postpaleo wrote:
Yeah, unfortunately some of us come with rage issue's, no excuse, but they can get a bit demanding. Mostly I internalize it and that isn't very good either. Has a way of creeping back in, in another form and likes to freak me out in in places it isn't good. Mostly I yell at the tv or thin air, took a while for The Wife to understand it didn't really have a pointed direction, but it can do that too. Not proud of it and I try to work on it. I come with pretty thin skinned, kind of conditioned for it from past experiences. I like to eat bullys, on the other hand whiners are just as polished at their game as any bully that let anything evil out of their mouths. Both have issues and that's what we're here for. But yeah, come rest a while.
Would like a muffin?
That's what we're here for? You make it sound like we are on Wrong Planet as some kind of punishment. For the most part, I find the people here refreshingly without either whining or bullying issues. I think we're here to enjoy each other and support our positive traits, help find alternative strategies for negative traits. But I use the term "positive" and "negative" completely subjectively. In other words, if something makes me feel good, and doesn't hurt others, I consider it positive. If it hurts someone, or me, I consider it negative. Positive and negative as absolute values don't exist outside of personal experience, in my not-so-humble opinion. I guess that means "no thanks" to the muffin, for now, but I might consider forgiving you once you've got off of your "we are here because we have issues" soapbox.