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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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27 Jul 2016, 6:23 pm

What is your first name?
Newark Ohio
Hobbies and Interests:
Producing music and that's pretty much it.
Why are you here?
I've been trying to find a new forum to join for awhile, and one centered around something I've been diagnosed with recently helps when I've not had much a place to discuss it so far.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Around May of this year, though the diagnosis came up earlier in childhood but was dismissed.
Favorite subjects:
Like School subjects? Eh. Probably didn't have one.
Not in school.
Favorite music:
Aside from my reading online, I don't read. So none.
TV shows/Movies:
At the moment, Bojack Horseman.
I wish.
Do you like sports?
Not unless it's skateboarding.
Not sure what this question is asking.
Same as above.
How did you find this website?
Unemployed at the moment. Not sure when that will change.
Plans for the future?
Honestly I have no idea.
Any comments?


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28 Jul 2016, 3:06 pm


What is your first name? Adam

Age: 37

Location: Plymouth, MI

Hobbies and Interests: Writing music and poetry

Why are you here? To meet people like me and maybe learn coping techniques from them that I can apply in my own life.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): February of this year

Favorite subjects: Art and Science

Year/Grade: Associate of Arts, Associate of Applied Sciences

Favorite music: All

Books: Non-Fiction, also horror, mystery or suspense

TV shows/Movies: Curb Your Enthusiasm

Instrument: Piano, Guitar

Do you like sports? Love

Family: Father has Asperger's, Brother has Asperger's, Mother

Clothing: Anything that covers

How did you find this website? On Yahoo comments section in an article about the therapist who was recently shot when he was trying to help his patient with Autism.

Job: Medical Marijuana Grower/Caregiver

Plans for the future? Hopefully find a companion, really want kids.

Any comments? Struggling to accept.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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31 Jul 2016, 11:44 pm

What is your first name? Elizabeth

Age: 23

Location: GA

Hobbies and Interests: Hobbies: Anime, Manga, Wicca, Reading, Writing, Sketching, RWBY, Martial Arts, Working Out, Interest: Learning more, Growth, Fighting, Medical Field, Innovation, People, Psychology, so much I can't list it all.

Why are you here? To talk with other's who have Asperger's syndrome and make new friends, and meet new people.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Self- Diagnosed (when you look at the symptoms and they describe you to a T what more do you need?)

Favorite subjects: Uh school wise? Math

Year/Grade: College Graduate

Favorite music:

Books: Oh my goodness to many to list!! !! Hmm Vampire Academy, Blue blood Series, Lesbian Books, Lgbqt books, Twilight book series

TV shows/Movies: TV: Hannibal, Dexter, Being Human, The 100 Movies: Limitless, Lucy, ElizabethTown, Elena Undone, f*****g Amal, Kiss Me, Captain America Civil War, Batman VS Superman, The Secretary, The Lake House, Number 23

Instrument: I don't play any if I could I'd like to learn to play the Cello, Violin, and Electric/Acoustic Guitar

Do you like sports? Yes except Football, Baseball, Basketball. I dislike these because they do not interest me.

Family: I have and their all alive. Two older brother's and parents

Clothing: Style? I dress causal, classy, dressy, hippie like, alternative, eccentric, tomboyish, feminine, and comfortable

How did you find this website? Through taking a mental health quizzes I stumbled upon Asperger's and got into researching more about that I stumbled upon this website.

Job: Medical Assistant

Plans for the future? Be Financially stable before age 30, get a house, travel, explore my sexuality in more physical detail, get a few piercings or tattoos, live and enjoy life to the fullest!! !! Be best me I can be!! ! Everyday I'm greater than who I was yesterday.

Any comments? If you want to have a chat message me please~ I'd love to talk with you :wink:

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 2 Aug 2016
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Posts: 7

02 Aug 2016, 10:36 am

What is your first name? Maisie

Age: 19

Location: Kansas

Hobbies and Interests: The Sims games/other video games, Halloween/Autumn time, crafting, aliens/other paranormal things, planets, mythical/mystical creatures, etc.

Why are you here? To attempt to make friends and learn more about aspergers :)

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I was diagnosed with GAD and Agoraphobia in december of 2014, and am currently in the process of being diagnosed with Aspergers/ASD (as of Summer 2016)

Favorite subjects: In school, Art and Science were my favorites but I always excelled in English classes

Year/Grade: Starting my first year of college soon

Favorite music: hmmm.. i honestly like a bit of everything

Books: Well I don't read as much as I'd like to, but A Wrinkle In Time is by far my favorite book I've read

TV shows/Movies: Pretty Little Liars, most old Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network cartoons, a few of the new CN cartoons (especially Steven Universe), movie wise.... all the Halloweentown movies, Scooby Doo movies... there's a lot to name.

Instrument: I use to play Piano and would like to learn ukulele or acoustic guitar soon

Do you like sports? Never been the biggest fan, no. But I can watch baseball or hockey or Nascar

Family: I live with my mom. My grandparents live around the corner and my dad lives 10 minutes away. I also have a lot of cousins and then my aunts and uncles

Clothing: I usually dress comfortably. Sweats and a t-shirt... sometimes jeans and a t-shirt... in the autumn/winter/spring times I wear flannels A LOT

How did you find this website? Once in a while I'd look up a question or topic and it would bring me to a forum on here so I figured I'd finally just sign up

Job: I don't have one yet, I've been unable to hold one, but what I'm going to school for should get me a job within 2 years and I'll be able to work from home so it's a win/win :)

Plans for the future? My biggest goal right now is to finally move in with my boyfriend. We have plans in the making but it's going to still be a year or two before it can happen. I'd also like to be able to land a steady job within my field and be able to hold it.

Any comments? If anyone would like to talk, I'm always open for it. :)

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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03 Aug 2016, 8:30 am

What is your first name:
Hobbies and Interests:
ᅚEvery branches of science, animals, video games, and plants.
Why are you here:
ᅚI want to make friends.
When were you diagnosed:
Favorite subjects:
ᅚMy hobbies and interests.
ᅚDropped of school at 13 years old.
Favorite music:
ᅚSome of the 80s, and a mix of songs I like from any band.
ᅚFiction, science themed. I like reading but I can't focus
TV shows/Movies:
ᅚHow To Train Your Dragon, Legend Of The Guardians, Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadow, and almost all the movies with Jim Carrey.
Do you like sports:
ᅚYes, baseball, boxing, diving.
ᅚMy mom and grandma.
ᅚMilitary with plenty of pockets.
How did you find this website:
ᅚI googled "autism being brutally honest" because I hurt my grandma.
ᅚNot good enough to have a job.
Plans for the future:
ᅚBecoming a physicist.
Any comments:
ᅚI want friends to play video games with and not feel anxious.

I'm here to make friends.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 3 Aug 2016
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Location: Michigan

03 Aug 2016, 2:15 pm

What is your first name? Jessica

Age: 25

Location: Michigan, USA

Hobbies and Interests: reading, (books and also researching random topics) journaling, music, animals, spirituality and metaphysics

Why are you here? Recently self diagnosed with aspergers and relieved to have the opportunity to communicate with people that I can relate to

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): been diagnosed everything but aspergers. I've mainly identified with borderline personality disorder, adhd, and social anxiety.

Favorite subjects: I actually enjoyed all subjects in school, but history/social studies not as much as the rest.

Year/Grade: n/a

Favorite music: lots of 90s-ish stuff, (nine inch nails, tool, a perfect circle, nirvana, incubus, jack off jill) some "emo"-ish stuff, (brand new, bright eyes) new-wave/darkwave/80s, (the cure, depeche mode, tears for fears, joy division, new order) lots of electronica, (boards of Canada, the knife, the faint, Ladytron, fischerspooner) not much classic rock but I do love pink Floyd.

Movies/tv shows: game of thrones obsessed. Breaking bad was amazing. Lots of cartoons (Steven universe, adventure time, rick and Morty) and also love Seinfeld. Favorite movie is Donnie darko. There are others that I really liked, but for some reason I don't watch movies very often.

Books: house of leaves, pretty much anything Kurt Vonnegut, lots of spiritual/new age books

Instrument: none :(

Do you like sports? Nope. Tried playing soccer for a few years and I sucked. Hard for me to understand how people enjoy watching sports.

Family: mom, dad, brother. My brother is almost certainly an aspie as well.

Clothing: leggings (because jeans are just cruel) or long skirts with t shirts or loose tank tops. Pretty much only wear the colors blue, purple, pink, some shades of green, and neutrals (mostly black.) Hate the color red and always have.

How did you find this website? Researching aspergers.

Job: recently quit my job as a dog walker, which was heartbreaking. But the way the business was run really upset my mental health. Unemployed and feeling lost currently. Wondering if I can find a job that won't lead to meltdowns.

Plans for the future? Hopefully continue to work with animals. Considering volunteering at a shelter until I can find a job.

Any comments? Hi guys :D

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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03 Aug 2016, 6:20 pm

Gosh i dont believe i ever filled this out might as well

What is your first name?

'prefer not too'





Hobbies and Interests:

Cooking, baking gaming keeping up with tech developments. A growing interest in the pc games industry in a professional capacity also supporting various indie games. Love Kickstarter. John Romero rocks.

Why are you here?

Because its a refuge from the world that doesn't understand me/us

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):

Sometime in my late teens

Favorite subjects:

Sciencey things, improving ones own health working out and lifting weights. Spaceships and talking about cosmic madness. Discussing ea games.


lol haven't been in college since 16, we stop young in NZ

Favorite music:

Lately im utterly hooked on Synthwave and vaporwave. Drugs in audioform its completely absorbing and great for playing space games.


I dont really read unless its a wiki or something to related to something need to look up. Such as resolving a hardware issue on my pc.

TV shows/Movies:

Love Stargate, atlantis was great too. Startrek in general. Xfiles - grew up on it. Reddwarf, monty python etc. Not into too many recent shows. Checkout Lexx sometime if you wanna see a truely bizarre scifi show.


I started to a learn a little trumpet at college but for various reasons lost interest.

Do you like sports?

Not really, dont even get into my countrys national sport rugby. Truck racing is funny to watch though.


Live on my own, rental. Be strange at my age living at home haha, ah but home is always the best place always will be.


Really love baggy lose fitting clothing, likely a legacy from being overweight for most of my life. I always preferred the colour black, i have this really crazy train conductors like coat in my warddrove 'i went through a gothic phase'

How did you find this website?

Easy, google.


Little employment history, now and then people get me to fix their pcs. I dont deal well with customers in the work place.

Plans for the future?

Wish i had some, just gonna keep tuning this body like a fiddle i guess. I intend to be 90 years old and still able to carry around heavy loads.

Any comments?

Always keen to make new friends, their just harder to keep arn't they :/

Im like over there, somewhere.....


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04 Aug 2016, 9:43 pm

What is your first name? suhailah



Hobbies and Interests:movies and food

Why are you here?social anxiety and depression and borderline autism and borderline personality disorder

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):had a few diagnose of different things

Favorite subjects:sci fi or photography


Favorite music:rock, metal, emo, hardcore

Books:harry potter

TV shows/Movies:adventure time and pulp fiction


Do you like sports?no

Family:no kids. mother and father. siblings. one brother. one sister. boyfriend.

Clothing:casual, mens tshirts, converse

How did you find this website? years ago through google. kept getting the newsletter. have come back.

Job:unemployed due to depression and unstability

Plans for the future? :?: :?: :?:

Any comments? 8O :skull:

hooch is crazy

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 7 Aug 2016
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Location: Albuquerque, NM

07 Aug 2016, 7:18 pm

What is your first name? ***

Age: 28

Location: NM

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, yoga, animals, antiquing, interior decorating, food.

Why are you here? Friends

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 14

Favorite subjects: English and creative writing

Year/Grade: N/A

Favorite music: Alternative, funk, EDM, and hip-hop

Books: Sherlock Holmes, P.G. Wodehouse, anything by David Sedaris, non-fiction social commentaries, non-fiction medical literature (seriously...i have no idea why, but I'm fascinated by this)

TV shows/Movies: Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes.

Instrument: N/A

Do you like sports? In a spectator capacity only

Family: Son

Clothing: Thrift store

How did you find this website? Google

Job: Administrative assistant

Plans for the future? Just to continue to become more comfortable in my own skin

Any comments?

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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11 Aug 2016, 4:02 pm

What is your first name?
My name must not be named.



Hobbies and Interests:
Writing, hiking, reading, gaming, drawing, philosophising

History, biology, medical science, herpetology, psychology, philosophy, manga & anime, literature

Why are you here?
I am here to make some friends.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
In 2015 with Asperger Syndrome

Favorite music:
All subgenres of Metal, Industrial, Dark Wave, Hard Rock - those are my favourite genres. I also like me some classic music. But I am rather open and don’t let genres dictate what I listen and what I don’t listen to, so one will find me listening to Electro, Techno, Punk or whatever once in a while as well. The only genres I completely despise are Hip Hop, Rap and similar things.

Non-Fiction, historic, fantasy, thriller

TV shows/Movies:
ALF, Community, Vikings, Game Of Thrones, ‘Allo ‘Allo!, South Park, How To Get Away With Murder, American Dad, Sherlock Holmes, King Of Queens

Marvel and DC cinematisations, Harry Potter, Tim Burton movies and a bunch of history movies

I was forced to learn the flute in elementary school. Other than that I can’t play any instrument. I really like bass guitars and drums though.

Do you like sports?
No, I hate it.

Ja, I have a family. A mum, a dad, a grandpa, a brother ....
But I live alone if that was the information required here.

My clothing is mostly black, grey and marine blue. I have some band and nerd shirts. I own quite a few black hoodies, a black coat and a leather jacket for the winter. As for shoes I have ranger boots and sneaker.

How did you find this website?

Plans for the future?
I aim for a degree in medical science. I’ve still got a long way to go though.

Any comments?
I would really like to get to know some people and make friends here.
I’ve never been the forum type of guy and forums never really worked for me before but maybe this place is different. Who knows ?

“I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people.” - Isaac Newton


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12 Aug 2016, 9:11 am

What is your first name? George, given a typical pseudonym is @$$hole I will reply to either.

Age: 34

Location: NW Florida

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, movies, games, post apoc, ____punk fiction, music, I mean pretty standard stuff. I fixate on RPGs, history, and socio-diagnostic conversations.

Why are you here? Why not?

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): High school years.

Favorite subjects: History, psychology, and sociology.

Favorite music: Punk, goth, industrial, edm, swing, jazz.... I like music however, I am not a fan of rap, modern R&B, hip hop, and metal.

Books: Many.

TV shows/Movies: Many, Netflix is trying to file a restraining order.

Do you like sports? Football, soccer, tennis, fencing, I am not a avid follower but if it is on I will watch them or if friends are having a event I would go.

Family: Pretty much alone.

Clothing: Utilitarian.

How did you find this website? Wondering the web.

Job: Billing specialist.

Plans for the future? Finish college get a career.

Any comments? Salutations.


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16 Aug 2016, 10:50 am

What is your first name? Jessica

Age: 24 (1992)

Location: Melbourne, Australia

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, taking photos, drawing, knitting, teaching myself things, going on the Internet, researching my family tree, making jewellery, trying to think of new ways to pronounce words and looking for shapes and faces in things I look at

Why are you here? It seems like a good forum, and I think I would able to relate to the people on here well. I didn't know if I should join because I haven't been diagnosed

When were you diagnosed? (skip if you don't have a disorder): I've never been tested, but if I was, I think I would be diagnosed. I was diagnosed with Selective Mutism in 2014

Favorite music: I listen to almost anything

Books: Mostly fiction, but I read lots of different types of books

Do you like sports? No

Family: My parents, two sisters, a nephew and a niece (I only live with my parents and my two dogs)

Clothing: Usually jeans, a black or pink top with long sleeves, another top over that and something warmer over that

How did you find this website? I keep finding it on Google when I search to see if anyone else does things I do

Job: I don't have one

Plans for the future? I think a library assistant would be a good job for me one day

Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 152 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 70 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)

AQ: 40
RAADS-R: 149


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17 Aug 2016, 11:55 am

Is the point of this thread for dating purposes? If so, then I have a question. Why would you want to date another Aspie? All you would have is a miserable relationship where the other person never acts like they care about you.


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17 Aug 2016, 1:10 pm

AdamLain wrote:
Is the point of this thread for dating purposes? If so, then I have a question. Why would you want to date another Aspie? All you would have is a miserable relationship where the other person never acts like they care about you.

Nope, it's to get to know each other better. And an Aspie definitely can date another Aspie.


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17 Aug 2016, 1:39 pm

TheAP wrote:
AdamLain wrote:
Is the point of this thread for dating purposes? If so, then I have a question. Why would you want to date another Aspie? All you would have is a miserable relationship where the other person never acts like they care about you.

Nope, it's to get to know each other better. And an Aspie definitely can date another Aspie.

I already dated an Aspie Girl for 8 years, we lived together for 7 years. She was a real pill, egocentrism is a mofo.


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17 Aug 2016, 8:12 pm

AdamLain wrote:
TheAP wrote:
AdamLain wrote:
Is the point of this thread for dating purposes? If so, then I have a question. Why would you want to date another Aspie? All you would have is a miserable relationship where the other person never acts like they care about you.

Nope, it's to get to know each other better. And an Aspie definitely can date another Aspie.

I already dated an Aspie Girl for 8 years, we lived together for 7 years. She was a real pill, egocentrism is a mofo.

One example doesn't make it impossible. Some relationships work out and some don't. It depends on the individuals; all Aspies don't get along the exact same way.

"In this world, there's an invisible magic circle. There's an inside, and an outside. And I am outside." -Anna Sasaki