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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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03 Dec 2005, 4:06 pm

What is your first name? private!

Age: also private!

Location: in the computer room in my house and that's all I'm telling!

Hobbies and Interests: civil rights, environmentalism, U.S popular culture, Japanese pop culture, humor, mythology, paleontology, strange but true stories, writing and reading fanfiction, reading in general specifically reprints of golden age comics.
Why are you here? I have high functioning autism dyslexia cerebral palsy.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):

Favorite subjects: U.S. history.

Year/Grade: I have memory problems so I don't remember.

Favorite music: 50's 60's 70's 80's

Books: Ronald Dahl's's The Witchs, Daniel Cohen's Phantom Animals, Edward Stratemeyer: the Tom Swift and Hardy Boys series, Jim Davis Garfield!

TV shows/Movies: the A-team, Ruthless People, SWAT KATS, Lilo&Stitch, (both the TV series and the movie) Battle Of The Planets, Darkwing Duck, Spiderman (the 90's version) Teen Titans, Voltron: Defender of the Universe, and Kamen Rider!

Instrument: none yet!

Do you like sports? I used to like soccer but I don't anymore; I do however like the football team the dolphins because of the mascot which is my favorite animal.

Family: private!

Clothing: I like wearing dragon T-shirts.

How did you find this website? my dad found it for me.

Job: currently non of a last summer I did work at the local YMCA.

Plans for the future? perhaps a be a comedian or maybe a writer.

Any comments? this while very long is an excellent way for me to introduce myself; thank you!

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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05 Dec 2005, 4:38 am

What is your first name?: Grayson

Age: 38

Location: Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Hobbies and Interests: Paleoanthropology, languages, mathematics.

Why are you here?: To mingle with like-minded people.

When were you diagnosed?: Self-dx in the fall of 2003.

Favorite music: Pixies, Chris Whitley, Ben Harper, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Joni Mitchell, Moody Blues, and early Mississippi Delta blues.

Books: Anything by Richard Dawkins, Orson Scott Card, Octavia Butler.

TV shows/Movies: CSI (the original but not Miami or NY), Desperate Housewives; films: Harold and Maude....more, I'm sure.

Instrument: don't play any, but am teaching myself piano.

Do you like sports?: No.

Family: Husband (NT), 3 children: 14 (AS), 6 (NT), and 5 (NT).

Clothing: Black and comfortable.

How did you find this website?: Via Aspergian Island.

Job: Freelance translator (Dutch -> American English); just opened a webshop (Butterwing Crafts).

Plans for the future? More time alone, pick up study of mathematics and cosmology again, go on a paleonathropological dig, finish one of the three novels I've been working on for the past several years, learn to speak several more languages (but that's been my plan for years without result :roll: ).

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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05 Dec 2005, 12:36 pm

What is your first name? Alyssa, but I go by Aly.

Age: 15 years, 11 months, and 1 day.

Location: Currently in the school library. Oh? You mean town? Charlotte-ish, North Carolina.

Hobbies and Interests: Music, writing, vagueness (:lol:), French, English (WHEN MY BLOODY TEACHER DOESN'T RUIN IT -twitch.-), abnormal psychology, neuroscience, poetry, words, Wikipedia, AS, blahblahblah.

Why are you here? I was directed here by bacidifarfalla, so thanks! I love it here.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I dxed myself 9 August 2005.

Favorite subjects: In school? French... I intend to double major in psychology and either French, English, or neuroscience. Wee.

Year/Grade: 11th. One step closer to graduating.

Favorite music: Oh God, I like plenty of genres. My MySpace (yes, I have one... and I'm a member of about four spectrum-related communities) has a list: <-- Clicky-boo.

Books: Also on MySpace.

TV shows/Movies: I don't really watch TV anymore. Again, MySpace.

Instrument: I've played piano for about 10 years - 6 years of classical education and then I quit... but I still play. That includes proficiency in synths and keyboards as well. I'm also attempting (and failing miserably) to learn how to play bass guitar and acoustic/electric guitar.

Do you like sports? I used to be a big tomboy back in the day, but I haven't participated in organized sports (read: softball, basketball, soccer) in a longwhile. I took 3-ish years of martial arts, and I like to rollerblade and go to the batting cages on occasion. I like watching baseball and yelling at the TV when the UNC Tarheels come on during basketball season.

Family: Mom, dad, half-brother, three cats, and my best friends who act more like family to me than my 'rents.

Clothing: Fitting? Always a leather jacket. I love blue jeans (dark, long, slightly flaired), t-shirts, and sneakers. Just whatever fits, is comfortable (jdkjdkajkdj TAGS) + clean, and appropriate.

How did you find this website? See "Why are you here?"

Job: Unemployed, though I am a student who suffers from perpetual inertia and lack of motivation. Oddly enough, I'm making straight A's this year.

Plans for the future? I aspire to eventually get my PhD (and considering MD) in clinical psychology. While I'm going through school, I'll probably teach French or something at the high school level. Oh joy.

Any comments? I love this place. My foot is asleep. I have to go read my friend's thesis statement. Bye.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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07 Dec 2005, 2:35 pm

What is your first name? Matthew

Age: 21

Location: Brookline, MA (just west of Boston proper)

Hobbies and Interests: For interests, refer to favorite subjects. I don't think I have any hobbies really, hobbies are like knitting, and model trains and such, right? I enjoy drawing and some painting (mostly inspired by Piet Mondriaan and the other De Stijl artists.)

Why are you here? I suddenly remembered a day or two ago that I had an account here--posted three things a few months ago, and kinda wandered off...until now. Oh, and I have AS along with a side order of OCD/Anxiety Disorder, smothered in rich ADHD goodness.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): With AS? Earlier this year.

Favorite subjects: Linguistics (major in college...really dig morphology and syntax), neurology, calculus, meteorology, fluid dynamics, various Indo-European and East Asian languages and their literatures, epistemology/philosophy of language

Year/Grade: Year three of college

Favorite music: Fairly even mix of trance/house/breaks, and Classical...can't recall which period exactly.

Books: Le Petit Prince, Etre et Neant, Camera Lucida, The Bluest Eye, The Awakening, Brave New World, Faust, and tons of non-fiction and reference books. Dictionaries are amazingly fun...and action packed.

TV shows/Movies: Eh. TV gives me a headache. Can't really go to the cinema because it's just a bit too...overwhelming; all the sound and light. But my favorite DVDs are; Nochnoy Dozr (Nightwatch), 301/302, Oldboy, Rhapsody in August, Lola Rennt...

Instrument: I played the piano a while ago, just bought a keyboard so I can get back into it.

Do you like sports? I like to think I'm sporty in my own way (i.e. a half mile run would probably be my death sentence)..

Family: None

Clothing: I don't know...I'm tempted just to say I'm a nudist so I don't have to remind myself how much I've spent on clothing...ack.

How did you find this website? I'm not entirely sure.

Job: Normally I'm a full time student, but this semester I had to take off, so I'm currently pursuing whatever makes me happiest.

Plans for the future? I don't really care about the specifics, my only request is that the future captivate me as much as the present has.

Any comments? I just realized how badly I have to pee.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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09 Dec 2005, 4:08 am

Age: 41

Location: Shropshire, England

Hobbies and Interests: Music, science, photography, hill walking

Why are you here? I want to meet like minded people and find a girlfriend

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Feb 2002

Favorite subjects: Maths, Art, Physics, Music

Year/Grade: N/A

Favorite music: Beatles, Smiths/Morrissey, REM, The Verve, Mansun, XTC, The Who, Kinks, Byrds, Pink Floyd, Oasis, Spiritualized, Ride, Stone Roses, New Order, Orbital and other indie bands. I also like some classical especially J.S.Bach.

Books: Not much fiction

TV shows/Movies: Current affairs, music programmes, science documentaries.

Instrument: Cello and piano

Do you like sports? I have tried skiing

Family: Parents and one sister

Clothing: I don't follow fashion or draw attention to myself

How did you find this website? Ages ago, probably via either google or altavista

Job: Software Developer

Plans for the future? None right now

Any comments?

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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12 Dec 2005, 2:46 pm

What is your first name? Michael

Age: 17

Location: Pitsea, Essex, England

Hobbies and Interests: Music from soft rock to grindcore, philosophy, video games, drawing (though drawing doesnt seem to like me, hehe

Why are you here? Just to see how people cope with the strain of being an aspie, maybe for advice.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Never formally diagnosed, I only recently voiced my concerns to my mother, but I found out about Aspergers two years ago and was pretty much convinced, and anything new I've found out correlates with me

Favorite subjects: Philosphy, Mathematics

Year/Grade: Lower Sixth Form (First year of college in England)

Favorite music: Soft rock to grindcore, including punk, japanese gothic metal bands, haha. (Moi Dix Mois!)

Books: I'm not much of a reader, though I enjoyed Phillip Pullman's 'The Subtle Knife'. I also read the newspaper daily.

TV shows/Movies: Music channels, most definitely. Was pretty big on Takeshi's Castle until recently, when everything was just a repeat and people crushing their gonads on rocks stopped being funny (yes, it happens). Currently I am majorly into Lost, still in it's first series here in Britain. Also, a guilty pleasure of mine is wrestling. yes, I know it's fake, but it's entertaining. Most stuff on TV is fake anyways, but that doesn't get criticised...

Instrument: Well, when I was 5 I had a guitar, but a cousin broke the strings the next year when I was learning. My brother had a piano about 5 years ago as he was taking music at GCSE level, but when I moved house it had to be sold due to absence of space for it. I jammed on it a lil, but not much. I'm not much on vocals either, I'm afraid, so I doubt I'll get in a rock band. Damn, I love music so much...

Do you like sports? Watching them is boring, especially slower paced sports. I enjoy playing football (soccer) though or basketball, though when I do play is rare and I'm somewhere between crap and crap.

Family: Live with my mother, 2 brothers and 2 cats. My mother is 51, brothers 20 and 21, cats 4. One cat Is Tazz, the satanspawn belonging to my younger oldest brother (if that makes sense),, who rarely ever sees anyone and is a frigid, uncaring... Well. He always gets into fights and loses, so the last few months he's been inside recovering from septicaemia, then going out and coming back with it the next day. I haven't slept in days thanks to his damn meowing. The other is an adorable ball of fluff who rarely ever meows, just dances on your belly and purrs, the most affectionate thing ever. If you want to read a newspaper or eat though, he is a nightmare. No noise, just persistent attempts to ruin your fun. Still, I love him. Found out a year ago I was allergic to him :|.

Clothing: Generally I like dark, baggy clothing, though often I wear pale and light jeans which blend with the black, grey or navy tops well. I don't have the best fashion sense though...

How did you find this website? Someone from AVEN's site linked to here, and hey, waddayaknow, I'm both asexual and an aspie so... Yeah.

Job: Student, studying General Studies, Single Mathematics, English Language & Literature, Law, Government & Politics and Philosophy at an AS level, and a Key Skills ICT grade 3 qualification course in addition.

Plans for the future? Haven't got any really, I'll just see out my college education and look from there.

Any comments? Patch > Tazz. That is all.


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13 Dec 2005, 6:07 pm

What is your first name? I'm not telling

Age: 28

Location: London, UK

Hobbies and Interests: Don't have much time for hobbies at the moment. I play a bit of badminton. I'd take up football again if I were fitter. I also spend a lot of time surfing the net, if that counts.

Why are you here? I don't really know

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2003, aged 25

Favorite subjects: At school: maths and chemistry; At university: was a waster; Since then: maths, science and computing

Year/Grade: N/a

Favorite music: Ambient

Books: The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins, The Fabric Of Reality by David Deutsch, The Man Who Loved Only Numbers by Paul Hoffman, Big Bang by Simon Singh.
I can't be bothered with literature these days, but I liked The Catcher In The Rye (by Salinger) and Portnoy's Complaint (by Philip Roth).

TV shows/Movies: I hardly ever watch either these days. (How boring am I?)
My favourite movies, though, are mostly comedies. I like the old Carry On films and the Monty Python films. I liked Spinal Tap too, as well as less critically acclaimed films like Strange Brew.
I've become a bit of a grouch in recent years.
The last film to make me laugh out loud was Rocky & Bullwinkle. Maybe I should grow up!
The last "serious" film to move me was The Enigma Of Kaspar Hauser.
As for TV, I hardly ever watch it except for football and the odd quiz programme or documentary.

Instrument: Don't play any

Do you like sports? I like football (soccer). I used to be very good at it. I watch a bit of tennis too.

Family: Ma, Pa, one sister, one grandmother, one uncle.

Clothing: Loose-fitting. As for the look, I probably should make more of an effort.

How did you find this website? Just surfing the net

Job: Civil servant. Can't say I enjoy it.

Plans for the future? Probably none that is realistic

Any comments? Nope

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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16 Dec 2005, 4:24 am

What is your first name?

Age: 43

The Rockies

Hobbies and Interests:
Wrestling, Ballet, Performing arts

Why are you here? To contribute, I hope.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Self diagnosis based on readings and study. Previously just labeled "extremely eccentric" although encouraged to read up on AS by a counselor.

Favorite subjects: ART

Year/Grade: Out of school for decades, still act like 4th grader.

Favorite music: 60's-70's classic rock

Books: Non-fiction

TV shows/Movies: Old variety shows, musicals, slapstick comedies.

Instrument: Drummed years ago for "metal" band.

Do you like sports? Wrestling, Football-The American kind-NOT Soccer or Rugby!

Family: Twice divorced, no kids (except myself)

Clothing: Androgynous, also childish

How did you find this website? Surfing for info on dealing with small talk and AS

Job: Disc Jockey

Plans for the future? New gig in spring. New pair of hearing aids. My ears are trashed from too many years of D.J'ing and my currant aids sound like bacon frying.

Last edited by strapshoechris on 16 Dec 2005, 8:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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16 Dec 2005, 1:25 pm

What is your first name? I go by a lot, but since I hate my first name, call me Seth. Or McManager (note: I'm not employed by McDonald's)

Age: 20

Location: Right now Vienna, tomorrow evening, Montreal, after that back home to Ottawa. (Then back again to Vienna in January)

Hobbies and Interests: Electronica, TV, Video Games, Economics, Statistics, (Many)

Why are you here? I'm here because I'm a sucker for a Forum. That and I'm a self-diagnosed Aspie

Favorite subjects: Statistics, Economics, Finance, (Math/Business type courses), Languages although I'm too afraid to speak (so I don't learn very well)

Year/Grade: 3rd Year University.

Favorite music: IDM, but I like most electronica, and some movie soundtracks.

Books: Clancy or Crichton

TV shows/Movies: The Office, Arrested Development, The Amazing Race, C.S.I., Numb3rs, etc...

Instrument: Computer, I can't actually play any instruments, so I make electronica tracks.

Do you like sports? Yeah, I can appreciate baseball, or playing tennis.

Family: Nuclear.

Clothing: Short sleeved dress shirts, casual dress pants and I love flanel.

How did you find this website? Wikipedia

Job: Used to be a cook and a student, but now I'm just a student.

Plans for the future? I dunno, get a job, make some money. Trick some girl into marrying me and have a litter of children.

Any comments? Nah, there are enough out there already.


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17 Dec 2005, 4:37 pm

What is your first name? Officially Xander, but i use my second name as name, Youri.

Age: 20, 21 in about a month.

Location: Dutchland. AKA Holland AKA The Netherlands

Hobbies and Interests: Comics (Le wub), sci fi, movies, tv,

Why are you here? Seems like a nice place

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): when i was about 15-16 i think

Favorite subjects: <_< none. School = evil. Thank heavens i'm done with it.

Year/Grade: err...yeah...

Favorite music: Rock, metal, goth, some pop, j-pop/rock

Books: sci fi, anything Gaiman, also, COMICS!

TV shows/Movies: Star Wars, Some Trek, Babylon 5, BSG, SG-1, Atlantis, X-Men, Spider-Man, more that i can;t remember or i simply have no real desire to list them right now.

Instrument: I wants to learn guitar

Do you like sports? nehh. Except shooting people with my magical pistol fingers. BANG!

Family: I gots those. I got a mother. Dad died about 5 years ago. I got an autistic bnrother as well. 2 half sisters, 1 half brother. Mom recently married another woman.

Clothing: I wear that. Becuase, ye know, people frown upon being nude.

How did you find this website? A friend linked me to it. Also, from the Aspergers LJ comm.

Job: None.

Plans for the future? Live, drink, die.

Any comments? Hello.

Lex Luthor had deathbots.

I will totally be a Luthor Henchman.


Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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Joined: 18 Dec 2005
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19 Dec 2005, 8:23 am

What is your first name? Zain

Age: 18

Location: UAE

Hobbies and Interests: Cars, music, movies, reading, socio-political debates, current affairs

Why are you here? Seemed interesting and relevant

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):

Favorite subjects: not in school

Year/Grade: NA

Favorite music: Progressive Trance, Deep Tech House, Alternative, Old School Rap, Classical, Industrial Metal

Books: The Road to Gandolfo, Deception Point, A Town like Alice

TV shows/Movies: X-Files, Scrubs, Becker, shows on Discovery/The Shawshank Redemption, Crash, Kingdom of Heaven, etc.

Instrument: None

Do you like sports? If so, which ones? Basketball, Football (soccer), Cricket

Family: Dad, mom, a sister and a brother

Clothing: Baggy T-shirts and similarly baggy jeans or cargoes, formal suits, baggy shorts

How did you find this website? I was bored at work at I'm finding out about Asperger's

Job: Management Consultant

Plans for the future? Nothing concrete as yet, hope to work hard and then drive hard.

Any comments? This site was just the kind of thing I was looking for and I hope to get to know quite a few people on it.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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19 Dec 2005, 2:17 pm

Hello all :-)

What is your first name? Jinny

Age: 29

Location: London

Hobbies and Interests: I like computers, Second Life, philosophy, theology, trains, reading, Scrabble and smoking pot.

Why are you here? That's not a question to ask a philosopher... :-)

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2001

Favorite subjects: Philosophy, theology, history

Favorite music: a-ha, Rammstein, The Prodigy, Elvis, The Smiths/Morrissey

Books: Terry Pratchett, Katharine Kerr, Thomas Cahill, Margaret Atwood, John Irving and philosophy stuff.

TV shows/Movies: Monk, Cagney and Lacey, Star Trek, Desperate Housewives, Dick and Dom. I rarely watch movies.

Instrument: I only really play the fool.

Do you like sports? I like watching the darts.

Family: Nuclear, me and my sister both have superpowers and we also have a brother with a whole plethora of superpowers and difficulties.

Clothing: Unless I'm trying to conform for a special occasion I just wear what's cleanest. Generally go for jeans and black for it's mix n match properties.

How did you find this website? I was looking to see if I could find something about Monk and Asperger's.

Job: I've recently become the care co-ordinator for a home care agency I've been working for as an administrator. This is the first time I've held a job down for more than a few months, and the first time I've been treated as a human being at work. I suspect the two facts may be linked... :-)

Plans for the future? I'm going to retire in my 30s and spend the rest of my mortal coil pottering about in a camper-van looking at old churches, trains and anything else that attracts my attention as I potter.

Any comments?
Love the title of this site, looking forward to exploring it more. :-)

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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20 Dec 2005, 3:23 am

What is your first name? Jesh (yes, really! :) )
Age: Seventeen
Location: New Jersey
Hobbies and Interests: Music, knitting, playing piano, maths, designing, managing a couple of online forums
Why are you here? If I figure that one out, I'll let you know.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): undiagnosed
Favorite subjects: maths and music.
Year/Grade: 12th/senior
Favorite music: Too much to list here. Anything from metal to 90s singer/songwriter to opera to alternative.
Books: I'm not a huge book person. Used to be when I was younger, but my interests have turned to other things since then.
TV shows/Movies: The only TV show I watch regularly is NUMB3Rs.
Instrument: piano, voice, and a bit of guitar
Do you like sports? Just hockey, and I DDR on occasion.
Family: I live with both of my parents and my 20 year old brother, I have a half brother who's 36 and has a wife and two kids.
Clothing: I usually wear jeans and band t-shirts. Cheap and comfy.
How did you find this website? Through a discussion over on
Job: student and cashier at Michael's craft store
Plans for the future? College next year, hopefully, after that either a recording contract or a job as a math teacher.
Any comments? wheee.




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20 Dec 2005, 7:48 pm

What is your first name? Adrienne


Location: Long Beach, CA

Hobbies and Interests: Historical re-enactment, specifically medieval and Renaissance, member of the Society for Creative Anachronism

Why are you here? It's a nice place

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Early 2005

Favorite subjects:History, English

Year/Grade:College graduate

Favorite music: Too much to list, pretty much anything that isn't rap.

Books: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime

TV shows/Movies: Surface, CSI, Scrubs, Fight Club, The Shawshank Redemption

Instrument:Violin and Sax

Do you like sports?Yes, mostly archery and martial arts

Family:Parents, a younger brother who's getting married on New Year's Eve, 2 dogs and 2 cats

Clothing: I prefer jeans and other casual stuff, but I wear slacks for business and the occasional skirt. In the summer, I prefer a tank top and shorts when I'm casually dressed.

How did you find this website? AFF (Aspies for Freedom) forum

Job:Currently looking for one

Plans for the future? To have a great career and a place of my own

Any comments? Great site!

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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25 Dec 2005, 10:01 pm

What is your first name? Curtis (aka Chaim)

Age: 46

Location: South Central PA

Hobbies and Interests: History of Communism and Cold War, the former Soviet Union, Arab-Israeli dispute, United Nations, languages/linguistics, Jewish/Christian theology, politics, sports (Red Sox, Steelers, University of Pittsburgh, University of Kentucky basketball)

Why are you here? I want to get to know other fellow Aspies.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I am self-diagnosed Aspie, but I was diagnosed as borderline autistic at age 3.

Favorite subjects in school: history, majored in political science, got Ph.D in political science

Year/Grade: Graduated with Ph.D.

Favorite music: Contemporary Christian, classical music, classic rock

Books: The Bible, non-fiction

TV shows/Movies: Jeopardy, Amazing Race, America's Funniest Home Videos, Documentaries, Passion of the Christ, Narnia

Instrument: Took piano lessons for 8 years, stopped playing it

Do you like sports? I like to watch baseball, American football, soccer, college basketball

Family: married to NT with 3 boys (7, 6, 5)

Clothing: whatever is comfortable

How did you find this website? On another Aspie website

Job: technical writer

Plans for the future? It is in God's hands.


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Joined: 7 Dec 2005
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26 Dec 2005, 2:21 am

What is your first name? Lissa. My mom named me Aylissa, almost as if she knew I was abnormal from the get-go.

Age: 42

Location: Hawaii (Latitude 19 in the tropics)

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, watching things grow, collecting things such as used staples, making food products to sell from local tropical produce, reading, watching nature, miniatures, learning things, and my favorite: finding out the answer to a question

Why are you here? Nobody else understands me

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Had my "Aha!" moment January 2005. Have been waiting to get an appt with AS specialist on Oahu (my insurance company will fly me over) for months to get formal diagnosis.

Favorite subjects: Health, science, animals, weird stuff

Year/Grade: Applying to PhD program in Nursing this spring

Favorite music: Old sappy stuff I can sing along to like the Carpenters, Neil Diamond, Melanie, Joni Mitchell, CSN

Books: Anything. Fiction, non-fiction, biographies, mysteries. Only thing I don't like is sci-fi. Favorite books recently read: 6 book "Outlander" series by Diana Gabaldon- I recommend it for anybody interested in history.

TV shows/Movies: Don't have TV. Live too far out in the country for cable. Used to have Netflix, and love documentaries and comedy.

Instrument: Yeah right. I tried clarinet in 6th grade and the notes on the page made no sense to me.

Do you like sports? Watching baseball

Family: My fiance, two teenage daughters

Clothing: Living in Hawaii makes this easier. Shorts, tank top and slippers. (aka flip flops)

How did you find this website? OASIS? Can't remember but I'm a convert.

Job: On disability from job as Nursing Director for adolescent residential treatment facility due to stress/hostile work environment . Don't plan on going back.

Plans for the future? Will try to live off selling food at local farmer's market while I work on PhD in nursing, and then after 4 years I can do my own research!

Any comments? This is the best forum I've found for people with AS.