This one also trains their dogs to "Track" your child specifically, They are spendy through $6,000.00- 14,000.00 depending what you want them trained for. And I want EVERYTHING for my daughter. I'm so over-protective now of my children, since my oldest daughters death.
Haven't started ANY fund-raising cause I'm sorta overwhelmed by how to even begin. (My organizational skills truly suck) Not sure yet of how to start, put little jars up in stores? website donations? Door-to-door? don't know how to go about it. The only other kid in the state that has one got all their fund-raising thru their church. Since I'm agnostic, that route is closed to me proably as I'm SO unaffilated w/ any religious organizations.
Ideas are welcome as "Creativity" isn't my strong point either. However, I am "Ballsy" enough to go up to complete strangers and ask them to help us.(At least I think I am, gonna find out soon enough I bet) My daughter deserves that much.
LOVED the drummers Lau, went and saw "Stomp" here cause of all the percussion, also love Ladysmith Black Mambazo, but missed them when they came here. "Homeless" w/ Paul Simon is my favorite, ooo wonder if it's on youtube off to check...
whattya know Love "accapella" music and these guys are the best you may have heard them if you live in the US they did a "Lifesavers" commercial I think it was. (youtube has created a monster haha but true)
I heard this was the first concert that both blacks and whites attended together and do know they recieved multiple bomb threats by those who wanted to keep Aparthide in effect. It ended shortly after this concert BTW. Postpaleo when I read your post above, I LAUGHED!! ! Don't mean it in a mean way, jsut where you said "Here we go again" made me laugh
Did I dream this belief, or did I believe this dream?
Peter Gabriel
If only closed minds came with closed mouths. Lau: "But where would they put their feet?" Postpaleo: "Up their ass."