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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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17 Nov 2005, 4:45 am

What is your first name? a proper noun

Age: 28

Location: Idaho

Hobbies and Interests: Reptiles, especially snakes. Mathematics. Virology. Genetics. Physics. Evolution.

Why are you here? i do not really know.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): i am undiagnosed. i have had strong suspicions since Feb. 2005.

Favorite subjects: Me. and all of the stuff i mentioned above.

Year/Grade: i am less than six months from completing a Ph.D. in the Biological Sciences.

Favorite music: punk. metal. jazz. and especially anything that combines any of those elements.

Books: everything, mostly. Fiction: Nelson Algren, Rushdie. Nonfiction: anything relating to my interests. i mostly spend my time immersed in various mathematics textbooks.

TV shows/Movies: i do not have TV.

Instrument: classical percussion. drum set (jazz and punk).

Do you like sports? snowboarding and power lifting.

Family: largely irrelevant.

Clothing: cheap, comfortable and nonvariable.

How did you find this website? google.

Job: graduate student.

Plans for the future? graduate in may 2006. post-doc. apply for faculty positions.

Any comments? hello, everybody.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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Joined: 22 Jul 2005
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17 Nov 2005, 9:55 pm

What is your first name? ...sort of shy about that one..

Age: 35 , Male

Location: Colorado

Hobbies and Interests: Classical Music, International Cultures, Historical Fiction, Foreign Languages, Doing Braniac Things, Trivia, Meteorology, Aviation, Various... I just like learning stuff!

Why are you here? I am an adult with Asperger's

When were you diagnosed? December 2004

Favorite subjects: Chinese Language & Culture, Music Appreciation

Year/Grade: already graduated

Favorite music: Classical (like I have already said that!)... but my favorite composers are Dvorak, Rachmaninoff, Bruckner, Saint-Saens, Vaughan-Williams, Palestrina, Gabrieli, Bach, Beethoven... and I also like Celtic, international music, and some rock (U2, Pink Floyd, Beatles)

Books: way too many to track... I love books by Tracy Chevalier,
Leo Tolstoy, & various works...

TV shows/Movies: Educational mostly (such as PBS & Discovery Channel, & EWTN) as well as Star Trek. Favorite Movie of all time? Tha would have to be The Red Violin.

Instrument: I like listening to the pipe organ, & baroque brass. I am not that good with an instrument (need more training!)

Do you like sports? ...I like watching some football, and figure skating.

Family: two parents who have been married 40 years. No siblings.

Clothing: Whatever works & fits comfortably

How did you find this website? surfing...

Job: Insurance Claims

Plans for the future? I would love to be a writer (perhaps historical fiction)


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20 Nov 2005, 7:12 am

First Name: Craig.

Age: 15

Location: Brisbane

Hobbies and Interests: Reading,rockclimbing,abseilling,weaponry and the occasionall drawing.

Why are you here? My sister requested that I join the site.

When were you diagnosed?:Not diagnosed probably have a mild strain of Asperger's.


Books: Fantasy,science fiction,and the occasionall psychology book.

Instrument:Used to be drums.

Do you like sports? Not really.

Family: Mother, father, younger brother, elder sister(Who_Am_I)

How did you find this website? Sister told me about it.

Job: Paper boy.


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21 Nov 2005, 1:07 pm

Name: Steve

Age: 22

Location: Richmond, VA

Hobbies and Interests: Abnormal psych, developmental disorders, the Richmond bus system (I kid you not), environmental issues, British humour, languages (I'm currently trying to learn Hebrew), music (always!) there have been other things but these are what stick.

Why are you here? I like being amongst my own kind. Its far more comfortable and there is far less explaining to do.

When were you diagnosed?: Not formally diagnosed but I am looking for a diagnoses. I just don't know how to go about getting one at my age, in my city.

Favorite subjects: I liked biology, computer related classes and English the best.

Year/Grade: I'm between universities so right now I'm being self-educated. I would be in my fourth year were I in school. I don't anticipate graduating terribly soon. I'm sort of waiting on moving to CA so I can go the the University of California.

Favorite music: Tori Amos, Enya, Lorenna McKennit, Nine Inch Nails, Stabbing Westward, Cold, Metallica, Nirvana, HIM, AFI, Bright Eyes, Eric McCarl, also several classical pieces, a good deal of ambient music and some trance.

Books: I read a lot of non-fiction concerning above interests. I've enjoyed most of Somebody Somewhere and Nobody Nowhere by Donna Williams. I also liked Party of One:The Loner's Manifesto but I can't think of who it was written by right off hand. I also like dictionaries and encyclopedias. I favour the Oxford English Dictionary and the Encyclopaedia Britannica.

When I read fiction it's generally sci-fi or fantasy or something that could have happened. My favourite fiction books include: Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite, anything by Madeleine L'Engle, and the Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe.

TV shows/Movies: I'm not very much into TV but you'll catch me enjoying Monty Pythons Flying Circus or Red Dwarf or possibly a Nova special. Movies: Fight Club, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the Matrix, White Oleander, and Office Space.

Instrument: guitar

Do you like sports? sports...ick. That sums it up. I hate sports.

Family: I'm pretty much alienated from my family. We don't talk or visit. I like it that way. You must understand that I was never very close with most of them.

Clothing: Generally dark (black, navy, dark green), t-shirts and jeans, nothing tight, nothing with sewn in tags (I rip em out, can't stand them next to my skin), cotton or a 50/50 cotton poly blend.

How did you find this website? Through another AS website, I don't remember which.

Job: Telemarketing. Not my thing but a job is a job and my boss is very accomodating.

Plans for the future? Finish college. Probably at the University of CA. Own an Alice in Wonderland themed coffeeshop. Settle down with my lovely (also AS) girlfriend.

Any comments? I'm nllmki on livejournal. If there's anything else you want to know you can add me, read that; read my blog here; or ask me. I'm not unreachable by email.


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23 Nov 2005, 2:48 pm

What is your first name?: Victor

Age: 21

Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Hobbies and Interests: Playing/watching football, reading, playing/listening music

Why are you here?: I have a lot of free time to fill at the moment

When were you diagnosed?: Feb 2005

Favorite subjects: Genetics, Biology, Physics, Science, Math, History, Gymnastics

Year/Grade: 4th year @ university

Favorite music: Every genre has good and bad stuff.

Books: All Ancient (pre-WW II) literature that is giving an indication of the time it was written.

TV shows/Movies: Too many to list. I'm not that picky.

Instrument: guitar, piano, violin, flute.

Do you like sports?: football, tennis, hockey, Athletics, Basketball.

Family: 1 older sister(28 ), 1 younger sister(20), 1 younger brother. (12)

Clothing: I'm following my personal trends.

How did you find this website?: After a search on the internet about AS and resources.

Job: Part-time supervisor in a transport terminal.

Plans for the future?: Becoming a doctor, or go into research for Biology/genetics.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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23 Nov 2005, 2:53 pm


Age: 25

Location: Norway

Hobbies and Interests: poker, chess, history, science, philosophy, running

Why are you here? have aspergers, and thought I maybe could get some new friends

When were you diagnosed? 2005

Favorite subjects: history, biology, math, physics

Favorite music: linkin park, metallica, korn, system of a down

Books: mostly poker books recently, but also some history books and science magazines

TV shows/Movies: Simpsons, Mr.bean, seinfeld, matrix, star wars, lord of the rings, gattaca, meet the parents, apocalypse now, godfather

Do you like sports? yes, but mostly individual ones

I study history, but want to be a poker pro.


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26 Nov 2005, 5:50 pm


Age: 39

Location: Detroit Michigan

Hobbies and Interests: painting. writting, chess, magic, religion (I would say science but that's my job)

Why are you here? I have met very few people with Asperger's Syndrome (which I have) and I thougth I'd like to meet some.

When were you diagnosed? 1999

Year/Grade: I finished my PhD in 2004

Favorite subjects: Math Physics Biology Religion

Favorite music: Brandenburg concerto

Books: I read science fiction, poetry, science, history but would probably make the Bible my favorite.

TV shows/Movies: Woman Thou Art Loosed, Cassablanca, and Citizen Cane, and don't like TV and I listen to NPR radio.

Do you like sports?: no

Family: 1 older sister(41), I am married, my mother is dead but my 83 year old father is still alive.

Clothing: I usually wear what they call casual proffessional

How did you find this website?: My wife heard about it on the news.

Job:I am an assistant professor in a Christian University


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26 Nov 2005, 8:20 pm

Name: Tim

Age: 22

Location: Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Hobbies and Interests: I like abnormal psychology, history in general, travel, reading in general, movies in general, board and card games, music, language, gaming, computers, programming, collecting various things and being a pack-rat in general.

Why are you here? I found this site about a week ago and I've been lurking. I just never got around to posting until today.

When were you diagnosed?: I haven't been formally diagnosed but I'm looking into it.

Favorite subjects: In school? Math, Computer and History

Year/Grade: I graduated from high school but dropped out of university because it was too hard for me.

Favorite music: I love a little bit of everything when it comes to music. What I usually listen to is classic rock, electronic, oldies, and alternative but I've listened to everything from pop to punk, etc.

Books: I read a lot of non-fiction, technical and history books as well as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and trivia.

TV shows/Movies: I love watching movies: old ones, new ones, bad ones, and classics. I don't watch too much TV except for The Simpsons, classic cartoons, historical documentries and a few sitcoms.

Instrument: Guitar and Piano.

Do you like sports? I used to love sports but I'm more picky now. I still like Basketball, Hockey, Badminton and Volleyball

Family: I'm not particularly close to my family except for my mom, my grandparents, and a cousin.

Clothing: I like fairly loose clothing. The kind that won't cling to my skin and is of a certain material.

How did you find this website? Google.

Job: Retail. I hate it though. I usually like working the graveyard shift so that I don't have to deal with people.

Plans for the future? I want to go back to university.


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28 Nov 2005, 3:25 pm

Name: prefer not to's boring anyway

Age: 25

Location: Boston, MA

Hobbies and interests: analyzing myself, making necklaces, psychology and neuropsychology, natural sciences.

Why are you here? Curiosity, and talking about psych/neuropsych. A friend in college with NVLD and ADD sparked my interest in psych/neuropsych, and told me that if I wanted to understand normality, I should learn about deviations from it. I have no diagnostically labelled quirks except for ADD, diagnosed in 1993, which I sometimes question whether I have and don't consider to be much of a quirk.

Year/Grade: 4th year of probably 6 in grad school

Music: Various rock, largely hard rock...but I don't listen to it very often.

Books: I don't read much other than psych, neuropsych, self-help and the like. "The Mind and the Brain" by Jeffrey Schwartz and Sharon Begley was quite inspiring. "Shadow Syndromes" by John Ratey and Catherine Johnson is also a cool book, discussing a wide range of neuro-psychological quirks that fade into colorations of normalcy.

TV Shows/Movies: not interested in these. Well, when I'm at a place with cable with not much else to do, I might watch Discovery Channel/Discovery Health/Animal Planet.

Sports: I do TKD, but I'm not that heavily into it...I do it mainly as an excuse to get some exercise, and also because I don't want to quit now when I'm so close to getting a black belt. It can also be good for a sort of psychological conditioning. Not interested in other sports.

Family: 2 sisters, one 1 1/4 years older and the other 2 1/4 years younger, whom I get along fine with; they're basically like friends, but as my big sister puts it, "about as close as any human being can get to me." Also physically not far from and on good terms with my parents, their spouses, and my stepsisters (stepdad's kids). More distant from them.

Clothing: T-shirts and jeans, with sweatshirts and fleece augmenting them in the winter.

How did you find this website? Heard about it from an Aspie friend.

Job: Grad school. My department takes care of me.

Plans for the future? To get my act together and not end up dropping out of grad school. After that...well, finding some kind of science job, preferably one that doesn't involve teaching, although perhaps I could rise to the challenge of getting over the setback of a poor review that got me put on a kind of TA-ing probation. Still, though, I think I'd prefer not having to teach.

Right planet, wrong country: possibly PLI as a child, Dxed ADD as a teen, naturalized citizen of neurotypicality as an adult


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02 Dec 2005, 8:47 pm

Name: Alan

Age: 20 (just passed my birthday last week)

Location: See the info panel

Hobbies and interests: Linguistics, Buses, Trains, Computer, Mountains, Buildings

Why are you here? Curiosity mainly, reading here for about 4 months before registering

Diagnosis: no official diagnosis sorted yet, however I suspected it since September 2003

Year/Grade: 2nd year of university

Favourite subject: Mathematics and Physics

Music: classical music (rather more baroque than romantic) I like Vivaldi's Four Season and Pachebel's Canon in best

Books: A Short History of Nearly Everything, The Elegant Universe, Analects(WTF?),
Currently reading: Stephen Coonts' Fortunes of War

TV Shows/Movies: The Simpsons (it's really funny), Top Gear (BBC Funniest Motor Show!), other documentary shows on Channel 4 and BBC. In fact, the local cantonese TV in HK is so crap that everyone end up watching English TV instead of Cantonese! Forgot to mention my young favourite, Sesame Street. I used to record them and play it ALL DAY LONG when I was young!

Sports: Hiking now. Try to get myself running. Used to do quite a bit of swimming, though I haven't been in the pool for 3 months! When I was younger, I cycled too. Not much other sport involvement otherwise, never good at team games really.

Family: small nuclear family with a father, a mother and a much younger sister

Clothing: T-shirt and shorts in summer, jumper with trousers in winter. Anything comfortable really. I used to hate jeans, still don't like it much either (I own only ONE pair of loose fit jean). Trousers are great, especailly if you can get those zippable one that makes them into shorts.

How did you find this website? Found from search engine about Asperger Syndorme

Job: try to get a placement in summer

Plans for the future? Get into industry for research. Hopefully own a business one day. Then I'll settle for a family...

Any comments:
This is my introductory post of being here. And also, try to pm me about the answers to the questions below.


My sole existence is both verify and defy other's expectations.

Last edited by 28481k on 03 Dec 2005, 12:03 am, edited 1 time in total.


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02 Dec 2005, 10:48 pm

Hello Everyone. I am new here and having a great time reading. I apologize that I did jump in and post on the Work topic before coming here to say hello.

Age: 45

Location: USA - Colorado

Hobbies and Interests: Computers, books, soapmaking

Why are you here? Because I recently discovered I'm Aspie after an autism diagnosis for my 21 year old son and it is a HUGE relief just to have some explanation and information!! !! I found this site and am currently reading several books. For the first time I feel so much more like I am comfortable in my own skin!

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Couple of months ago.

Books: Mostly self help, the kind that help me to figure out how NT people operate, or recently to figure out myself and learn more about Asperger's. All non-fiction. except for old Far Side books, which I collect.

TV shows/Movies: Fav. Movies - Contact, Fight Club, Holes, Office Space, Pulp Fiction Fav TV shows - Lost, Monk, Survivor

Do you like sports? No

Family: 4 kids (mostly grown) and a husband

Clothing: Jeans, shirt, shoes. The minimum, and I when I find something I like I buy about 6 of them. Unfortunately this is a problem for some of those around me but it makes life very simple to be neat, clean and comfortable every day. I try to buy different colors in the shirts so people don't think I'm wearing the same thing every day.

How did you find this website? Google

Job: Tech writer, Web Developer, Sr. Programmer/Analyst. Last year laid off and did a major career shift and now own a bookstore and sell online.

Plans for the future? To be able to make enough money to allow me to continue selling books from home so I don't EVER have to go back out into the world and get a job.

:> earthmom


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03 Dec 2005, 9:30 am

What is your first name? Me

Age: I forget

Location: Here

Hobbies and Interests: None

Why are you here? Because

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Some time ago

Favorite subjects: None

Year/Grade: One of those two

Favorite music: Whatever I like listening to

Books: Whatever I like reading

TV shows/Movies: Whatever I like watching

Instrument: Something or other

Do you like sports? Maybe

Family: My relatives

Clothing: Whatever I feel like wearing

How did you find this website? By visiting it

Job: Making a living

Plans for the future? Doing something

Any comments? Insert comment here

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03 Dec 2005, 10:12 am

:lol: at that! :lol:


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03 Dec 2005, 10:23 am

Well I already posted the serious version in the original version of this topic so I didn't know what else to say.

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03 Dec 2005, 10:51 am

thatrsdude wrote:
What is your first name? Me

Age: I forget

Location: Here

Hobbies and Interests: None

Why are you here? Because

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Some time ago

Favorite subjects: None

Year/Grade: One of those two

Favorite music: Whatever I like listening to

Books: Whatever I like reading

TV shows/Movies: Whatever I like watching

Instrument: Something or other

Do you like sports? Maybe

Family: My relatives

Clothing: Whatever I feel like wearing

How did you find this website? By visiting it

Job: Making a living

Plans for the future? Doing something

Any comments? Insert comment here

[comic book guy] Best Description Ever! [/comic book guy]


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03 Dec 2005, 11:08 am

Lurker_Extraordinaire wrote:
thatrsdude wrote:
What is your first name? Me

Age: I forget

Location: Here

Hobbies and Interests: None

Why are you here? Because

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Some time ago

Favorite subjects: None

Year/Grade: One of those two

Favorite music: Whatever I like listening to

Books: Whatever I like reading

TV shows/Movies: Whatever I like watching

Instrument: Something or other

Do you like sports? Maybe

Family: My relatives

Clothing: Whatever I feel like wearing

How did you find this website? By visiting it

Job: Making a living

Plans for the future? Doing something

Any comments? Insert comment here

[comic book guy] Best Description Ever! [/comic book guy]

I agree.