Cosmic Cat, I'm so sorry for your family and also your daughter, sounds to me like she is still feeling guilty for being alive sorta,I don't know how to explain it but I remember any time I'd feel even a little bit "Happy" I immediatly felt sorta guility, Like it's like I had no right to feel any kind of joy,cause my baby was dead and she'd never feel any joy again. One day I went outside and it was just BEAUTIFUL out and I remember it made my heart "lift" a little, and then my next thought was, "How can I be happy, my daughter will never feel the sun on her face again." You feel awful for still being able to live life. My 6 year old autistic daughter was about a year and a half old when it happened and all I can say is she is DEFINATLY what kept me going, there were months when I did't speak, and she is the ONLY thing that brought a smile to my lips. I don't know how I would have gotton thru it w/out her. (Needless to say she is spoiled rotten and the love of my life )
It never really goes away but the pain does lessen. That stupid saying about "time heals all wounds" is semi-true. It's never really "healed," but at least it eventually "scabs over" a little bit.
Theres a group called "The Compassionate Friends" that is a worldwide organization that may help a little. I went to one meeting and never went back, I'm not good w/ "groups", however I do love their "Worldwide Candle Lighting" hang on
I'm so very sorry your daughter is a member of "The Club" thats what its like kinda, this horriable club that you join against your will and can never get out of. The dues are paid by your childs death and unless your a member, you have no idea what goes on at the meetings. My daughters birthday is coming up Oct. 19th, she would have been 24, tearing up just writing that. I always wonder what she would be like now. Her name is Robyn (w/ a "y" like Nannorobs) it feels weird to see it even now. Enough about that, just know that I'm sorry for your family and my heart goes out to your newly initiated daughter.
Thanks for the lyrics sinsboldly (love your name BTW) the "music" is the best part through. I'v been singing it for 3 weeks at work now and am driving them all crazy When the "New Lady" said I should quit it, I just sang it louder when she was around. (I really do have a problem w/ people telling me what to do, plus I am a little spiteful I guess ) Sorry so long again, wish I knew how to "upload" a song to youtube, would put the Paul Simon one on thier. It really is his best work since Graceland.(I think anyway) Also a big fan of African music, still looking for a english translation of "N'Kosi Sekele Africa" spelled that SOOOO wrong, hang on
][youtube][/youtube] My mom used to tell me I had an "African Soul", I do LOVE percussion more than anything else and will "Dance thru the House" to african music, love to "Trance Dance"
All I know is it means God Bless Africa, it's the most beautiful national anthem I'v ever heard, plus I'm a HUGE Miariam Makeba fan, I clean house to "Pate,Pate," and "the click song,(When I clean that is) She just has such a "Rich" voice, and it seems so effortless for her. Plus the fact that she got tossed out of her country for like 27 years durning "Aparthid"(same time Mandela was in prison) is what really got me intrested in her All my kids know every word to all her songs now, but none of us know what we're singing. sorry so long again, now that I'v figured out the youtube thing they seem even longer,
O.K. edited out the one you can't play from here and put in a newer version a couple posts down. Really is "Perky-House-Cleaning-Music"
Your right Lau, how to get the feet in the mouth in my signature is my next project
Did I dream this belief, or did I believe this dream?
Peter Gabriel
If only closed minds came with closed mouths. Lau: "But where would they put their feet?" Postpaleo: "Up their ass."
Last edited by reika on 27 Sep 2007, 2:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.