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Joined: 23 Aug 2006
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24 Dec 2016, 11:39 am

What is your first name? Patricia (really, but never used)

Age: 66

Location: Montreal, Canada, in an apartment for independent people over 55 (good idea - nothing medical).

Hobbies and Interests: Current obsessions are Biocentrism and David Foster Wallace. Am I alone in these?

Why are you here? Dx Asperger's. Also Fainting (I fly through the air and smash my skull, docs give it no respect).

When were you diagnosed? Asperger's 1997 (age 57); Fainting 2016 (age 66). Had both all my life. *Written* Dx!

Favorite subjects: History, biocentrism. Does a tree make a noise?

Year/Grade: some university.

Favorite music: oldies mostly 60's, classical, some new stuff that I don't know what it is.

Books: The Sirens of Titan, Infinite Jest, The Kitten Who Thought He Was A Mouse,


TV shows/Movies: The Big Bang; A Beautiful Mind

Instrument: Still trying to learn piano and violin.

Do you like sports? I'm more of a spectator, ice hockey.

Family: Virtual strangers.

Clothing: Caftan or anything baggy.

How did you find this website? NT friend referred me.

Job: Retired!

Plans for the future? Wing it.

Any comments? The best is yet to come. Especially if compared to the past.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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Joined: 26 Dec 2016
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28 Dec 2016, 10:23 am

First name: "Rain"
Age: 38
Location: Northern England
Hobbies and interests: Programming, graphic design, martial arts, prototyping and developing things.
Why are you here?: Both me and my daughter have Asperger's.
When were you diagnosed?: 2015
Favourite subjects: Global politics, signals intelligence (software defined radios etc), computer security, red teaming, etc
Year/Grade: Left education@15 years old with no qualifications or grades.
Music: Mogwai, Ninja tune, Autechre, Boards of Canada, everything inbetween. Tool, Deftones, etc.
Books: Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa is the only fiction I enjoyed. Besides that it's all reference books and nonfiction.
TV shows: I don't watch TV. Enjoyed Mr.Robot and Game of Thrones though. Archer..
Family: Are only just beginning to know me
Clothing: Black non reflective. Urban ninja. I carry concealed lockpicks and various multitools. My watch cost more than my laptop.
How did you find this website?: Google, duh.
Job: Self employed. Currently contracted to the UK Border agency.
Plans for the future?: A happy, well-adjusted daughter. Treehouse with wifi. Aspie girlfriend. Fennic fox. BMW i8.
Any comments?: I'm at the beginning of my diagnosed Aspie life. Still untangling my past.

[Play Vawe here]-[Play Severance here]


Joined: 29 Dec 2016
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29 Dec 2016, 9:42 pm

What is your first name? Jonathan

Age: 22

Location: Chicago

Hobbies and Interests: Singing, acting, playing guitar and piano, running long distance (helps me think and calm down)

Why are you here? Feeling lonely and looking for people who will accept me as me.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Bipolar disorder at age 5, anxiety last October and on the spectrum as to earlier this December

Favorite subjects: Movies, books, TV shows, computer games, social justice.

Year/Grade: Junior standing in college

Favorite music: Ben Folds for stories about life, Dennis Kuo (for relaxation), Hunter Hayes, Queen, movie soundtracks (like Prince of Egypt and Disney).

Books: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud, Harry Potter, (I, Robot) by Issac Asimov.

TV shows/Movies: Matilda, Prince of Egypt, Planes, Tranes, and Automobiles,

Instrument: Guitar, Piano

Do you like sports? I run cross country if that counts. Otherwise no.

Family: Touchy subject. Tread with caution.

Clothing: Yes.

How did you find this website? An intersectional feminist website.

Job: Student

Plans for the future? Work as a peer mentor with those trying to get through life with mental illnesses.

Any comments? Looking to meet people.

"Don't listen to them
What do they know
We need each other
To have, to hold
They'll see in time
I know
We'll show them together"--You'll Be In My Heart by Phil Collins.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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Joined: 6 Jan 2017
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06 Jan 2017, 2:07 am

What is your first name? Call me Cat, as I don't like sharing my name for personal reasons...

Age: 11

Location: Colorado

Hobbies and Interests: Drawing, Reading, Writing, Surfing the Internet

Why are you here? I have autism, so I joined

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I don't know, but my Mom says I was diagnosed before 1st Grade...

Favorite subjects: Science, History, Literacy

Year/Grade: 6th

Favorite music: Anything by Owl City

Books: A-Z Mysteries

TV shows/Movies: Lion King

Instrument: My favorites are the xylophone and windchimes.

Do you like sports? Yes, soccer mostly

Family: My Mom, my Cat, and me. (I only posted my family that lives in my house, we have more family though.)

Clothing: T-Shirt and sweatpants, and boots in winter, sneakers for the rest of the seasons.

How did you find this website? My Mom showed it to me

Job: Not at the moment, but I want to be a digtial artist

Plans for the future? Be a artist, move to Maine, and live with a cat.

Any comments? hi....

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 5 Jan 2017
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Posts: 49

06 Jan 2017, 2:18 am

What is your first name? David

Age: 31

Location: Indianapolis

Hobbies and Interests: reading and church

Why are you here? Learning

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): last month

Favorite subjects: History

Year/Grade: recoeved MA 6 years Ago

Favorite music: classical

Books: Bible, Liturgy of Hours, Harry Potter, Oh the Places you'll go

TV shows/Movies: Alaska State Troopers, NCIS

Instrument: Piano

Do you like sports? Yes I love watching Basketball Baseball Hockey Football and am trying to learn soccer

Family: mother and father (separated) 1 brother 10 years younger

Clothing: anything comfertable

How did you find this website? Google

Job: working with special needs kids in a local Elementary School

Plans for the future? Seminary and priesthood perhaps

Any comments? I'm enjoying seeing others stories seeing I am not the only one going through this. It is very encouraging!

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 10 Jan 2017
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10 Jan 2017, 12:26 pm

What is your first name? Dada

Age: 39

Location: Belgrade, Serbia

Hobbies and Interests: reading, writing. Life long obsession - mugs, cups, teacups... Weird.

Why are you here? To learn more about my condition, to see how other people are coping.

When were you diagnosed? One month ago.

Favorite subjects: History, physics, art.

Year/Grade: IT University - IT manager

Favorite music: I don't have favorite, I listen to what feels good at the time.

Books: Yeah... another obsession. I've had situations where I read one book per day. I read everything. If I find subject interesting I download every book on that subject I can find.

TV shows/Movies: Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, Elementary, Fight club, Godfather...

Instrument: None

Do you like sports? No, I have never been a sport person, especially now when players are like little gods, I mean what's with that?

Family: Father, brother. But in reality I'm alone since my mom died.

Clothing: Soft, cotton clothes. Tight clothes is one of my triggers.

How did you find this website? Google.

Job: Unemployed

Plans for the future? To survive.

Any comments? -

I'm a social vegan.
I avoid meet.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 10 Jan 2017
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11 Jan 2017, 8:27 am

What is your first name?


Florida(land of overheating and rain and sunlight that hurts my eyes)

Hobbies and Interests:
Video games(specifically of the Elder Scrolls/Fallout series, but also just blatantly murderous games like Saint's Row when I'm stressed)
TV shows
Animation and coding

Why are you here?
I wanted to find and talk to others like myself, and get advice from older Aspies on things like getting a job.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
I forget the exact date, but I believe I was diagnosed with Asperger's in early 2010.

Favorite subjects:
Art, history(specifically WW2), the zombie apocalypse and how it could theoretically happen, computer science

Sophomore in college(?)

Favorite music:
Rammstein, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Asking Alexandria, The Offspring, other similar bands

Several. Specifically, books in the Star Trek universe, the Obsidian Trilogy, and the Inheritance Cycle.

TV shows/Movies:
House, Psych, Sherlock, Doctor Who, etc.

Piano, though I'm terrible at it.

Do you like sports?
I like e-sports. That counts, right?

Live with my mom, and with my dad's dad(who is very annoying)

I prefer all-black. It just looks nice to me. I also prefer masculine-looking clothing. No skirts or dresses for me, thank you very much!

How did you find this website?
I was looking for information about Asperger's and Autism.

None at the moment. Used to sell knives, but stopped because I was terrible at it and because I accidentally dropped one on my foot.

Plans for the future?
Get a tech-related job, finally graduate from college, move out.

Any comments?

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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Joined: 15 Jan 2017
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15 Jan 2017, 10:46 pm

What is your first name?
Can't share for personal reasons

Age: 20

Location: Massachuetts

Hobbies and Interests: painting, drawing, creative, writing, learning langugages, Kpop

Why are you here?

Curious to meet other folks my age on the spectrum

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Middle School

Favorite subjects: In grade school, they used to be English, Social Studies, and maybe foreign languages. Now I don't really have one

Year/Grade: 3rd year in college

Favorite music: Kpop

Books: none

TV shows/Movies: Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder, Revenge

Instrument: piano (forgot how to play it now)

Do you like sports?

Family: Live with two siblings and parents

Clothing: Depending the day I might prefer a more womanly style or a more laid back style

How did you find this website?

Google and Reddit

Job: Not at the moment

Plans for the future?
Hopefully graduate from pharmacy school and maybe become a pharmacist or do something in the art field

Any comments?
Hope to make some friends with some of the people here :)

~Been a bad girl, I know I am
And I’m so hot I need a fan
I don’t want a boy I need a man

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 21 Jan 2017
Age: 37
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21 Jan 2017, 2:15 am

What is your first name? 'TJ'

Age: 28

Location: Southeastern VA

Hobbies and Interests: gaming, writing, architecture, MMA-related sports, weightlifting, craft beer snobbery, talking to my cats like they're people

Why are you here? Diagnosed with Asperger's and ADD/ADHD

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Asperger's = July 2016; ADD/ADHD = at age 6, then again as an adult at age 24.

Favorite subjects: English, History, Science

Year/Grade: BA in English, concentration on Creative Writing/Minor in Communications

Favorite music: Pop, Indie, Rock/metal, Industrial, Electronic, Classical. I like anything by Trent Reznor, Charlie Clouser, Maynard James Keenan, and Andy LaPlague

Books: non-fiction (go figure...), Game of Thrones, Neil Gaiman

TV shows/Movies: It's Always Sunny..., Westworld, American Dad!, Parks & Rec... anything 'good' basically. Huge standup comedy lover.

Instrument: n/a

Do you like sports? Yes

Clothing: casual

How did you find this website? doc referral

Job: full-time, median income

Plans for the future? live in a tiny house in the mountains and write books

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 13 Jan 2017
Age: 54
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Posts: 5
Location: Down under

22 Jan 2017, 3:36 am

What is your first name? Robby

Age: 40 ish

Location: Great southern land

Hobbies and Interests:mountain biking, flying, sailing, swimming

Why are you here? Looking for more info on ASD

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Not yet, proving difficult for the doctor to talk to anyone. Parents have passed away and my brothers live far away from me.

Favorite subjects: Science, History

Year/Grade: Bachelors

Favorite music:Lots, various

Books: mostly non fiction, but fantasy fiction when i have time

TV shows/Movies:anything that involves traveling to other places

Instrument:want to learn to play the harp and guitar one day

Do you like sports? yep like most sports

Family:two brothers and lots of nephews

Clothing:prefer shorts and a t shirt but can be convinced to dress up

How did you find this website? searching for ASD info


Plans for the future? have my own business


Joined: 22 Jan 2017
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22 Jan 2017, 5:03 am

Hello anyone out there. This is my first time writing on this website. I'm writing this at 4AM because I couldn't lie in bed any longer despite having woken at a respectable time yesterday morning and completing a day of work. As usual, I felt tired throughout the day but when I tried to hit the sheets at midnight after downing my nightly overdose of OTC sleep meds, my mind began it's nightly routine of ruminating about the unfortunate reality of my life. I felt the physical effect of the sleep aids as they tried to force my body to rest but like so many nights, I had to give up on any hope of a decent nights rest.
Trouble sleeping has been a problem my entire life, but it's been peaking for the last couple of years. It's to the point where it is interfering with my attempts to improve my situation. It's costing me career and health. I used to be able to self medicate with alcohol, which numbs the pain to a degree but that has hurt me physically as well. I developed gastritis which I've been dealing with for a few months. It's almost definitely caused by my alcohol consumption. Since I've been holding off on the alcohol, I can no longer experience the insouciance that it would often provide. That alcoholic escape was my only refuge from the unbelievable pain that comes with life as an aspie.
When I had a good buzz from a 12 pack of cold ones, I would experience my emotions, and for better or worse, I at least felt like me when I was drunk.
I know that it's extremely unhealthy to do that. But now I don't have those once or twice a week excursions where I could take off the mask that so many of us wear, and could actually feel like a real person. For the time being, it has to be living as the robotic, unnecessary punching bag 24-7. All of this exposition is just to explain why I just started an account here.
I've been reading posts on this site and many other Aspergers sites ever since I learned about the disorder. Sites like this are often where I wind up when I'm trying to sleep and can't. Like everyone, I take great comfort in reading other peoples posts about Aspergers. I didn't know what it was until around 3 years ago. I am undiagnosed but am 100% certain that I have this condition. On the Aspergers tests available online, I always score in the Autistic zone. I scored 34 on the 50 question test online.
An hour ago, I was reading more testimonials on another Aspie site and was so moved by what I was reading that I just wanted to communicate with others with our condition. It's not something I talk about with anyone because of all the prejudices that people have against aspies, and even if they don't have those prejudices (which of course, most will claim), they're still just "them"...the neurotypicals. They don't have time in their lives to worry about "weirdos" like us. They're too happy being normal and could never spend an iota of time thinking about why people like us are so different. They sincerely do not give a flying f@&K. It's easy to write off people that don't fit their bill of familiarity because the world is full of "them". They'll find another. They always do.
But what's so comforting to me, is reading the stories people tell and the descriptions of their feelings. I find it absolutely amazing how it seems that the majority of us are living the same lives. Obviously it's different places, times and faces, but the tales of woe that stem from what seems to be an innate difference of mental processes, creates the same life-story over and over again. It's genuinely awful what we experience and NTs will never be able to understand us.
I'm trying to write on this site because, having learned what my condition is, I am hoping to finally find some community and people who can understand my experience without the typical NT response...which is one that NEVER, EVER makes any sense. You have the "snap out of it" people. You have the "quit complaining
people. You have the "he's such a dumb ass" people. And you have the majority people. Those are the ones that just drift away from you sooner or later because they just think you're weird and that you're not worth their time.
Again, they're busy with their normal lives and try as we may, it's very difficult to be a part of their social equation. People like people who are like themselves. Sooner or later, they always know with us. They always know there's something different.
So I'm just trying here to hopefully find people who are similar. I don't know exactly where to begin or what to write, but I just feel as though I have to. It's like, I just have to talk about this. Just reading about other peoples experiences helps but the pain is unreal and it all feels so senseless and purposeless. I'm just looking for a place where I can take off the mask that I don't wear well. I put it on and fool one here, one there, but like so many others I've been reading for years, it only works when you keep "them" at arms length. Sometimes they get in closer and they can see that it's a mask and wonder why I'm wearing one. So I take it off and show them my face...and then they reject it, sooner or later, every single time.
It's now 5AM and I guess I should attempt sleep again. Take care.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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22 Jan 2017, 7:55 am

What is your first name? Samme, but I go by Sam

Age: 22

Location: Portland, Oregon

Hobbies and Interests: Video Games, Anime, Music (I play quite a few instruments), History, Just taking apart stuff in general

Why are you here? To meet others like me because I kind of want some guidance.

When were you diagnosed? October 2016 kinda

Favorite subjects: History, Math, Comp Sci, Linguistics, Various sciences

Year/Grade: year 5 in college because switched major.

Favorite music: Metal, Punk, Classical, Opera

Books: The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Berserk

TV shows/Movies: Hunter x Hunter, Yu Yu Hakusho, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, FLCL, Paranoia Agent, Psycho-Pass, Ghost in the Shell, Serial Experiments Lain, Paranoia Agent, Welcome to the NHK, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Futurama, Rick and Morty, Almost Famous, Breaking Bad, Rounders, Fight Club.

Instrument: Bass guitar, Guitar, Piano, and a bunch more that I can't play to the same degree.

Do you like sports? Nope

Family: 2 sisters, 3 brothers, and 1 father who has tried to connect emotionally, and a mother who is crazy.

Clothing: All black

How did you find this website? Stumbled into it.

Job: Manual Laborer

Plans for the future? Try to get a Job in IT, and move far away from home

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 22 Jan 2017
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22 Jan 2017, 11:22 am

What is your first name? Kevin

Age: 23

Location: London

Hobbies and Interests: Drawing

Why are you here? I can't connect to people irl

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 20

Favorite subjects: Art, Ancient History

Year/Grade: Eh

Favorite music: Soul

Books: The Idiot, The Stranger

TV shows/Movies: They're all pretty good

Instrument: Piano but I'm no good

Do you like sports? I used to really like football and skateboarding

Family: Mum Dad Two Brothers some Cousins one Granny

Clothing: Regular ass dress shirts and jeans

How did you find this website? Autism

Job: I doubt it

Plans for the future? Drunken failure

Any comments? No one will read this, but here goes. Good luck on the business Robbie, well done on the degree, education is hell especially for people like us. but it's necessary for a lot of progression. Samme, are you looking forward to the GITS Live Action? My brother's looking forward to it a lot. I like the psychological ones, Deathnote is pretty cool, my fav anime is called midori it's weird but it's good if your life has been a struggle. Kelsey, you gotta play manhunt, even if you don't play old games it was so good for murderous rage, voices in your head telling you to kill, just like real life lol. Rain, my brother is doing computer programming in uni, he'd have questions about that but for me it's just the green bit in the matrix. If I missed you out, just remember no one gives a damn about anyone and keep doing you


Joined: 16 Jun 2016
Age: 44
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Location: Yosemite

26 Jan 2017, 12:27 pm

What is your first name? Steven

Age: 36

Location: Yosemite

Hobbies and Interests: slacklining, nature, music, movies

Why are you here? Connect with similar people, learn more about myself

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):I have my consultation to see what testing is appropriate next month

Favorite subjects:

Year/Grade:dropped out of high school shortly before graduation years later got my ged and went to school to be a emergency medical technician

Favorite music:metal

Books:recently anything about autism

TV shows/Movies:news: the young Turks, the big picture/non news:game of thrones, walking dead/ movies: evil dead trilogy, black sheep(the New Zealand horror comedy), the view askewniverse, dead alive

Instrument:guitar, little harmonica

Do you like sports?not really

Family:there's a lot of them

Clothing:dickies pants/shorts, buttoned up collared shirts from pantagonia, marmot, Kuhl, ect...

How did you find this website?autism blog


Plans for the future?slack hard and keep walking longer lines, stand up on highline for first time(sat on a few highlines but not brace enough to stand up yet) start climbing

Any comments?keep it slack

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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Joined: 25 May 2013
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Posts: 6

27 Jan 2017, 11:07 am

What is your first name? Not gonna happen.

Age: 21

Location: Those who must know need only ask.

Hobbies and Interests: Anything where the more you do it, the better you get.
Exceptions: Netflix and Spotify. I need some thoughtless recreation from time to time. :P

Why are you here? Loneliness foremost, boredom not too far behind, other motives lag behind.

When were you diagnosed? 7-8 (I have been rediagnosed, last at 18)

Favorite subjects: School... Yeah I hated it. That being said, I found the sciences most tolerable, especially chemistry.

Year/Grade: Quit school, I'm currently grinding a somewhat living on poker but it's a lot harder than I first thought (don't bother practising with play money, the players at real money games are much better and disciplined by about 20 times), I may look into other gambling ventures or something else entirely.

Favorite music: God, I love many kinds of music, at some point I'll make legit complete playlists on Spotify. I love rap and EDM styles a lot. Trap and House variations are my typical abode when it comes to EDM. When it comes to rap my favorite 2 rappers (both absolutely brilliant in their own way) are Madchild and Hopsin. I do not consider Tupac or the oldschool rappers talented and think their slow style needs to stop being admired if rap is truly going to progress. Tech-N9ne is great BUT he is far too overrated. He's good, not flawless. People give him too much credit.

Books: I have unmedicated ADD (on top of the Asperger's). That should basically sum up how much I read on a regular basis. I'm a hands-on learner.

TV shows/Movies: SO MANY. Hmm, Dexter, Monk, Breaking Bad, Narcos, Criminal Minds, Weeds and many more; yeah basically I'm a criminal at heart.

Instrument: Keyboard Kappa... Well I can sing. So does voice count?

Do you like sports? I guess with this site, it's a love/hate relationship people have with sports. I'm the sport-hating type of Aspie. Bullying is definitely part of why. There was a consistent correlation between being sporty and being a bully during my childhood so I associated the entire thing with negativity. That's not to say that unsporty people don't bully, just that very sporty people can't help but be critical of those who are not.

Family: I do not like my family. Well, I like some of my cousins. Hmm, not sure what else to say. I have a sister and two parents. I don't like them. I dislike my mother the least, she's a decent human being just not my type. My dad and sister are just irritating and cold. I am very sure that my father and his mother have undiagnosed Asperger's (his mother is definitely a full blown Aspie).

Clothing: Casual but trendy... I can make a hoodie and tracksuit look sexy. I have a slender body so any clothing that is not made for bigger-built people suits me.

How did you find this website?
Years ago. I had Asperger's and felt lonely but now I'm legit going to be a regular here. I have Asperger's and it's annoying that others cannot deal with me. I'm too 'rude' for their liking. Rude being honest.

Job: Up until a month ago, I was a potwasher/dishwasher at a restaurant. Now I grind poker but I'm already going to pay more in rent and memberships this month than I earned so I'm just going to try and improve knowing when to take risks and when not to. It's a huge process, it's not a typical job after all (I think that's what draws me in).

Plans for the future?
After I grind enough cash, begin to invest in stocks and shares. Once I have a good understanding of them, I want to slowly get rich enough with enough experience to really invest in small companies and take them from nobodies to McDonald's or Google level. I have an amazing ability to see the talent and explosive potential in people and things tha tno one else can see. It's also a curse because I see threats from far away that no one else sees so people think I am paranoid. the restaurant I used to work at I warned the owners that the chef was extremely untrustworthy. He's run off with around $2.5k (USD) that doesn't mean I live in USA anyway, he's going to sue them unless they give him his knives back but refuses to return the payment. The owners of the restaurant are my parents. Mhmm, now you are beginning to see why I and them don't get along; they don't get my ability to read people and I can't handle people who don't let my talents flourish. So ultimately my aim is to have my talents flourish, regardless of fame (I'd hate to be famous, I want to be the string puller, not the smiling puppet).

Any comments? I'm the type of Aspie that can give the disorder a bad name. I am arrogant and am tired of the world telling me to change. In the end, either you grab the world by the balls and make it your b**** or the world will do that very thing to you. :twisted:

Cynicism is beautiful in its own way.


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Joined: 20 Dec 2016
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28 Jan 2017, 8:05 pm

What is your first name? Forget it, you'll regret it!

Age: Read my profile.

Location: See above.

Hobbies and Interests: Many, but my main ones are sailing, hiking, construction, logging, karate, and cycling.

Why are you here? Because there were some cool conversations on this forum, and I figured why not join? I've done various forums for nearly eight years now, and I know my way around pretty well.

When were you diagnosed? At least a decade ago?

Favorite subjects: Organic chemistry. Biology is a close second.

Year/Grade: 3rd year undergrad.

Favorite music: Two Steps From Hell, Immediate Music, Stompin' Tom Connors, audiomachine, Stan Rogers, Gordon Lightfoot, but I'll listen to anything that's not Top 40 or pop music. My favourite song is the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Books: Mostly Lord of the Rings and organic chemistry related books.

TV shows/Movies: The Lord of the Rings Film Trilogy, MythBusters, How It's Made, Railroad Alaska, Mayday, Highway Thru Hell. I don't watch TV much though; if I watch three hours a month that's a lot.

Instrument: Piano. And I can sing. So does voice count?

Do you like sports? I don't like to watching sports, and I'm kind of dyspraxic, so I'm not much good at sports. That being said, though, I do karate, and I do enjoy doing a casual competition every now and then.

Family:I like them a lot, they're always helpful when needed.

Clothing: I wear the same stuff every day, except in summer. Tan pants, a grey sweater, and whatever shirt I got my hands on first. Also I tend to wear the same blue coat all the time.

How did you find this website? About two months ago through Google. I was Googling something (don't remember what) and came across this site multiple times. I took a look and decided to sign up.

Job: Teaching assistant, research assistant. Pretty cool stuff. Being a TA is tough sometimes, but thankfully I have a very kind supervisor who's always there to help if things get overwhelming (which doesn't happen very often at all).

Plans for the future? I'll finish up my degree and get a Masters, and possibly a PhD. Perhaps I'll become a professor? I'll also travel around Canada by RV and train, and sail to Baffin Island.

Any comments? To take the great leap forward, you must take two steps back.

But sometimes.... you just need the will to jump.

~Glflegolas, B.Sc.
The Colourblind Country Chemist & Tropical Tracker

Myers-Briggs personality: The Commander
Asperger's Quiz: 79/111, both neurodiverse and neurotypical traits present. AQ score: 23 Raads-r score: here