Thank you for your words, and your description of how I appear to you. I think the point of whatever "blankness", whatever blankness I'm supposed to have is in relation to emotions, if I'm sad inside; scared, grumpy, angry, etcetera, I'll still present as I do in the video. This leads to confusion for some people when they become emotional in front of me and I don't show the expression they expect, or people only see me one way, and this can confuse them.
Your last sentence is interesting, as they say men with Asperger's actually provoke the maternal instincts in women, i.e., care for someone who perhaps appears childlike, or "different" to another man of a similar age.
I am a gentle person, perhaps too gentle; I do think a lot, and some of my ideas are perhaps greater than what my education alludes to, another Asperger's thing.
I am vulnerable too, much like many people with an ASD who cannot understand why people do things that they do; my mantra is, 'trust no one,' and it serves me well.
Your grandsons will probably develop into an appearance that is similar to mine; I mean, that they'll elicit the same response from others. There's an ASD "look".
Heather, thanks, and you know what I'll say in return.