calandale wrote:
Don't usually watch these, but the whole 'toy' thing had me worried.
Anyhow, I understand a lot of what you're saying about relationships,
and don't know what to do about it either. When I was young, friends
were my main way of meeting women to the extent that I could actually
speak with them long enough to get them interested. I perform better with
a group, than one-on-one, in meeting people. The pressure is off of you,
and you can concentrate on what you want to say better.
Yea I know what you mean. If i saw a guy talking about a toy he likes to play with, i'd be worried too
Fortunately, its not that kind of toy.
Anyways, watching my own video makes me feel like a dork, and watching me play with my toy (the keyboard) makes me feel like someone showing off their lack of skills. And of course, I try to be funny, but I probably am not.
Cuddly Bunny