ZanneMarie wrote:
Chocolate is the true opiate of the masses.
I was pretty fond of both, it's just easier to find chocolate. Some days my tracks still hurt. It's hell getting old on days when the big lows move in. The bright side is, I'm still getting old. I considered smoking it to be a waste. There is a trick to smoking it though, if you don't do it, you'll just end up melting it and won't get the full effect.
Hey!! I wonder if that trick would work for chocolate. I do wonder if dark chocolate is stronger. I might not make it, no matter, anything for science. I'll give death by chocolate a whole new meaning. But yet, yes maybe, I will live and dream of Jewish pirates while in my chocolate haze and write a long epic poem about them doing the male bonding, or maybe the right word is bondage, thing on their big boats on the bounding main. This could be brilliant! But I suspect this will just be another sticky mess I will, yet again, find myself in. I can just see the wife opening the closet door and finding me zoned out on the floor, with chocolate smears all over me. It might be hard to explain. "But, but honey, I did it for science, Jewish pirates, literary achievement, the masses, and it tasted good." That should work. Ok be back later. Arrgh?
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.