The Dino-Aspie Ex-Café (for Those 40+... or feeling creaky)
I liked fingernail to wiggle my fingers and see the floating bits of made them dry out and split worse the normal,which has been very bad as I get older,so I cant wear them anymore.(I also loved the smell of the polish but not the remover.)
I like some scented stuff but most cant cover up the acrid "chemical smell" underneath.Dont know what that is but its pretty nasty and leaves a taste in my throat.Most smells I stay away from because they make the rashes worse.Though,I still have them,even without the potions and lotions...maybe the dogs?
Good job on cleaning....think I will try and follow your good example and get the bathroom hairs,arrrgggg
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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Soooo, are ya fixed yet? Or you still counting to that I'm all cured day. What a drag, then you'd have to start at 1 again.
Big day, a wonderful milestone and you know you rock!! If you don't know, I'm here to tell you.
Wanna go have a drink to celebrate? I'll buy.
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.
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Merle! Hit me with Postie's two by four! This is what my children's book is about!! ! I hope you won't think that I stole your idea! I started the writing of it three years ago! It's based on a dream that I had. It's just the illustrations that have taken me so long, because I had to finish inventing the inks that I am using!
I'll be back shortly - have to mow the lunar surface and eat some lunch.
Chuck, check this out, you probably already knew this stuff. I just stumbled into in the last couple days. Skip down to the part labeled "Drawings" for why I put up the link. I never had any idea about the left hand dawing till I saw this. When I saw the inks, I thought of you and just nodded my head knowingly.
Victor Hugo
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.
OK.I'm going to clean the bathroom...after,I finish this cigerette.
Merle I just wanted to thank you for the fuzzy hats.The party was lame(except for the great video)but the hats helped me not feel so lonely(I talk to anything that feels like fur,my eyes dont tell my hands it's not a cat).And double congratulations on the sobriety.I'm not sure how many years I actually have...started in 1990,but had a few drinks in 2000,so....guess that makes seven.(I hate starting over).
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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...It's just the illustrations that have taken me so long, because I had to finish inventing the inks that I am using!
Two inky plants (from Back East) come to mind, so I wondered if you tried them and what you thought of them as "media": black walnut husk, and the berries of something we used to call "poison sumac".
I can verify the walnut husks, me leetle kiddie fingers were covered in it, Black Walnut tree in the back yard. (very small this year and falling already, shouldn't be this early. The chipmunk under the deck is happy though) Butternut's will do it too. I've read the "soup" made from the balck walnut husks were used as a fish stunner, never tried it, so can't say. For most folks making inks from posion sumac is not a real good idea, however.
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.
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Remember Madras?
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.
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Wow, so many interesting topics in the Cafe!
First, Postie, your huge, adorable dog made wish for one of my own. Thank you for sharing that clip with us.
Too bad the party never took off. But we are still going strong. The clip about the Hippo was adorable. I guess when you've learned to love one animal, you can love them all.
Got off those disagreeable meds, and feel more like myself than I have in a long time. I just can't stand chemicals mucking up my brain cells. i don't know what my doctor will try next, because I have to address the constant pain. But opiates are out.
About scents: I've noticed that I have the same reaction that you do, Lupine. It will keep acting on me, until I have to get rid of it. Just bought a bar of pleasantly scented soap. Dove, I think. Now the entire house smells of it. I placed the soap in a covered plastic container, and I can still smell it. I hate to throw away perfectly good soap, but...
Anyway, hi to all I haven't mentioned.
Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
-- Dr. Dale Turner
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I suppose everybody's skin is a little different. Dove treats mine about the best of all I've tried. You can get unscented Dove. Bottom line, water from a shower hurts and soap makes me itch badly, bath's are just plain revolting. I just try not to get so bad it bothers anyone, including myself. I don't like to change my clothes either, it just makes the agony of breaking in a new set probable. Laundry soaps are an issue and fabric softeners are a no no. Even The Wife's wearing a perfume makes me sneeze uncontroably, hell of it is, I like it when she's wears Opium and nothing else, my favorite perfume. Hehe, well second favorite. I don't give a damn what other's think of my habits, if they don't like it, I'll just move closer to them and smile bigger. They seem to find the door ok. I don't stink, but I'm no scratch and sniff in a magazine either.
I dress funny, look funny, act funny. It's one of the best defense's I can have. People don't like to invade my space. It's when I have to conform, they get all comfortable, get all chummy and would like to get to know me. What a nightmare.
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.
Thanks for posting that Postie,everytime they have some thread on showering/hygene,I feel like a leper among the freaks.I like a good soak once in a while,especially winter and if I've been working out or have "girl stuff" going on,or going to fool around with the BF...ok.But for goodness sakes,I rarely stink.....I know stink and I dont.So baths are for smell and relaxing not a sceduled activity.
I think I react to the bleach or whatever they do to water.I avoid it until I cant.I learned about the problems with soaps before they had any other options....if I had any marketing savy as a kid I would have marcketed what I used instead....shampoo.It didnt make my skin feel sticky or dry it out.I still use it.Herbalessence is usually cheap and works fine.
Hi Hartz...I'm glad the med thing is better.Have you talked to your DR about pain blocker implants?I dont know much about them but I think they are a type of electric implant that blocks the pain messages.I think it would be a big decission and dont know if it's covered by your insurence but it would help with the grooginess,brain fog and depression that comes with meds.
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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...It's just the illustrations that have taken me so long, because I had to finish inventing the inks that I am using!
Two inky plants (from Back East) come to mind, so I wondered if you tried them and what you thought of them as "media": black walnut husk, and the berries of something we used to call "poison sumac".
I can verify the walnut husks, me leetle kiddie fingers were covered in it, Black Walnut tree in the back yard. (very small this year and falling already, shouldn't be this early. The chipmunk under the deck is happy though) Butternut's will do it too. I've read the "soup" made from the balck walnut husks were used as a fish stunner, never tried it, so can't say. For most folks making inks from posion sumac is not a real good idea, however.
I recall from my childhood that, along with honeysuckle and blackberries, "poison sumac" could be found everywhere. A fast-growing plant with bunches of round, inky berries. Of course, I was intrigued by the "poison" adjective. How poisonous was it? Maybe I couldn't eat the enticing berries... but perhaps I could do something else with them? Like... make ink?!
Oh!! And... Queen Anne's Lace. Is it really a wild carrot?
when I had to take on the persona of an upscale office inhabitant I bypassed the whole 'fingernail polish' but having acrylic nails put on. . .and I maintained them for years. .and they were lovely. But I have the fingernail polish "squeezed" feeling, only mine manifests as "suffocation". Isn't it strange, but with the heavier acrylic I didn't have that feeling, only those thin coats of polish triggered it.
and I have to have 'unscented' soaps and deodorants. . .or I am scrubbing it off in the restroom!
Acrylic nails! Hmmm... Maybe I'll give that a try, just to see what it's like. I assume they can be removed easily?
At some point, Dove soap (unscented) was recommended to me as being the least noxious of the commercially available soaps. And, in fact I can tolerate it. It dissolves very quickly, though, so I always wondered whether it was a cost-effective purchase, compared to some of the hand-made soaps I can buy at the farmers' market, which seem to last forever. Without annoying me.
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.
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Oh!! And... Queen Anne's Lace. Is it really a wild carrot?
The posion sumic depends.. As crazy as my skin is, in what I just talked about with soap and stuff, I don't get posion ivy or posion oak or poson sumac. We used to get into the stuff really heavily doing Arch work. Towards the end of my arch-whore time, I started seeing little single blisters showing up but not spreading. I think I have about used up my posion plant tokens. But the vast majority of the crews all got the blights. It's very nasty to get into it that heavy, some needed shots. They often got recontaminated with it later in the year from tools, clothes, boots, etc and you can get it from the roots in the winter. I got so I had to pay attention to what it was, at least for the ivy. I just didn't care before, after all I didn't get it. But when I had to lay out the work for others, I didn't put it in the middle of something nasty. I very often was the one in the spots we couldn't avoid it.
The berry part I have no idea, but I couldn't believe for a second it could be good for you. I have heard of a something the Native Americans did with the plant, but I won't repeat it, some kid go and try it, or adult and it did sound dangerous if not true. But I am more then a little intrigued.
Yes Queen Anne's Lace is wild carrot.
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.
HELLPPP! I agree with everything that's been written since the party, and I'm NT!! !! !!
Loved you and the dog, PP. You will need a saddle for that one! And I want a hippo!
Well Chuck, I can now understand your fascination with butts! You were an energetic baby.
I hate any artificial scents. I stopped using any cleansing on my face except water years ago. I use unscented soaps, washing powder etc. And PP, vinegar in the final rinse is a wonderful softener. My husband uses water only to clean his teeth, reluctantly uses shampoo and doesn't use deoderant! But then he doesn't stink like I do.
It's great catching up with you all!
I think there must be some chronic learning disability that is so prevalent among NT's that it goes unnoticed by the "experts". Krex
Hi, Nannarob. Good to see you! I use vinegar in to rinse my clothes, too. It not only softens them, it deodorizes them and with 3 smelly boys we need that!
I can't wear anything with any scent at all. I have found that since I started avoiding perfumes and cleaners like Lysol or Pine sol, my migraines have gone from every 3 or 4 days to twice a month. I use unscented goat milk soap, Herbalessence shampoo and that's it. I clean everything with a vinegar and Sunlight soap mixture, and the toilet gets a mild bleach solution. Anything else has me sitting with a splitting headache.
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