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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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19 Feb 2014, 5:49 am

Just took mine from the civilian identity of the Marvel Superhero Captain America...

I know that others have taken on the mantel of the Sentinel of Liberty over the years such as when the suit was worn by a Red Bashing Psychopath (in the 1950s, I can't spell his name) or when Bucky Barnes took it on after he died (before Steve came back to life, it's a long story, a six issue mini series in fact) but Steve Rogers was the first and is still the best.

The reason why I like Captain America so much is because like him I feel like a man out of time, because although I'm only 29 years old I feel that I understand the past (and most of its world views) better than the present, and thus I often relate to Cap whenever he laments on how far we have all fallen since the 'good old days'.

This does not make Cap a pro segregation bigot (he's a man from the 1940s after all) as most of his views are really quite modern and very left wing (which is another reason why I like the character) but rather he laments on the laxer moral standards most of us have today.

Also his WW2 adventures are still cool...

Sea Gull
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20 Feb 2014, 7:03 pm

My user name is an annual event from the Discordian calendar, usually April 6 (Discord 23).

This link explains it all: Jake Day

It's also my handle on Steam.

Sea Gull
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21 Feb 2014, 8:41 pm

I was looking around in my room for a random thing for a username and I saw my Pokemon poster with all the original Pokemon. I closed my eyes and randomly chose one.. That choice was "Spearow" (I changed to Sparrow because I wouldn't consider myself a big pokemon fan and didn't want to give the wrong impression from my username.
And the "40k", most people can pick the that part easily. It's from Dawn of War: 40,000 (Dow:40k). Again I am actually not a massive fan of Dawn of War. My brother is and he also puts the "40k" on his username; I kinda just copied him.

To Do:
Make signature.


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21 Feb 2014, 11:20 pm

I thought I was an orginal with the name and then found out, a few years later, it had a politcal meaning. I still think I was first and they stole it, they never had an orginal thought to begin with. Me? Political? Neva!! !!

Naw, just a loose Archeaology thing, I thought I was making up, and it sort of fit with where I think things are. And not very far at all.

Emu Egg
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05 Mar 2014, 12:35 pm

I have used my username since I was 14 and first signed up for AOL. I am a horrible speller - it was suppose to be starseeker - but I spelled it starsekker. I was big into space and star trek at the time. I have since found out that sekker means sweet in Turkish, which is kewl. I have been using it four almost twenty years now.


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26 Mar 2014, 10:27 am

Guzzle is short for guzzlegob which refers to my DD's eating habits as a baby. Needed a username for something else at the time and it got shortened over the years.


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31 Mar 2014, 1:11 am

I've been using this spelling of the word for years because when I signed up for an account many years ago bodiless wasn't available.
It's a reference to a character in a series of books who eventually becomes known as St. Jack The Bodiless because he live most of his life as a disembodied, self-sustaining brain, and he died saving an entire peaceful galactic civilization & helping to bring humanity as a whole to a higher state of consciousness.

Yeah, ok., I'm a geek. :P

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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01 Apr 2014, 12:19 am

Just made this profile. The name is from the first video game I played that made me cry. I'm hoping someone who knows the game will recognize it, and maybe they'll smile in recognition and we'll have some common interests.


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01 Apr 2014, 12:43 am

乱七八糟 is a Chinese idiom I always liked, meaning 'in a total mess'. Literally 'chaos seven eight mess' – I think the 'seven eight' signifies some things lying across each other, some lying at odd angles, like the characters 七八.

No, I'm not Chinese, but I do speak the language, after a fashion.

I've only used the name here; the other luanqibazaos on the 'net aren't me.

Tufted Titmouse
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06 Apr 2014, 6:12 pm

I've struggled alot in life since the day I was born. With all the odds I've had to fight against, I'm surprised I'm still alive and not another statistic (it's a very long and disturbing story that still haunts me from time to time. I can't even get myself to talk about it here in full :oops:).

I chose this user name accordingly, and as a mix of my real name and a playful misspelling representing how far I've come along on my own. I'll just leave it at that.


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07 Apr 2014, 12:20 pm

Hey I'm new around here,ive always tried to find answers to my life ,all i know is that i am me.
Im Still trying to figure it out ,that and my name was taken.after finding this site sometime yesterday i havnt really left it,listening to everybody here has know im not alone.:)


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07 Apr 2014, 4:29 pm

After a while I became tired of being told who I was or what I should be like. Furthermore when wearing a mask people think also think you are someone else rather than who you are inside. This has a good side which permits one to hide in a cruel world and pass by unnoticed; I was bullied, rejected, and abused as a child. However, it also has a bad side, in that the real you is hidden and exceptionally alone. It particularly annoyed me when my ex did not accept the real me and tried to change me into a slave; As I am an independent person that did not work very well. So I started to say "I am That which I am", which I shortened to "That which I am", as a statement of individuality and preservation of myself whatever this self was.
I later realized the religious reference to the name of god "YAHWEH" which translates to "I am that which I am" or I am that which is". This was an odd coincidence, stranger still considering I am an agnostic-atheist :lol:

I am that which I am

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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07 Apr 2014, 5:16 pm

I like X Files.

also, the fox is my favorite animal, and it's my nickname to a few people....

but mostly I love the X Files and Fox Mulder.


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07 Apr 2014, 6:37 pm

I like the game tetris.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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07 Apr 2014, 7:43 pm

I just used a username generator until I found a name I liked :D I use it everywhere.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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08 Apr 2014, 7:30 am

My username is a misinterpretation of lyrics to one of my favourite Radiohead songs. I think it's supposed to be voltage spikes, but i like it better this way.