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12 Jun 2011, 7:05 pm

I find it very hard as well.

As I just said to a fellow Christian in an email:

"The Apies all get angry with me because of things I say and do due to being a Christian, and the Christians all get angry with me because of things I say and do due to being an Aspie."

Basically, it feels like the whole world hates me.



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12 Jun 2011, 9:19 pm

I am a Christian, but not affiliated with any church or group. Christians like that are stupid.


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12 Jun 2011, 11:33 pm

i just want to make my mark on here cause the conversations' a little boring, but i would just like to add, that its nice to see that i'm not alone on WP though i don't agree with a few religions on here, but what's most important, is that we spread the gospal as much as we can.

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23 Sep 2011, 11:04 am

I am a Born again Aspie. I just figured out the Aspie part a week ago. NOW I get it. lol =)


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24 Sep 2011, 11:19 am

I believe Christ exists but I do not believe in church. Does that count. Probably not. No offence intended.

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24 Sep 2011, 2:16 pm

Born-again Catholic aspie Christian here

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24 Sep 2011, 2:48 pm

You can believe in Christ and not in the Church... He just wants you to go there to fellowship and learn. =)


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26 Sep 2011, 6:56 pm

This is a wonderful topic/discussion, so many kinds of Christians, so many different lives, so many ways of following Him. I especially like the longer posts, a deeper look inside different facets of Christianity.I feel like others here, that my Aspergers is why I never fit in with the social part of the churches I tried to 'belong' to. I like it here. Sylkat :D

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06 Oct 2011, 10:11 pm

all_white wrote:
*Raises hand*

Your sinner score: 200 of 200
Your works-based (heaven-qualifying) score: 0 of 200
Your faith-based (imputed righteousness) score: 200 of 200

You are very likely a Christian.

well said!! ! and i love the colours!! ! ha ha It's the Canadian spelling as well!

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06 Oct 2011, 10:21 pm

I am a Christian but find it difficult to go to church because of all of the mingling afterwards. I don't feel comfortable. I just want to praise God and listen to the message not make small talk. So I don't go too often


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07 Oct 2011, 7:58 am

*signs attendance sheet*


?Two men looked through prison bars; one saw mud and the other stars.? Frederick Langbridge


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08 Oct 2011, 6:23 am

I'm a Christian and on the spectrum as well, and I know some people would wonder why i can believe in God, Jesus, Heaven, Hell, the Bible and so forth when I have a high IQ level and some people would consider me geekish or something.

And I am like well I think those who cling to the evolution theory have not bothered to question it, I mean boom if one can question creation, why can't evolution also be questioned?

Also when you look at how our bodies are put together and how every living thing is put together, you gotta ask yourself, do TV sets, CD players, Computers, Cars, Trucks, Buses, Buildings and Roads all make themselves or pop up my chance? no way, they all have intellegent designers.

Likewise I believe we could not exist without an intellegent designer, in order for our bones, muscles, organs, blood and all that to be inside of us the way it all is, someone had to have put us all together like this, and some cultures believed multiple gods were at hand in such things, although some faiths believe in just 1 God alone.

Indeed my believe is that God created us, and sure the believe I have is the Judeo-Christian (Jewish and Christian belief in creation, I do have a trace of Jewish ancestry by the way), but stories I have heard from other religions are interesting even if I disagree with said stories.

A good example is the story originating in Japan about the gods creating Japan and then the rest of the world, now I don't agree with that story as I am a believer in the Judeo-Christian doctrine, but the story of gods creating Japan and then rest of the world is interesting anyways, and while I disagree with that story I do find it more believable than evolution for sure.

Plus even if one disagrees with that Japanese story of how the world was created, you can't deny it is an interesting story, and I do like that story in spite of the fact I disagree with it.

Of course there are tribal cultures out there that do believe in 1 God in spite of having no Bibles around, which tells me that said tribes remember God since ancient times but lost contact with further details, although I am hopeful some at least believe in a promised Messiah even if said culture did not get a chance to know the name of Christ, but at least knows a Messiah is to come or is aware he had come.

Of course the Bible does call for the Gospel to be preached to all nations and in all languages, and well thanks to modern technology, it is possible to achieve such a thing, is there still work to do? of course but I believe it will be done, for the Lord wills it.


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09 Oct 2011, 12:19 am

Removed per typos. Please see revised message. Thank you.

Last edited by Metanoia on 09 Oct 2011, 12:25 am, edited 1 time in total.


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09 Oct 2011, 12:24 am

Resubmitted due to typos. Sorry.

I am a Christian and an Aspie. As for the cultural interpretations of "born-again" I see no point in getting hung up on that point as the Lord will separate the sheep and goats. I don't think he will ask denomination or congregation as much as do we love him as we are able, do we trust him to save us, and did his Holy Spirit work through us to share grace and meaningful transformation with others and his creation.

No, I don't feel isolated. I don't assume that I need the kind of connection that Hollywood and the media spews out since that in and of itself is a lie. Romance is the fluff that creates a 50% divorce rate in the US with unrealistic expectations. Besided, if you are here, you are welcome, therefore you are not truely alone regardless of distance or timezone.

Since I reside in a high-profile position in the NT corporate world, I have made it a point to learn to read micro-expressions, memorize non-verbal patterns, and focus on people as one of my areas of interest. As an Aspie, to be brutally honest, I wanted relationships but more as a means to an end. Friends are "nice" but what I really am interested in is "x" (fill in blank...for me for many years it was quantitative analysis and particle physics). I wanted to be understood but more for fear of isolation and desire to do what I wanted rather than to have actual relationships. When I realized that NTs follow patterns (like programs with feedback loops) and that they sensed that I really didn't care about them as people rather than just getting to "my" point, I could see it turned them off or they put me in a box.

NTs too have fear of isolation because they believe that it removes meaning from thier lives. They want others to find them meaningful which is why they engage in this elaborate dance to ensure they are not alone in life. At that point I knew that by making people as one of my areas of interest they sensed that they were important to me. It opened up doors for me to share my AS with them and they were willing to accomodate, but it went both ways. I saw their brokenness, the divorces, the fear and sense of failure they carry every day as a burden. And though they know I cannot experience empathy, humor, emotional love, and all the things the Lord chose not to permit me, instead they saw that they mattered to me. I am interested in them in a sincere way, and that is enough for us to build on. So no. I do not feel isolated since I am my brother's keeper. Being Aspie doesn't exempt us or remove that possiblity from us. It just means that we are gifted in other ways and have to work on the relationship aspect.


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09 Oct 2011, 1:57 pm

I'm a likely-to-be-excommunicated Catholic aspie.

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13 Oct 2011, 2:29 am

I am not "Christian." I am Hebrew. I practice Judaism, but I believe Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah
and only-begotten Son of God. This faith is often called Messianic Judaism or Netzari Judaism.
Most Hebrews/Jews would not consider me Hebrew because of this, because they do not see
Yeshua as the prophesied Messiah.