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26 Apr 2014, 3:49 am

What is your first name? Cody

Age: 25

Location: Moohread, MN

Hobbies and Interests: Coin Collecting, Mineral/Geode Collecting, Gaming

Why are you here? To try and find myself

When were you diagnosed?: Over a decade ago

Favorite subjects: Economics

Year/Grade: Not Enrolled

Favorite music: Rock, Alt Rock, Light Metal, trance, nightcore. Everything Else Rarely or Never

Books: NA

TV shows/Movies: Supernatural, Rick and Morty, Smallville, Sleepy Hollow, Doctor Who, Helix, and whatever else feel like watching (No Netflix Hulu for me thanks)

Instrument: Never took the time to learn

Do you like sports? Not really

Family: Single, No family/kids.

Clothing: I Wear what ever is comfortable

How did you find this website? I Submitted a question to Tauren think tank a world of warcraft podcast that deals with giving council/support to its listeners. the Question was how to get back on my feet in life and this site was a suggestion from a listener.

Job: Unemployed

Plans for the future? Find new job/Other

Any comments? Not yet.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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Joined: 9 Mar 2014
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26 Apr 2014, 2:09 pm

What is your first name?

Age: 38

Location: germany

Hobbies and Interests: history esp.19/20th century, north korea, collecting records, playing music (without any talent), psychology (interesting species these humans). there's a few other kind of "oscillating" interests. at the moment: female murderers and prisons. i also like statistical information very much, comparing numbers, sizes, tables...

Why are you here? i am still looking for "answers" on aspergers. i am very interested in other people's descriptions of their experiences. the complexity of that "different state of mind" is immensly fascinating. still the basic "symptoms" are somehow very often alike, only differing in severity. this site here is definitely the most informative one on the web.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): last year. by chance. having a diagnostic-odyssey behind me. a lot of shrinks were racking their brains, suspected me to have adhd, depressions, social anxiety, ocd and so forth... completely by chance i read a book about aspergers and was completely baffled: 90% strike. brilliant. support for adults with aspergers? here? good joke! you always have to fight those know-it-all smart ar**es who constantly explain to you that "real autists are much more obsessed with rigid routines, can't understand implicit language, know time tables by heart, are disabled or behave like this rainmain guy". these people then often let me know that i was way too normal to have aspergers... even worse are only those who try to understand you: "yeah i know, i also have these special days sometimes, when nothing seems to work out well".... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh.

Favorite subjects: school? horror. horror. horror. people thought i was a bit "dim", as i often need a bit of time to consider my answers...then at some point i stopped to take an interest in class/studies, thinking i was too stupid for even the most mediocre academic laurels... quit school, failed at apprenticeship, ended up beeing unemployed for years...


Favorite music: 60s psychedelic, 80s/90s-indie, electro

Books: many. recently williams-stoner, ageiiev - cocaine, a lot of history and psychological stuff, great war, north korea, bio-psycholgy...

TV shows/Movies: fast show (still the best comedy series ever made), splatter, strange stuff from strange countries, martial arts, documentaries....

Instrument: guitar (lousy), bass guitar (poor), drums (pathetic - though i try hard), the piano (i was forced to practise it when young - totally in vain). i can't even sing properly. but i like to record "music" just for fun.

Do you like sports? no

Family: intricate story

Clothing: important. i am quite anti-autism-cliché concerning that. when younger i used to hang out in the same shabby clothing all the time (i even had a period of quite reduced personal hygiene) buuuuut times have changed...

How did you find this website? it simply was there. apparently it looked for me.

Job: something with a lot of alien people around (stress, horror, stress, horror)

Plans for the future? trying to get an opportunity to catch up on all those things i missed due to these special circumstances.

Any comments?

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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30 Apr 2014, 8:20 am

What is your first name? Rachel

Age: 18

Location: Small town Northern WI

Hobbies and Interests: Music, acting, cooking, reading, writing

Why are you here? I was referred by a friend, checked it out, and this looked like an awesome place.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I was diagnosed with depression and general anxiety disorder a month and a half ago.

Favorite subjects: Psychology, sociology, English, and History

Year/Grade: Senior (12)

Favorite music: Celtic and instrumental music, but I listen to anything.

Books: Currently the Game of Thrones books. It changes with every book I read (and I read a LOT).

TV shows/Movies: Sherlock, House, White Collar, and Psych for TV shows. Too many movies to mention--I'm a little bit of a movie freak :)

Instrument: To play, trumpet and pennywhistle. In general or to listen to, stringed instruments.

Do you like sports? Yes, I'm a fan of football (soccer), and I'm a thrower in track.

Family: Parents and two younger sisters. And a Springer Spaniel who's afraid of absolutely everything.

Clothing: Sweatshirts and jeans. Occasionally sweatshirts and athletic shorts.

How did you find this website? I was referred by a friend.

Job: Currently unemployed, but I worked as a barista/cook/waitress for a year until the business folded.

Plans for the future? I plan on getting my Associate's degree in the Culinary arts next year.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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30 Apr 2014, 8:40 am

What is your first name? Rachel

Age: 18

Location: Small town Northern WI

Hobbies and Interests: Music, acting, cooking, reading, writing

Why are you here? I was referred by a friend, checked it out, and this looked like an awesome place.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I was diagnosed with depression and general anxiety disorder a month and a half ago.

Favorite subjects: Psychology, sociology, English, and History

Year/Grade: Senior (12)

Favorite music: Celtic and instrumental music, but I listen to anything.

Books: Currently the Game of Thrones books. It changes with every book I read (and I read a LOT).

TV shows/Movies: Sherlock, House, White Collar, and Psych for TV shows. Too many movies to mention--I'm a little bit of a movie freak :)

Instrument: To play, trumpet and pennywhistle. In general or to listen to, stringed instruments.

Do you like sports? Yes, I'm a fan of football (soccer), and I'm a thrower in track.

Family: Parents and two younger sisters. And a Springer Spaniel who's afraid of absolutely everything.

Clothing: Sweatshirts and jeans. Occasionally sweatshirts and athletic shorts.

How did you find this website? I was referred by a friend.

Job: Currently unemployed, but I worked as a barista/cook/waitress for a year until the business folded.

Plans for the future? I plan on getting my Associate's degree in the Culinary arts next year.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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30 Apr 2014, 1:10 pm

What is your first name? Charlotte

Age: 18

Location: Currently Germany

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, Going for walks, watching my fave TV-Shows, solving puzzles

Why are you here? Was encouraged to get in contact with others.

When were you diagnosed? Both AS and Depressions roughly 4 years ago.

Favorite subjects: In school my favorite subjects used to be Geography, English, Spanish and History.

Year/Grade: Done with school. First year of University.

Favorite music: Ungh, that's a wiiiiiiide range. From 80's to Charts, bascially anything.

Books: Rowell, Green, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Reichs & King.

TV shows/Movies: The Mentalist, Psych, Grey's Anatomy, Castle, Gossip Girl, Parks & Rec, House MD.

Instrument: I love playing the piano.

Do you like sports? Running, Football, Tennis, Softball & Swimming.

Family: Mom & Dad + 3 older siblings.

Clothing: Mostly slacks, chinos & button-down shirts or T-Shirts.

How did you find this website? Browsing the Internet.

Job: Currently Law Student.

Plans for the future? Make it through life.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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Joined: 29 Apr 2014
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30 Apr 2014, 4:13 pm

My name is Jayne.

I'm 56yrs.....That looks terribly old when written down.

I live in the UK.

Hobbies and interests -My garden, my chickens, Politics, a certain amount of activism, reading, gym, being in the countryside.

I saw this site on an Aspergers site I have been reading lately.

I'm not diagnosed but it's highly likely that I have Aspergers. I've decided to go for diagnosis now, 'though I'm not sure why.

My favourite subject was English when I was in school.

Music - Hmmm, I like so many things....classical music, Elton John, Coldplay, Mumford and sons, Queen...folk music. I recently saw Apollo Brown and the Ugly Heros in London as my son was opening for them and although it's not really my thing, I loved every minute of it.

Books- To Kill a Mockingbird, Pride and Prejudice, Bill Bryson....

TV /Movies- Game of Thrones, True Detective, Big Bang Theory, The Office and US Office, Gormenghast, Django Unchained, BBC's modern Taming of the Shrew and other stuff.

Instrument- I used to play the piano when I was a child. I taught myself to play 5 string banjo over the last 5 yrs and I love it :)

Sports- I like weight training mostly and also cycling when I get the motivation.

Family- 3 sons, 1 daughter, 2 grandsons, 2 grandaughters. My children's fathers both died tragically. I have a partner of 13yrs in a slightly unusual setup.

Clothing- Slightly hippyish...has to be soft and comfortable, mostly cotton and barefoot as much as humanly possible.

Job- Haven't had to work for 14 yrs but have to find a job in the next two months. I have no idea what I will do yet.

Plans- To continue to set my life up in the optimum way to be at peace in the world.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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08 May 2014, 12:35 pm

What is your first name? I'm not going to say my real name, but you can call me M

Age: 16

Location: US

Hobbies and Interests: Playing the piano, anime/manga, art, math, cosmology, linguistics, and forensic science.

Why are you here? Because I recently found out I have Asperger's.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I haven't been officially diagnosed but my therapist agrees I have Asperger's.

Favorite subjects: Math, art, and music.

Year/Grade: I'm homeschooled and go to college part-time... so I'm not really in a grade.

Favorite music: Alternative, indie rock, classical, some folk, some techno, and j-pop. I listen to a fairly wide range of music.

Books: The Harry Potter series, His Dark Materials Trilogy, and The Phantom Tollbooth (just to name a few).

TV shows/Movies: Amelie, Doctor Who, Firefly, various anime (Attack on Titan and Madoka Magica are my favorites right now), and anything by Studio Ghibli.

Instrument: I play the piano.

Do you like sports? Not really.

Family: Mom, dad, and a younger brother.

Clothing: Skinny jeans, sweaters or hoodies, sneakers, and sometimes skirts when it's warm outside. I prefer dark colors.

How did you find this website? Google searching for Asperger's resources.

Job: Don't have one.

Plans for the future? Studying mathematics, studying things in general (I love learning), and hopefully not being depressed and anxious all the time.

Any comments? Umm.. this seems like a pretty great site ^_^


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Joined: 4 May 2014
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Location: Somewhere in the USSR (CCCP)

08 May 2014, 3:26 pm

What is your first name? Jerome

Age: 17

Location: Munster, Ireland

Hobbies and Interests: Music, History,

Why are you here? out of interest

When were you diagnosed? 2009

Favorite subjects: Chemistry, Biology, History

Year/Grade: 5th year, (thats about the same as an american 11th grade)

Favorite music: Classic metal, Rock, Blues, Classical, Some kinda popish songs

Books: Lotr and the other ones, Dostoevsky, Dickins, Some Historical books

TV shows/Movies: I generally avoid them

Instrument: Can play drums and Guitar, Trying a bass soon

Do you like sports? Rugby, Formula 1, Hurling(native sport), Some Martial Arts

Family: 2 parents, An older sister

Clothing: Generally casual,

How did you find this website? Googling about How wrong our planet was and this came up XD

Job: Odd jobs such as computer repair, Manual labour ect ect....

Plans for the future? Go to college and do something in the Biology/Chemistry Area

Any comments? Remove the Comment section XD, Pm me if you want, I am quite easy to talk to


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09 May 2014, 12:15 am

What is your first name? nightHawk

Age: 26

Location: Singapore

Hobbies and Interests: Triathlon, Golf, Badminton, Bowling, PingPong, Squash

Why are you here? I have Asperger

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2002

Favorite subjects: none

Year/Grade: NA

Favorite music: hip hop, heavy metal

Books: don't read usually

TV shows/Movies: none

Instrument: none

Do you like sports? Can't live without it

Family: 2 bros 0 sis

Clothing: casual casual to smart casual

How did you find this website? reference from a fellow Asp

Job: Trainee Chef

Plans for the future? Build and maintain a Golf Course

Any comments? Rock on ;p


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Joined: 7 May 2014
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09 May 2014, 10:27 am

What is your first name? Aoife

Age: 18

Location: Ireland

Hobbies and Interests: Horses, reading, writing, digital art, music

Why are you here? I have Asperger's - I'd like to learn more and know I'm not the only one ;)

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): April 2014

Favorite subjects: Anything science based

Year/Grade: 6th

Favorite music: trance, electronica, rock

Books: oh so many... I wouldn't know where to begin.

TV shows/Movies: LotR, Fargo (both movie and TV series), Sherlock, The Office...

Instrument: Violin

Do you like sports? Yup

Family: 1 sister, two parents

Clothing: Either casual, or rebellious.

How did you find this website? While researching about Asperger's.

Job: None yet, I'm a student

Plans for the future? Go to Uni to study veterinary medicine.

Any comments? err none


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Joined: 6 May 2014
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09 May 2014, 1:37 pm

What is your first name? Elaine

Age: 52

Location: Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.

Hobbies and Interests: Books, movies, cooking, camping, crocheting, crafts

Why are you here? To have someone, like me, to talk to.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): About 4 years ago---give, or take.

Favorite subjects: Psychology / Neuro - Psychology

Year/Grade: Bachelor's - Business Administration (with a minor in Psychology)

Favorite music: I like just about every kind of music. I have an Elvis Gospel album in my truck's CD player AT ALL TIMES! I particularly like pop, rock, country, gospel----I feel they're very closely related. I was so extremely saddened by Amy Winehouse's death----I LOVVVVVE her voice!! ! I like Charlotte Church and Jackie Evancho, and Adele---LOVE Adele----can't get enough of her! I LOVVVVVE Trace Adkins!! I like the Oldies, alot: Motown, Righteous Bros., Temptations, Four Tops, Marvin Gaye, Tina Turner, etc., etc.

Books: I have an extremely varied interest in books, too. Autobiographies / Biographies are, by far, my favorites. I like Non-fiction, Politics, Novels, Psychological Thrillers, Murder Mysteries, Trivia books. I've read every book of the Bible except Psalms and Proverbs (I like Proverbs---Psalms is just too wordy, and my mind wanders). I like / will read just about anything I can get my hands on---EXCEPT Romance Novels!! !! EWWWW!! ! Some of my favorite authors are: Louis L'Amour (The Sacketts), Victor Hugo, Louisa May Alcott, Beverly Lewis, Nora Roberts, Dan Brown, Lillian Jackson Braun ("The Cat Who..." series), Debbie Macomber, James Patterson, Dean Koontz, Dick Francis, Karen Harper, V.C. Andrews ("Flowers in the Attic" series), and Tom Clancy. Some books that I can read again and again, and again, are: The first two books of Harry Potter, The Da Vinci Code, Flowers in the Attic, The Spy Wore Red, The Scarlet Mansion (about Herman Mudgett), Rainbow Six, The Sacketts, Les Miserables, Little Women, Acceptable Risk, and some autobiographies / biographies.

TV shows/Movies: T.V.: DOC MARTIN (I LIVE for this show!), Shark Tank, Project Runway, Monk, The Big Bang Theory, Law and Order (especially, Criminal Intent---with Vincent D'Onofrio, ONLY), Seinfeld, Everybody Loves Raymond, The Today Show (can't start my day without it), 60 Minutes, It's Academic, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?-----just about anything on PBS---from Frontline, to NOVA, to Charlie Rose, to BritComs...

Movies: MUSICALS are my all-time favorites. I LOVVVVE "shoot 'em ups"---Ahhnold, and Sly. Like books, I like just about any kind of movie. I think Meryl Streep, Judi Dench, and Keira Knightley are some of THEE most talented actors on the planet!! Some of my most favorite movies, are: Love Actually, Pretty Woman, The Sound of Music, Rent, Girl Interrupted, The first 2 Harry Potter movies, The Color Purple, Terminator 2, The Fugitive, How to Marry a Millionaire, Rambo, The Poseidon Adventure, Pride and Prejudice, Titanic, Sister Act, Dead Again... Oh, there's just too many...

Instrument: About a million years ago, I played piano.

Do you like sports? I like to watch them----to uncoordinated to play: football, gymnastics, & ice skating---not on a really regular basis, though----but, I always watch the Super Bowl, The Olympics, and The Triple Crown.

Family: Estranged: Brothers, sisters----and about a 105 (exaggeration), nieces, nephews, cousins (1st, 2nd, and 3rd).

Clothing: Black jeans, cotton shirt.

How did you find this website? Googled "Adults with Aspergers forum".

Job: Unemployed

Plans for the future? Getting a job so I can buy some TOILET PAPER-----SHEESH!! !

Any comments? I could not be more grateful for this forum---and everybody's warm welcome!!


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10 May 2014, 5:45 am

What is your first name? Call me Blueflare. :wink:

Age: 24

Location: England.

Hobbies and Interests: Writing (hopefully to get published one day), reading, watching TV shows and movies, walking, seeing my friends. I spend a lot of time in my imagination too.

Why are you here? Why not?

Favorite music: At the moment - Led Zeppelin, Muse, The Who, Fleetwood Mac, The Kinks, Kansas, all kind of others I'm forgetting.

Books: I recently read White Teeth by Zadie Smith which was truly excellent. I enjoy Sci-Fi and books which are a bit off-the-wall, though I'm not into post-modern stuff so much - think Albert Camus rather than Thomas Pynchon.

TV shows/Movies: Oh man, LOADS. Game of Thrones, Supernatural, Arrested Development, Firefly, The Walking Dead, The Sopranos, Adventure Time, Elementary, Girls and Orange is the New Black are some of my current and recent favourites.

Do you like sports? I am hilariously bad at all sports, no co-ordination at all. I like watching Snooker and Formula 1.

Family: Eh.

Clothing: Mostly casual, though I'm trying to smarten up a bit and dress my age a little more.

How did you find this website? Google.

Job: Shop and dispensary assistant at a pharmacy.

Plans for the future? I am going on holiday with my friends this year. :)

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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10 May 2014, 3:54 pm

1. Tasha

2. 38

3. U.S.A

4. party planning

5. Because both of my sons have autism and i am hoping to gain insight and a better understanding here.

6. Pop, R&B, Gospel

7. New World Order

8. Modern Family

9. i love watching Boxing

10. married for 12 years

11. my style is casual chic

12. stay at home mom unless something changes

13. going to New York this summer

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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Joined: 10 May 2014
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11 May 2014, 3:08 pm

Age 27

State MN

Gender female

Diagnosed with Aspergers at age 24

I live alone and I work part-time jobs. I have three cats and no, I'm not some crazy cat lady. I am an animal lover. I can't have a dog at my apartment though. I love books and movies and music. I've known about this website for a long time. I posted on it once but no one answered so I didm't go on it anymore. I'm trying again. My goal is to take some career training this summer and go into either banking or construction. Probably banking. I'm not so sure I'd be good at construction. I like to hang out with people one on one and and I'm honest, open, and loyal. I don't lie or try to take advantage or steal, even though I've had those things done to me many many times. I'm on this site looking to make new friends and find people to talk to. I'm not necessarily looking to meet anyone right away, but I am looking for someone (a friend) I can get to know and really talk to. Also on a side note, I'm a democrat/liberal-pretty much anything but a republican, I don't hunt and I'm pro-choice. You don't have to agree with me. Anyone else out there who doesn't get out as much as they would like to and is looking for someone to talk to, here I am.


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Joined: 24 Oct 2013
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12 May 2014, 8:50 am

What is your first name? Shania.

Age: 16 next month.

Location: Queensland, Australia.

Hobbies and Interests: Gaming, art, comics (well, only Deadpool ones), surfing the web, fashion (kinda), mysteries, sciencey stuff.

Why are you here? Because I would like to talk to people who are like me.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): When I was about 3-6.

Favorite subjects: Visual Arts and Drama (even though I am extremely shy)

Year/Grade: 11

Favorite music: Alternative rock, some alternative metal, Dubstep, glitch hop, drumstep, some pop.

Books: The Black Book of Secrets, Back on Track, Deltora Quest, The three door trilogy.

TV shows/Movies: The Walking Dead, Doctor Who, South Park.

Instrument: I want to learn violin and electric guitar.

Do you like sports? Does watching WWE count?

Family: I have no idea what to put here.

Clothing: Some refer to me as goth or emo but I am not going for any particular style. I just wear what I like.

How did you find this website? I looked up some problems.

Job: Never had one.

Plans for the future? None.

Any comments? Nah I am good.


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Joined: 22 Apr 2014
Age: 38
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Location: In front of my computer screen! XD

12 May 2014, 8:29 pm

My name is: Joshua or Josh

Age: 28

location: Florida

hobbies and interests: well I like helicopters, movies, (I am a huge movie fan of all movies) watching videos on youtube, lots of stuff regarding history and science.

Why are you here? I joined to meet people like me and get support also make a few friends while I am at it.

when were you diagnosed? just recently still have no results but stuff adds up to many signs from when I was a child add up to all the stuff now.

favorite subjects: history and science.

year/grade: none right now

favorite music: rock all kinds really but I like some music better than most I guess.

Books: non-fiction and fiction

Tv shows/movies: Breaking bad, supernatural, and way too many movies to name.

Instrument: I always wanted to learn the bass guitar.

do you like sports? Football and basket plus golf.

Family: I don't have one of my own other then my parents ( if this counts as an answer)

Clothing: I don't really know what my style is?

How did you find this website? I found it through research.

Job: I am a set up assistant for a company that goes in and fixes and remodels dollar general stores.

plans for the future: settle down have a family.

any comments? not at the moment everything is good. :) ;)

"they say you're the bad guy" -rogue-
'Is that what they say." -Magneto-
(X-men2 x-men united)

"An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory." -Ralph Waldo Emerson-