I know you can hardly believe this but I'm not very talkative.
In real life that is. Verbally. More of a "Yup." "...Huh.." "...hmmm...." type of talker. If I say anything at all. Which I mostly don't. Comes across as extremely intelligent.
If asked a question, I do best if given the opportunity to consider my answer thoughtfully before speaking. Probably the Cherokee and Crow Indian in me. I'm lousy with off-the-cuff on-the-fly answers.
This week at work a physician named Steve McLaughlin called me and accused our pharmacy as having "stolen his identity". (?)
He raged over the phone for about 15 minutes while I "....hmmmmm...."ed and "....ermmmmm...."ed. Every time I attempted anything more cogent he talked right over me anyway. So I reverted to complete silence. I figured if I let him blow off enough steam, we could begin a more productive conversation. Didn't work. He became more and more enraged, called me stupid, as well as other choice pejoratives, and ended with, "Don't think you are dealing with someone of ordinary intelligence!! !"
Within 30 minutes, he arrived at the pharmacy counter.
Big guy of Irish descent, all fire and intimidation, shaking his finger in my face and yelling at the top of his lungs. I just stood there hoping he would calm down eventually, attempted once to to ask him why he thought that we had stolen his identity, but my normally lousy verbal ability had regressed to an all-time-low absurdly incomprehensible level, and my sentence came out sounding vaguely like: "Hyyyyyyngggg... gg... gg.. ...". Which cracked me up. So I started laughing.
Things went downhill from there.
"You think this is funny?!?"
<laughter of braying donkey>
"You some kind of smart-ass?!?..."
<uncontrollable room-filling guffaws that would not stop no matter how hard I tried, which I didn't try very hard, as it wouldn't have worked anyway, as I kept thinking "Hyyyyyngggg... gg... gg.. ..." and how stupid that sounded...>
I used to hate not being able to express my thoughts, but I am finally at peace with myself. Some type of aphasia. Now I just crack me up.
The butt of my own "inside joke". So if I someday talk with you guys, garble incomprehensibly and crack up, well, ...I hope you'll understand and forgive me.