gbollard wrote:
I may have confused the issue by saying that I know aspies who are better than NT's. What I mean by that is that I know a lot who are more welcoming than a lot of "perfect" NTs have been to me. I don't mean to suggest that aspies are somehow superior to NTs (or vice versa).
We're all people right?
I can understand how you must be feeling particularly after 14 years of marriage ending in divorce. Was it truly awful all the way? Surely there must have been some good at the beginning at least?
Divorce is a horrid thing which can bring out the worst in people. Your husband may have been feeling vindictive rather than simply behaving as an aspie. It's possible.
I've been married for 10 years now, my wife is an NT. It hasn't been smooth all the way but I like to think that we consider eachother's needs. I'm a lot more emotionally responsive to her than I used to be but I still make mistakes.
There are aspies from all levels here on WP. Some are diagnosed and some are not. Some are emotionally acclimatized and some are not. We're not all the same and I expect that you'd find similar sorts of aggression and bad behaviour on other forums. No, I'm not offering an excuse. I just hope that if you take anything away from WP it's that all people, including aspies, are different.
Well, thank you for making things clearer. I am glad you are responsive to your wife. Of course, there were many things I loved about my ex and there were some good very good times.
I have a great life now as I did before I married him. I don't need this craziness(this forum) in my life. I'm not sorry I came here. I learned quite a lot. I learned what I needed to help myself. But, I don't need to be an emotional punching bag anymore, even on a forum. Like being married to my ex, most of the AS's here don't think what I have to say is worthwhile listening to. There are lots of people outside of here who do think what I have to say is very important and interesting and treat me with respect .
Just a footnote. One of my very good friends that I train dogs with worked with AS children for 10 yrs until going professional dog trainer a year ago. He is a clinical psychologist educated at the U of Minnesota. One of the nicest people and excellent kind dog trainer. In fact when we met a year ago, anecdotes about my ex AS and my friend's AS counseling profession is how we got into a lengthly discussion and became friends. Minnesota is very proactive with Autism & AS etc. My friend says that working with kids early on really helps them but that training their parents to help them is even more important. That sounds like a simple, obvious remedy, but until recent years, there was no help like this.
I do appreciate your kindness in replying to me in an empathetic, intelligent, courteous manner.