Hey Hartz, even with AARP it's buyer beware. I won't deal with them, personal choice, because some of it is just plain hype. Better deals else where if you look a bit.
The wife was a member and they had breaks on motel prices when we lived the gypsy life style. Hell I never paid the advertised rate and did much better 95% of the time then the AARP discount. For example if you stay for longer then a few days, tell them you'll do your own cleaning, which just means they come in every few days to vacuum and do some swiping of things. All you do is change the linens when they bring them, swap towels around every so often, put the papers outside the door when they need to be. If you need anything else you just catch a housekeeper or ask at the desk. That alone will get you a cut on the price. If you do stay longer then a few days that in itself will get you a break, all you do is tell them you can get a better break for your stay elsewhere and they'll do some rethinking on their price. And I'm talking about the big chains as well as the mom and pop motels. These things don't work very well if it's just a one nighter. But just asking them if they can do better on price might surprise you. We generally were staying for a week or more at a time, 40 weeks out of the year and sometimes, unfortunately, all year and the amount of money in the pocket was a lot over time. Especially since the der diem set up was for two rooms at a time, so we made out very well by sharing the room. It was like having a third person working. A 700 motel bill for a week, per person was common. So it was well worth it to get it as low as you could, the der diem was still for the same amount on most jobs, Federal was especially good. I always loved walking into a motel office and if I smelled curry spice in the air, I knew we could come to an arrangement.
I never saw it but it was supposed to exist and some on the crews say they had seen it, a little book/pamphlet called Motel Hell. Written by archaeology crews and the worst places they ever stayed and man we had our fair share. On the other hand it's nice to stay for a job in a resort area for a few weeks, all expenses paid and a resort type motel. The breaks on price weren't near as good but sometimes it was just worth the being waited on and the extras. Pretty rare when it happened, but it did every so often. We got flown to Florida for a Federal job one winter, rather nice.
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.