blessedmom wrote:
AAAHHHH, bugger!! I did it again, didn't I???? OK, Postie!! ! There you go!

Sorry can't do it this time. Every time I see that "thimble" word now, I just have to to chuckle. The picture it paints is just to demanding of my attention. Seems SwampBlossom's Grandmother did a fair amount of her rearing. Strong willed, strict, single woman, Welsh in background. A good few earlier Welsh settlements in the area, due to coal mining. Most long gone, deserted as the coal ran out and they would be a bit south of me. She supported a family almost, and for a large part of the time fully, single handed. She did it being a seamstress and a very good one, to my understanding now. She almost always had a thimble close by. When the later to be Wife misbehaved, it was a thimble in the head that was the decider on if the behavior was correct. The picture is just to rich to avoid, as I do know Mrs Blossom had a wild side to her. And that is an understatement.
I do think the picture Carroll painted when snark hunting didn't escape the children of that time. I don't think The Wife's Grandmother was the only one that did the thimble thumping. Soap probably paints a similar picture in their mind as well, on several fronts. I have a feeling Carroll hated kids as much as I do. That's just plain cruel to put those images in a kids story. But then again, they would understand how useful they would be in getting those snarks taken care of, properly.
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.
Last edited by postpaleo on 21 Oct 2007, 2:54 am, edited 2 times in total.