The Dino-Aspie Ex-Café (for Those 40+... or feeling creaky)

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14 Oct 2007, 5:28 am

SleepyDragon wrote:
The boys go back to school tomorrow for the fourth and final term of the year, and lordy, what a year it's been!

Clean-O-Mania sweeps the Café! Ever since we got back from the midwinter holiday on the Gold Coast, I've been plotting how to recreate some of that white-on-white, clean-lined minimalism here in the south-coastal forest/swamp. Not easy when none of us can bear to part with so much as a ratty, holed-out pair of socks.

Nice to see you, Robyn, hope you're feeling improved.

Maybe some of that clean-o-mania should come up here to Pennsylvania, I haven't seen the floor in ages. :oops: 8O

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14 Oct 2007, 7:18 am

Several pages back, lemon wrote:
ça fait drôle d'écrire en français, un peu comme je fais une bétise :?

N't'inquiète, ma chère, c't'è moë q'y'a fette le début là-d'sus.

("It's funny to be using French, I feel like a goose doing it." "Na worries, luv, oi'm the one that staaahted it.")

And Postie, that Pink Floyd album cover! An elderly relative of ours used to have that exact same bottle opener on one of her kitchen cupboard doors. (Minus the tongue, of course.) When Relics was released, someone brought the album to our house, and my entire family let out a simultaneous shriek of recognition.


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14 Oct 2007, 8:28 am

A quick "Hello!" to everyone!

Hartz - thanks for telling me. If you don't mind my asking (you can reply in a pm if you wish) do you remember in which trimester(s) you took the Tylenol? Were you taking any other meds during the pregnancy? Did you have any complications during that pregnancy? Was your daughter's hip dysplasia the first case of it in your family, or had they occurred previously in your family or in your husband's family?
(I apologize for all of these personal questions. I respect your decision to not answer if you do not want to).

Nan - I've been going over your daughter's symptoms in my mind. Need to know a couple of things before my thinking can proceed: first, I'm assuming that when it was discovered that she could not sweat they did a skin biopsy to determine if she actually had sweat glands (rather than sweat glands that do not work). Does she actually have sweat glands? Second, was her cardiology visit an extensive work up (did they examine (film) her aorta?) If you know and care to share, please let me know. You can pm me if you want privacy.

Take care everyone!


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14 Oct 2007, 9:55 am

Gromit wrote:
blessedmom wrote:
I'm guessing there are men out there who are responsible. Somewhere.....

I hope you weren't looking in my direction when you said that. I can't afford to be distracted, not now when I almost worked out how to make the planet implode. But that's still being relatively responsible, right? It's explosions which are irresponsible, not implosions, right? Implosions are tidy and orderly and don't make a mess at all, right? Anyway, I am sure I saw a responsible man just recently, can't be more than a month back. He went thataway. Just follow the trail of order in his path, and you'll find him. Responsible men don't travel fast.

:lol: Don't worry! I'm too busy attempting to be responsible to have time to chase after any responsible men. One will have to land in my lap! :lol:

Implosions may be more tidy, orderly and responsible, but explosions are SSOOO much more fun!!

"It is what it is until it isn't. Then it's something altogether different."

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14 Oct 2007, 11:14 am

After spending some time with my dad this morning trying to catch loose birds in the aviary I had a new hypothesis about my family and AS. I have already become quite positive that my mom has AS which fuels our arguments greatly and would explain how we often go from ok to end of the world in seemingly instantaneous leaps. She and I blow up at each other quite frequently and I think that has distracted me from the bigger picture. She and my dad have huge blowouts where they must be speaking two different languages. Its really ridiculous and basically boils down to neither of them will listen to anything that is not their own way. He says "I need you to follow these steps and troubleshoot this." She says, "No, I don't care what you do I need it to work now and blast your steps!" He wont move out of this one path to solve the problem and she has to jump straight past things to the another point without thinking about what will happen to other parts.

Now my dad and I have blowouts too... thankful they are not to frequent because they just about tear me apart it feels. Imagine two people standing face to face with about a half foot difference in height screaming directly into each others faces from about 4 or 5 inches getting louder and louder until the shorter one (me duh) leaves the house or locks themselves in a room. It doesn't matter what the subject is, it might as well be nothing but it grows exponentially.

"I don't want you to do this without X."
"I have X."
"Y won't do you any good so you have to have X."
"I don't have Y, I know Y is useless."
"I don't care you have to have X."
'I have X!"
"It can't be done with Y!"
It goes on and on and on....It usually the last third of the argument is simple, "You're not listening!"(me). "I know what I'm talking about!"(him)

I know that rigid thinking isn't the only sign of AS and there are many more in him and mom but that is one that gives us the most trouble in family interactions and it was on my mind this morning. (He could only catch this bird in this part of the aviary this ONE way.) Of course I have my ONE WAYs too. :oops: :wink:

I would move out since I'm past that age range but 1) I don't make enough money currently to afford it and 2) I feel guilty about leaving evening though I know they should be able to take care of themselves. Mainly it is the money thing though honestly even though I would feel bad. Ooooh for the day when I can leave the aviary!!

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14 Oct 2007, 11:30 am

Isn't this just wrong?!
I have ear plugs in and headphones over those and I can still hear the birds. :cry:
My mother's special interest is stealing my sanity.
Oh yeah... did I mention I am sitting in the living room? Sheesh, if I can't sit in my own living room in peace where can I go? My room? Nope, the ones I am hearing are the "pets" that are inside the house and they are between the living room and my room so I can hear them in my room too.

Sorry for ranting but this is ridiculous.


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14 Oct 2007, 12:16 pm

Chuck wrote:
Nan - I've been going over your daughter's symptoms in my mind. Need to know a couple of things before my thinking can proceed: first, I'm assuming that when it was discovered that she could not sweat they did a skin biopsy to determine if she actually had sweat glands (rather than sweat glands that do not work). Does she actually have sweat glands? Second, was her cardiology visit an extensive work up (did they examine (film) her aorta?) If you know and care to share, please let me know. You can pm me if you want privacy. Take care everyone!


Kid's geneticist emailed us a link the other day, nice to know she's still thinking of the kid - - and I'm going to order one for the kid. Then maybe she can go out in the spring and summer when her friends go to the park to have tea parties and stuff. :) They make one that's "under clothes" so nobody'd really even know she was wearing it.

Chuck, if you (or anyone has) have any ideas, or know someone who can make sense of it, please feel free to let them know how to get ahold of us? I'm still talking to the kid about Vanderbilt, and she was making more favorable noises yesterday.

Thanks. - Nan

PS In case I forgot to mention, she's been to an opthamologist - her eyes are very good, excellent eyesight, nothing unusual about them physically at all except that she has "a lot of veils" in them (which I'm told is a term opthomologists use and that it's absolutely of no concern). Tear production is normal.

Last edited by Nan on 14 Oct 2007, 12:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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14 Oct 2007, 12:21 pm

rathermousie wrote:
Isn't this just wrong?!
I have ear plugs in and headphones over those and I can still hear the birds. :cry:
My mother's special interest is stealing my sanity.
Oh yeah... did I mention I am sitting in the living room? Sheesh, if I can't sit in my own living room in peace where can I go? My room? Nope, the ones I am hearing are the "pets" that are inside the house and they are between the living room and my room so I can hear them in my room too.

Sorry for ranting but this is ridiculous.

Amazing how a creature so small can be so loud, isn't it? :? :lol: We have a cage full of zebra finches on our balcony at the other end of our place. I can hear them this morning, and they are three rooms away.

Your arguments sound familiar - except in my family my mother wouldn't have known what "X" was and thus would have disregarded it as an option. She didn't go to high school and did not read (legally blind) and if it didn't come out of the mouth of the parish priest on Sunday as a legitimate thing, it didn't exist. Even if you placed the thing directly in front of her, she refused to see it existed. Too, too bizarre! My sympathies, Mousie. I know how miserable a situation that can be - it's like trying to talk to a brick wall!


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14 Oct 2007, 12:27 pm

richie wrote:
SleepyDragon wrote:
The boys go back to school tomorrow for the fourth and final term of the year, and lordy, what a year it's been!

Clean-O-Mania sweeps the Café! Ever since we got back from the midwinter holiday on the Gold Coast, I've been plotting how to recreate some of that white-on-white, clean-lined minimalism here in the south-coastal forest/swamp. Not easy when none of us can bear to part with so much as a ratty, holed-out pair of socks.

Nice to see you, Robyn, hope you're feeling improved.

Maybe some of that clean-o-mania should come up here to Pennsylvania, I haven't seen the floor in ages. :oops: 8O

Can I purchase some clean-o-mania? I'll throw in a free trip to Disneyland if you can get the windows clean.


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14 Oct 2007, 12:52 pm

blessedmom wrote:
We had our airshow in August. The Snowbirds were flying over the city for 2 days. I love the sound of the jets going over but could do without the aircraft carriers and helicopters. I thought my poor border collie was gonna' get an ulcer. :lol: And Kid #3 hid in the basement all weekend. He's with you on the noise factor.

I am going to go, while out and about today, to see if they have any flying aircraft carriers and send you a photo of any I do see, Lauri. :wink: How did the class go? Did you survive mentally intact?

We seem to be in the approach path as they are at it again this morning. It rained yesterday, so nothing much was flying - I think. I was out sitting in the rain working a rummage sale for the cat shelter and far enough away I couldn't hear or see the base. (Made $250+ for the kitties, even in the rain!). But they're up today, so after I finish at the gym I might take a drive over to watch the lunatics jump out of the helicopters - not going onbase, though. They say there's like 700,000 people due this weekend and the traffic (nevermind that amount of people) will be insane. There's a nice light warehouse district just north of the runways, where one can park in a lot under a tree and slurp a soda and watch anything that's above the building line.

Then again, I might just do the laundry. That has a bit more appeal and is less effort.


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14 Oct 2007, 12:59 pm

hartzofspace wrote:
I'm into Feng Shui as well. The thing that weighs upon my soul, is a storage unit halfway across the USA, that I have neither the energy or the finances to have emptied and its contents delivered to me here in Florida. Its been four years since I put the stuff their and impulsively re-located down here. I am beginning to heartily resent the monthly storage payments. Half that stuff, I'm sure, could go to places like the Domestic Violence and Humane Society thrift shops. It just drives me crazy not to be able to get my hands on it and sort it all out, once and for all. I'm sure that's bad Feng Shui, having that stuff locked up like that, all this time. :(

Yeah, kind of strange, isn't it? Most of our "keeper" stuff is in storage and has been for a year and a half now. It feels like we're living in a Motel 6. All the stuff that was important to us, that personalized the place, the realtor said to remove to "neutralize" the house. We even painted over the parakeet green and the sky blue walls, now it's all a generic white. My diplomas, the kids' photos, the ancestors' photos, the "clutter" that used to be on the shelves that used to hang on the wall in the living room, the stuff that used to grace the top of the piano - and the piano-... everything's in a store room that I pay for by the month.

Can you take a road trip anytime soon, Hartz?

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14 Oct 2007, 1:21 pm

Nan wrote:
rathermousie wrote:
Isn't this just wrong?!
I have ear plugs in and headphones over those and I can still hear the birds. :cry:
My mother's special interest is stealing my sanity.
Oh yeah... did I mention I am sitting in the living room? Sheesh, if I can't sit in my own living room in peace where can I go? My room? Nope, the ones I am hearing are the "pets" that are inside the house and they are between the living room and my room so I can hear them in my room too.

Sorry for ranting but this is ridiculous.

Amazing how a creature so small can be so loud, isn't it? :? :lol: We have a cage full of zebra finches on our balcony at the other end of our place. I can hear them this morning, and they are three rooms away.

Your arguments sound familiar - except in my family my mother wouldn't have known what "X" was and thus would have disregarded it as an option. She didn't go to high school and did not read (legally blind) and if it didn't come out of the mouth of the parish priest on Sunday as a legitimate thing, it didn't exist. Even if you placed the thing directly in front of her, she refused to see it existed. Too, too bizarre! My sympathies, Mousie. I know how miserable a situation that can be - it's like trying to talk to a brick wall!

I wish it was just zebra finches... :wink: :) About 5-10 feet away depending on the cage sit:

1 blue and gold macaw
2 african grey
2 senegal
2 rosie bourkes
10 various finches
2 parakeets
1 amazon
2 caiques
2 blue crown conures
6 various canaries
2 doves
1 dusky conure

That does not include the baby birds waiting to be hand fed about 15 feet away and the few pets and many breeders out in the aviary that I am about to go feed.

Yes, I do have CAPD and other senory problems so... yeah, sanity, what sanity?
Oh and breathing problems too. What a suprize. 8O :wink:

These are my mom's special interest and don't affect her the same way. Therefor she doesn't understand the concept that I have no 'safe haven' in my home. Well, except for one place. The bath tub in the middle bathroom. Though since I fixed up that room she has wanted to make frequent use of it. So a lot of times now I will feel like I have to go there or leave and guess who is there... :evil:

Wheeee..... I'm gonna go do some chores and come back... before someone gets the idea to call men in white coats... Oh wait, maybe a nice padded room would be quite peaceful.

Okay, I am really gonna try and stop ranting now. :) *props up a sign offering to give away birds or accept hungry cats*


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14 Oct 2007, 1:45 pm

Nan wrote:
hartzofspace wrote:
I'm into Feng Shui as well. The thing that weighs upon my soul, is a storage unit halfway across the USA, that I have neither the energy or the finances to have emptied and its contents delivered to me here in Florida. Its been four years since I put the stuff their and impulsively re-located down here. I am beginning to heartily resent the monthly storage payments. Half that stuff, I'm sure, could go to places like the Domestic Violence and Humane Society thrift shops. It just drives me crazy not to be able to get my hands on it and sort it all out, once and for all. I'm sure that's bad Feng Shui, having that stuff locked up like that, all this time. :(

Yeah, kind of strange, isn't it? Most of our "keeper" stuff is in storage and has been for a year and a half now. It feels like we're living in a Motel 6. All the stuff that was important to us, that personalized the place, the realtor said to remove to "neutralize" the house. We even painted over the parakeet green and the sky blue walls, now it's all a generic white. My diplomas, the kids' photos, the ancestors' photos, the "clutter" that used to be on the shelves that used to hang on the wall in the living room, the stuff that used to grace the top of the piano - and the piano-... everything's in a store room that I pay for by the month.

Can you take a road trip anytime soon, Hartz?

So, all my stuff WAS in storage in Oregon, and I was living in Minnesota. . so I took a plane to Oregon and a city bus to the Greyhound station and then a bus to the rural Oregon town, then got a UHaul and packed up my storage unit and drove back to Minnesota, used the stuff for a few years and then rented a Penske and schlepped it all back to Oregon.

I have got to be an idiot. I feel sure.


PS the Feng Shui book I read states because it is YOUR stuff, no matter where it is or how far away from your thoughts, it is still dragging you down, just as if it were a closet full of junk right in your own home.

bummer, huh?

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14 Oct 2007, 2:19 pm

Just wanted to say I'm lurking, been busy at work (private parties=good money) have to raed a little to catch up just wanted to say "Hi" :D

Did I dream this belief, or did I believe this dream?
Peter Gabriel

If only closed minds came with closed mouths. Lau: "But where would they put their feet?" Postpaleo: "Up their ass."


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14 Oct 2007, 2:20 pm

it is so close to the Page Whose Name We May Not Mention!


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14 Oct 2007, 2:45 pm

rathermousie wrote:
Nan wrote:
rathermousie wrote:
Isn't this just wrong?!
I have ear plugs in and headphones over those and I can still hear the birds. :cry:
My mother's special interest is stealing my sanity.
Oh yeah... did I mention I am sitting in the living room? Sheesh, if I can't sit in my own living room in peace where can I go? My room? Nope, the ones I am hearing are the "pets" that are inside the house and they are between the living room and my room so I can hear them in my room too.

Sorry for ranting but this is ridiculous.

Amazing how a creature so small can be so loud, isn't it? :? :lol: We have a cage full of zebra finches on our balcony at the other end of our place. I can hear them this morning, and they are three rooms away.

Your arguments sound familiar - except in my family my mother wouldn't have known what "X" was and thus would have disregarded it as an option. She didn't go to high school and did not read (legally blind) and if it didn't come out of the mouth of the parish priest on Sunday as a legitimate thing, it didn't exist. Even if you placed the thing directly in front of her, she refused to see it existed. Too, too bizarre! My sympathies, Mousie. I know how miserable a situation that can be - it's like trying to talk to a brick wall!

I wish it was just zebra finches... :wink: :) About 5-10 feet away depending on the cage sit:

1 blue and gold macaw
2 african grey
2 senegal
2 rosie bourkes
10 various finches
2 parakeets
1 amazon
2 caiques
2 blue crown conures
6 various canaries
2 doves
1 dusky conure

That does not include the baby birds waiting to be hand fed about 15 feet away and the few pets and many breeders out in the aviary that I am about to go feed.

Yes, I do have CAPD and other senory problems so... yeah, sanity, what sanity?
Oh and breathing problems too. What a suprize. 8O :wink:

These are my mom's special interest and don't affect her the same way. Therefor she doesn't understand the concept that I have no 'safe haven' in my home. Well, except for one place. The bath tub in the middle bathroom. Though since I fixed up that room she has wanted to make frequent use of it. So a lot of times now I will feel like I have to go there or leave and guess who is there... :evil:

Wheeee..... I'm gonna go do some chores and come back... before someone gets the idea to call men in white coats... Oh wait, maybe a nice padded room would be quite peaceful.

Okay, I am really gonna try and stop ranting now. :) *props up a sign offering to give away birds or accept hungry cats*

What, no cockatiels?

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