The Dino-Aspie Ex-Café (for Those 40+... or feeling creaky)

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19 Jan 2008, 8:26 am

Been lurking around. Very sick.

Chuck, how 'bout that astrolabe!

Sedaka: That's a beautiful signature.

blessedmom: one of my favorite BT songs.

Thanks to all for posting a Matrix oriented thread. Now I'll have to go get the movies again.

Please Don't Tap On The Glass!!


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19 Jan 2008, 8:45 am

duncansbass wrote:
Been lurking around. Very sick.

Chuck, how 'bout that astrolabe!

Sedaka: That's a beautiful signature.

blessedmom: one of my favorite BT songs.

Thanks to all for posting a Matrix oriented thread. Now I'll have to go get the movies again.

Sorry to hear you've been sick! Hope you get better soon. Astrolabe is fine - do you know how it works?
My motto:
Give me an astrolabe, a compass, a slide rule,
and point me towards the stars.
(...speaking or pointing me towards something, it occurs to me - I can't see or hear. I get on in life mainly through sense of smell, and the use of these supple wrists and crazy flipping fingers. Can you point me towards a pinball machine?)


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19 Jan 2008, 8:54 am

Sorry to hear you've been unwell. :( Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Duncan.

We have a few Matrix fans in my household. Our consensus is that the freeway chase scene in Reloaded is sheer butt-kickin' perfection. Unfortunately, it doesn't lend itself too well to parody. Well, at least not parody with dialogue in it. :mrgreen:

You're right, Chuck, I'm completely lacking in any sense of adventure. :wink:


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19 Jan 2008, 10:08 am

duncansbass wrote:
Been lurking around. Very sick.

Chuck, how 'bout that astrolabe!

Sedaka: That's a beautiful signature.

blessedmom: one of my favorite BT songs.

Thanks to all for posting a Matrix oriented thread. Now I'll have to go get the movies again.

Feel better!

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19 Jan 2008, 10:11 am

sinsboldly wrote:
Chuck wrote:
blessedmom wrote:
MMHHMMMM.... That explains everything. (And I am probably one of the few people who has no interest in Keanu Reeves or his movies.)

...before diagnosis, chop wood/haul water.
after diagnosis, chop wood/haul water...

...same as it ever was, same as it ever was, same as it ever was, same as it ever was... :lol: :wink: (except my hunch was validated, so I know my astrolabe works... )

before enlightenment, chop wood/ haul water
after enlightenment, chop wood/ haul water

a baby's arm holding an apple. . . (congratulations, you're an Aspie, Chuck!)


hey, Chuck that Stroop test?
Say the color of these words as fast as you can:

Green Red Blue
Yellow Blue Yellow

Blue Yellow Red
Green Yellow Green

According to the Stroop effect, the first set of colors would have had a faster reaction time.

I thought about it for a few, then took off my glasses and did both sets timed the same! all I had to do was squint.


Why is the first set supposed to be faster? I did them in the same amount of time. What was supposed to make them different?

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19 Jan 2008, 10:15 am

He's got crazy flipper fingers
Never seen him fall
that deaf dumb and blind Chuck
Sho' plays a mean pinball!

Thanks guys. Actually, I don't know how an astrolabe works. I love astronomy, but live in the heart of a huge city, so only the brightest stars get through.

One sec...(Duncan lands on back of truck to use martial arts skill against creepy pale dude with dreadlocks.) I don't...know...very much...about...astronomy...Chuck (Duncan ducks kick)...but it has always fascinated me...hold up...(blocks punch, sends creepy white guy flying)...Didn't anyone ever tell you dreads look ret*d on white boys?...(creepy white boy gives finger and flies back into action), Sleepy...(blocks kick, misses punch, flies backward, rolls forward, kicks legs out from under the creepy dude, lands on him, hammers head)...don't (wham) interrupt (wham) when I'm (wham) talking (wham) to Sleepy!(WHAM)...there! He's gone! So true, Sleepy, about the freeway scene! It' to overpass is you guys at the pinball parlor when I'm done! Wait, do they still have those?

(Duncan jumps from truck just in time, flips onto overpass, and runs away, singing softly...

...same as it ever was...same as it ever was...time is an asterisk...

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19 Jan 2008, 10:16 am

SleepyDragon wrote:
Nan wrote:
Damn, this makes me wanna just run down to the beach for a picnic, ya know? <---- she said, with more than a twinge of irony and sarcasm, as she already hates the beach....

As one married to a redhead with fair skin, I know what that's about. Add in Daughter-Person's issues with high temperatures, and... I totally understand this. :)

We live very close to the surf, but you'd never know it from our lifestyle. Unlike many of our neighbours, who are full-on sunworshippers and waterbabies, and put their kids in Nippers (junior surf-lifesavers) from the time they can walk.

And then there's that melanoma thingie, which is the spectre haunting all Australian whitefellas - no matter how much we slip, slop, slap & wrap.

:sunny: :help:

I remember when I was first married and we moved to Italy. Mind you, we'd been living in MI so the subject hadn't come up about the beach yet. Well, hubby is a water baby and he wanted me on that beach all day long. I warned him that I got sunstroke in MI in Sept and it really was not a good idea for me. He didn't believe me. So all day he's putting lotion on me and making me stay out there. He's making me drink and all that. We go home and as soon as we walked in the door, I said, I feel faint. Boom. Down I went. Completely out. Scared the living crap out of him. He had to rush me to the hospital. He was sure he killed me off in the first year of marriage. It taught him not to keep me out in the sun. LOL

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19 Jan 2008, 10:19 am

Thanks, Zanne! I'm working on it. Gonna try and stop having these (*&(^%^$%*&^%$#*Matrix hallucinations.
That's a beautiful avatar...wish Chuck could see it...

Please Don't Tap On The Glass!!


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19 Jan 2008, 10:23 am

duncansbass wrote:
Thanks, Zanne! I'm working on it. Gonna try and stop having these (*&(^%^$%*&^%$#*Matrix hallucinations.
That's a beautiful avatar...wish Chuck could see it...

Just remember, "There is no spoon!"

My favorite line ever from any movie.

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19 Jan 2008, 10:24 am

Chuck wrote:
Nan wrote:
... I'm afraid this is garden-variety C4. Still, might make for an interesting pick-a-nick....

SAN DIEGO – A belt-shaped explosive charge is missing in the waters off San Diego after it failed to detonate during a Navy training exercise – and sailors are hoping the tide will find it for them. According to a statement released by the U.S. Third Fleet, the time-delayed charge disappeared Thursday about 300 yards off the Silver Strand just south of Coronado during an exercise with a Navy explosive ordnance disposal team. The EOD divers had attached the device to a simulated undersea mine about midday Thursday and sent an electronic signal to detonate it. A Third Fleet official, who declined to give his name, said the triggering device, called an “initiator,” fired as expected, but the C-4 plastic explosive inside didn't go off. After the device failed to explode, divers waited an hour – as required by Navy safety rules – before returning to the spot where the charge was last seen, the statement said. They couldn't find it. Divers and sailors in boats searched for the device until nightfall, while other search teams on shore scanned the waters off the Silver Strand through the night. It was still missing Friday morning, and search teams combed the beaches between Coronado an A Third Fleet spokeswoman said the device was expected to wash ashore at the Navy's Silver Strand Training Facility around noon due to the tides. Meanwhile, anyone who happens upon the device should call 9-1-1 and inform lifeguards, Navy officials said.

No worries then. Lots of good news here. First of all, of all things it could be, it's C4 - which in the explosives world is extremely stable. The initiator (detonator) exploded (good news). No chance for the C4 going off now. Even catching it on fire will not make it explode - you can light it and cook with it. If it's not on fire - you can drop it , kick it, hit it with a sledge hammer... no problemo. Now, if you were to be cooking with it, and suddenly decide it would be a good idea to stomp the fire out - well...

I'm thinking this fake undersea mine with belt of C4 inside it attached to a line (like an underwater balloon) was taken by a shark to a group of sea otters as a peace offering. "We won't attack you guys - in exchange, you don't beat us to death with rocks." (As Postie noted, otters is cussed mean). "I offer you this funny balloon!" (Results of the negotiations not yet in).

Nan wrote:
[Hope they warn the old guy who goes out there really early with his fishing pole....]

He can use it to cook his fish.

(note: if the sea mine does go off 8O , expect an escalation in the whole "shark/sea otter gang war" affair)

You gave me great ideas, Chuck! The next time my Aspie heroine has to kill off an assassin, she can start a fire with C-4. He'll rush in to stomp it out and kaboom! What a great way to kill off a villian.

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19 Jan 2008, 10:31 am

Chuck wrote:
duncansbass wrote:
Been lurking around. Very sick.

Chuck, how 'bout that astrolabe!

Sedaka: That's a beautiful signature.

blessedmom: one of my favorite BT songs.

Thanks to all for posting a Matrix oriented thread. Now I'll have to go get the movies again.

Sorry to hear you've been sick! Hope you get better soon. Astrolabe is fine - do you know how it works?
My motto:
Give me an astrolabe, a compass, a slide rule,
and point me towards the stars.
(...speaking or pointing me towards something, it occurs to me - I can't see or hear. I get on in life mainly through sense of smell, and the use of these supple wrists and crazy flipping fingers. Can you point me towards a pinball machine?)

See me, feel me, touch me, heal me.

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19 Jan 2008, 10:31 am

duncansbass wrote:
Been lurking around. Very sick.

Chuck, how 'bout that astrolabe!

Sedaka: That's a beautiful signature.

blessedmom: one of my favorite BT songs.

Thanks to all for posting a Matrix oriented thread. Now I'll have to go get the movies again.

You get better. Have you been introduced to Blessedmom, the Natural health nut? In case of severe cold and flu, 1000 mg Vitamin C every 2 hours for the first 2 days and 500 every 2 hours for the duration. Slippery elm lozenges with Zinc and royal jelly, one every 2 hours and plenty of fluids. There is a tea that can be found at the health food stores that is for sore throats that contains Mallow and licorice, the good one also has a touch of black pepper to drain the sinuses. If you can find it I recommend it, if not, a spicy Chai tea with no milk will do the trick, as well. And to break up mucous, hot water with lemon and honey and good ol' chicken noodle soup. :D

"It is what it is until it isn't. Then it's something altogether different."


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19 Jan 2008, 10:48 am

ZanneMarie wrote:
duncansbass wrote:
Thanks, Zanne! I'm working on it. Gonna try and stop having these (*&(^%^$%*&^%$#*Matrix hallucinations.
That's a beautiful avatar...wish Chuck could see it...

Just remember, "There is no spoon!"

My favorite line ever from any movie.

:oops: My oldest son says this to me all of the time and I had no idea where he got it from. Seeing as how I have an afternoon off, I believe I have a movie to watch. :)

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19 Jan 2008, 11:10 am

blessedmom wrote:
duncansbass wrote:
Been lurking around. Very sick.

Chuck, how 'bout that astrolabe!

Sedaka: That's a beautiful signature.

blessedmom: one of my favorite BT songs.

Thanks to all for posting a Matrix oriented thread. Now I'll have to go get the movies again.

You get better. Have you been introduced to Blessedmom, the Natural health nut? In case of severe cold and flu, 1000 mg Vitamin C every 2 hours for the first 2 days and 500 every 2 hours for the duration. Slippery elm lozenges with Zinc and royal jelly, one every 2 hours and plenty of fluids. There is a tea that can be found at the health food stores that is for sore throats that contains Mallow and licorice, the good one also has a touch of black pepper to drain the sinuses. If you can find it I recommend it, if not, a spicy Chai tea with no milk will do the trick, as well. And to break up mucous, hot water with lemon and honey and good ol' chicken noodle soup. :D

drinking coffee for heat, will have tea later. will do vitamin c. no health food store handy.

fever spiking agiain, read slippery elm as slippery eel, went ew!

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19 Jan 2008, 11:12 am

I saw this guy as an opening act by accident. He's really cool. He does all this live. Too bad they don't show it on his "official" videos.




Here he just starts performing on the streets of Nashville. This is just how he is on stage. He just starts going off like this. It's crazy. I love when they think he's a bum at the end. LOL



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19 Jan 2008, 11:21 am

:D 8) Thanks, Zanne. I love unique characters like him, and he is definitely unique.

Last edited by blessedmom on 19 Jan 2008, 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.