I'll be moving to D.C. for a while.

Any comments? As far as my self or this site, none that I can think of. I think I'd rather let my posts do the talking.

The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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17 Sep 2005, 3:27 pm

What is your first name? Dave

Age: 20

Location: Toronto, Ontario

Hobbies and Interests: Art, cartoons, video games, fantasy fiction, drawing, painting, animating, 3d modelling.

Why are you here? Aspergers

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Grade 7

Favorite subjects: Hmm, stll becoming familiar with my classes this year. I guess Animation Production and Life Drawing.

Year/Grade: Year 2 of 2 of my current program. 3rd year of college total.

Favorite music: Mainly rock, metal, alternative, industrial.

Books: Lord of the Rings, Dragonlance, Discworld, Great Expectations, To Kill a Mockingbird, Life of Pi, Hunchback of Notre Dame.

TV shows/Movies: Family Guy, Seinfeld, Home Movies, Ren & Stimpy, Spongebob Squarepants, Looney Tunes, South Park..

Instrument: Only instrument I played was the tenor sax, that was a while ago..

Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: Used to do karate, am I looking to get back into martial arts soon. I also like hockey.

Family: Mom, dad and brother. Good amount of relatives on both sides. Happy that I still have 3 grandparents.

Clothing: Tend to like darker colours. Comfortable stuff mainly. Alot of cargo pants and button-down shirts.

How did you find this website? Google.

Job: Most recent was at Tim Horton's during the summer. I want to get into 3D Animation ultimately.


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20 Sep 2005, 10:42 am

Ooh, interesting hobbies! Music and deafness eh? Why deafness?

No idea. I've always been interested in learning sign language (although as of yet I haven't got too far with it!) and when I started noticing that not being able to hear things properly was causing me problems, I went and researched my symptoms on the internet. Of course the nature of APD is such that it presents almost identical symptoms as deafness, but without the actual loss of the ability to hear. So up came all these articles about deafness, and it just really interested me. So after my diagnosis of OAD/APD I'm still interested in deafness, and upon reflection I think part of that was to do with the knowing that there were people who knew what it was like to not be able to follow conversations etc. But mainly the actual interest in deafness comes from finding the information absolutely fascinating.

Spectrumite ... somewhere.


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20 Sep 2005, 6:09 pm

Groovay! As are you words: love em!

...though fire may burn & flames envelop me, I will arise from the ashes...


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28 Sep 2005, 9:39 pm

Hi Everyone! I just joined last night.

What is your first name? Brian

Age: 39

Location: Minneapolis, MN

Hobbies and Interests: Computer Geek, cycling, electronics , HAM radio, Mensa, Linux, reading, robotics, storm spotter

Why are you here? Trying to understand myself. Coping with Apsperger's and severe depression.

When were you diagnosed? Self diagnosed

Favorite subjects: Right now - Spanish, Freshman Composition, and PreCalculus. I really enjoy the sciences and history.

Year/Grade: Just started college as a freshman a month ago, working towards an Engineering Degree

Favorite music: Rush, Seal, Enya

Books: Used to read voraciously. I like Iain Banks, Greg Egan, David Weber, and all the SF classics. Self Help books too!

TV shows/Movies: Tivo owner - Firefly, Buffy, Batlestar Galactica, Mythbusters, random History/Discovery channel shows.

Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: I can't stand televised sports. I bicycle about 18 miles three times a week, except in winter.

Family: Divorced, Anthony (SIDS) and non custodial parent of Trevor.

Clothing: My working uniform is dockers and a polo shirt. At home it's shorts or sweatpants and a T-shirt.

Job: Currently unemployed, last work situation aggravated by Asperger's.
Formerly Computer/Network Technical support for the last ten years with Xiotech, Silicon Graphics, Pillsbury, NorthWest Airlines. Before that Facilities mechanic at NWA. And before that, nine years in the US Navy as a Nuclear Propulsion Plant Supervisor aboard the USS Enterprise and USS Nimitz.

What are you planning to do when you get older? At age eighteen, I could not imagine reaching twentyone. Then I hit thirty thinking "what the hell am I gonna do now?" That was nine years ago, LOL. I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up, however I'm determined to enjoy my second childhood.


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29 Sep 2005, 9:37 pm


First name: Emily

Age: 24 (DOB: 08-17-1981)

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Hobbies/Interests: Abnormal Psychology, Biopsychology, Neuropsychology, Comparative Psychology, poetry writing/reading, art making/studying, paleonathropology, collecting books and just about anything else, and thinking.

Why am I here?: I like it.

When was I diagnosed?: Positive assessment of Aspergers from The Judevine Center for Autism in St. Louis in July, 2005.

Favorite subjects: I am majoring in Psychology and minoring in German with an unofficial minor in art.

Year/Grade: Junior in college

Favorite music: Frank Sinatra, Jazz, Classical including Opera, Oldies, Musicals, and Alternative.

Books: Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Hunger by Knut Hamsun, and poetry by Rainer Maria Rilke, T.S. Eliot, and Bertolt Brecht among many others. And of course, just about anything on Abnormal or Biopsychology.

TV shows/movies: X-Files! and also too many movies to list. I love Shine, Shadowlands, Quills, Frida, Surviving Picasso, Young Frankenstein, Clue...

Instruments: No instruments.

Sports: I LOVE racquetball and baseball and played basketball for a time.

Family: Mainly just my mother.

Clothing: Jeans/khakis, a t-shirt, and my Old Navy gray vest.

Wrong Planet: Found it by accident thinking it was Ooops Wrong Planet.

Job: None. On SSDI.

Plans?: Graduate Dotoral Program at Washington University. Go into Psychology research. Have a firm base in Biopsychology but also some behavioral.

Any comments?: That's a rather broad and open-ended question, don't you think???

My Science blog, Science Over a Cuppa -

My partner's autism science blog, Cortical Chauvinism -


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29 Sep 2005, 10:56 pm

Well bless me if I haven't yet filled one of these in! I am all astonishment! *winks at Louisa*

What is your first name? Annelise

Age: 19

Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Southern Hemisphere, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way, Universe... I think that's right!

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, mucking around online, drawing cats and photoshopping my art, helping out at Sunday Club with the Kinder/Preps and specifically with a little girl with Autistic traits, eating junk food, sleeping, chatting on msn, checking in on WrongPlanet, going to uni, watching and laughing hysterically at Foamy clips on the net, going to church, going to Youth Group, going to my Asperger's Syndrom Support Group... oh yeah, and I LOVE cats and am learning Auslan!

Why are you here? Somewhere in between being diagnosed with AD(H)D, queried OCD and Tourettes, assumed Depression, queried Psychosis, assumed Anxiety Disorder, assumed BiPolar Affective Disorder or Multiple Personality Disorder, I was also diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. Given that this is the best fit, here I am!

When were you diagnosed? Err... when I was about 13... in year 8... 5 years ago... that must make it 2000.

Favorite subjects: Auslan! And Linguistics, she's lovin the Linguistics!

Year/Grade: First year uni: Bachelor of Arts.

Favorite music: Contemporary Christian, Praise & Worship, Rock, Alternative. Specifically, Planetshakers, Hillsong, Casting Crowns, Mark Schultz, Steven Curtis Chapman, Creed (THEY ROCK!! !), Evanescence, The Corrs, and when the mood arises, Linkin Park and Metallica.

Favourite Books: Lloyd Alexander: "Chronicles of Prydain", C.S.Lewis: "Chronicles of Narnia", Donna Williams: "Nobody Nowhere" and "Somebody Somewhere", Wendy Lawson: "Life Behind Glass", anything Tamora Pierce, Garth Nix: "7th Tower Series"... and I am sure there are more!

Favourite TV shows/Movies: All Saints, BBC version of Pride and Prejudice, The Lion King, Ice Age, Sky High, Madagascar, The Sound of Music, Cats... can't think of others. I used to think I didn't have favourites because I don't watch much TV, but I have followed All Saints for years, love the classics, and love all the new animations by Dreamworks and whatever the other one is!

Instrument: Learnt piano and violin for a while. Muddle about with piano every now and then. Would like to learn guitar... wait, would LOVE to learn drums!

Do you like sports? *gags* Sports? Swimming is ok I guess... and martial arts. I'd quite like to be a brilliant dancer, but I don't see that happening anytime soon! Could possibly enjoy yoga though... In short, it took me over a decade to learn to catch a ball, and I am scared of most of them! Sports and Annelises DO NOT MIX!

Family: Residing, in carbon-based form under the one roof, are my Mum, brother James (11), sister Bethany (10), cat Annie (7), and kitten Mira.

Clothing: Yes, I wear it... most of the time. I'm a jeans and top girl: I love Op-Shops and despise brand names, although I do occasionally entertain the idea of being an all-pink Roxy chic! Not gonna happen: I would much rather buy 'trendy' tops at Deborah K and spend the rest of my money on... JUNK FOOD!! ! Still, I think I have an alright fashion sense, and I'm currently in the process of making myself a flowy skirt out of an Op-Shop shirt!

How did you find this website? I think I followed some links after googling Asperger's...

Job: Being annoying.

Plans for the future? I try not to think too much about the future, unless I am daydreaming about how nice it would be for Mr. Darcy to come along and sweep me off my feet... Aside from that, I would love to work with Autistic or Deaf kids!

Any comments? Mr. Darcy is drop dead gorgeous, cats rock, Deaf and Aspie Culture rocks also, and rumour is I'm rather verbose: sorry!

...though fire may burn & flames envelop me, I will arise from the ashes...


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30 Sep 2005, 11:39 pm

What is your first name? Rachel
Age: 21

Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Hobbies and Interests: music, music, music, music, art, music, reading, music, psychology, music, music, philosophy, music, music, music, numbers and patterns, music, the gaining of knowledge, music, and music.
Why are you here? I am fairly certain that I have Asperger's syndrome.

When were you diagnosed? I am undiagnosed.
Favorite subjects: All my subjects are music subjects, but probably my Major Study (composition)

Year/Grade: 2nd year uni.

Favorite music: Classical music, particularly the music of the early Romantic period and modern classical music. There is a lot of really beautiful music being composed today.
Books: I have to choose?
Everything and anything, as long as it is well-written and capable of provoking thought.

TV shows/Movies: House. That doctor is cool.
Instrument: I can play:
slide whistle
tin whistle

Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: I don't really like sports, but I enjoy climbing and swimming. I detest competitive sports.
Family: Mother, father. Older brother: age 25. 2 younger brothers, aged 15 and 13.

Clothing: Looks good and is comfortable.

How did you find this website? I can't remember.
Job: Music teacher. Hoping to get work as an accompanist once I improve my piano sight-reading.

Plans for the future? To become a professional clarinettist and composer, and to continue teaching. I would like to play in an orchestra and have my own chamber ensemble.

Any comments? No. I think.

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I