I'm a Christian and on the spectrum as well, and I know some people would wonder why i can believe in God, Jesus, Heaven, Hell, the Bible and so forth when I have a high IQ level and some people would consider me geekish or something.
And I am like well I think those who cling to the evolution theory have not bothered to question it, I mean boom if one can question creation, why can't evolution also be questioned?
Also when you look at how our bodies are put together and how every living thing is put together, you gotta ask yourself, do TV sets, CD players, Computers, Cars, Trucks, Buses, Buildings and Roads all make themselves or pop up my chance? no way, they all have intellegent designers.
Likewise I believe we could not exist without an intellegent designer, in order for our bones, muscles, organs, blood and all that to be inside of us the way it all is, someone had to have put us all together like this, and some cultures believed multiple gods were at hand in such things, although some faiths believe in just 1 God alone.
Indeed my believe is that God created us, and sure the believe I have is the Judeo-Christian (Jewish and Christian belief in creation, I do have a trace of Jewish ancestry by the way), but stories I have heard from other religions are interesting even if I disagree with said stories.
A good example is the story originating in Japan about the gods creating Japan and then the rest of the world, now I don't agree with that story as I am a believer in the Judeo-Christian doctrine, but the story of gods creating Japan and then rest of the world is interesting anyways, and while I disagree with that story I do find it more believable than evolution for sure.
Plus even if one disagrees with that Japanese story of how the world was created, you can't deny it is an interesting story, and I do like that story in spite of the fact I disagree with it.
Of course there are tribal cultures out there that do believe in 1 God in spite of having no Bibles around, which tells me that said tribes remember God since ancient times but lost contact with further details, although I am hopeful some at least believe in a promised Messiah even if said culture did not get a chance to know the name of Christ, but at least knows a Messiah is to come or is aware he had come.
Of course the Bible does call for the Gospel to be preached to all nations and in all languages, and well thanks to modern technology, it is possible to achieve such a thing, is there still work to do? of course but I believe it will be done, for the Lord wills it.